The Barn House Season Finale is almost here!!! We know a lot of folks are wondering what "Gothic Harvest" is all about. Well, it's certainly not a Halloween show. It's a Fall inspired Barn House & Queen of Tarte collaboration...with a special twist! AND, there will be lots of treasures from The Barn House Family...Barn House, Queen of Tarte, Little Cottage, Sparrow, Calamity Jane's Antiques, Antie Joy, Worthy Goods, Little Byrd, The Withies, Narrow Gate Antiques and more!! There is still a ton of work ahead of us, but Joe, Cindy and I spent the day breaking our backs organizing The Barn and putting "the bones" in place. One thing is for sure, we ain't as young as we used to be!!

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, this is going to be a celebration of our first season AND all of the wonderful friends and loyal customers we have made along the way! We hope you can join us for an enchanted day in the country. There will be LOTS of food, music and much more. You may even catch a few of us dressed up in some crazy Gothic-inspired attire just for the party!! ;o)
More pix and directions (for you first-timers) to come....
J & J
Barn House
This sounds like great fun. Wish I could join you all.
The count down is on...see you Sat.!
You guys just know how to entice a girl to want to get on the next plane out so that we don't miss this show!! How I wish I could. Sell it all so you can come to Texas and buy more!!!!!!
You guys are STYLE GURUS!
There's NO place on Earth I'd rather be than your barn for that show! Can't wait to see the photos and hear all about it here on your blog.
Have fun!
The Lettered Cottage
So season finale, does that meen you won't be open for a while? When will you open again?
we are so excited to finally make it out there! :) 2 newbies coming your way!
I somehow have the pleasure of being on your Barn House mailing list. I live in Salem so if anything wonderful happens closer at hand please let me know. I may have seen you at expo???
I hope you come visit me at my blog. I just finished writing a Christmas song and filmed a little music video to go with it. Please take a listen & see it at my blog or at my youtube. I think you will like it, it goes with the vintage decor you work with.
Blessings for the barn show.
I was hoping to be there again but have some type of a foot injury and am having to take it easy, I am bummed. I guess that means I won't be catching those wild bunnies after all ; ) I had the pleasure of going to 2 of your sales and will definitly be back next season. I wish you good weather, success, and much fun Saturday!
I am so bummed that I am going to miss the final event. I have missed several this year....can't wait to get your 2009 schedule! ;)
It is a little sad to put the "Barn "to sleep for the winter, but it will be alive with fresh new energy for a beautiful spring opening I am sure. You can count on us for Aug. wish it was not that far away. Oh, do you need a winter get-away, I happen to be getting a sweet little guest cottage up and ready just for two little travelers heading east.. like to Burton Texas..... love you Linda and Ludmil
Kristin and I can't wait to see it all. Natalie said it's looking really, really cool! Looking forward to it! Karen
I have been counting down the days to get to come!! I can't wait!! I'm bringing my husband, sister, daughter, and son-in-law!!! See you soon!! debbie
What beautiful pictures. The texture of the dishes and wheat/straw is just amazing. So wish I could be there to shop. HOpefully I will be able to go back to Alameda this November and if so I will definitely find you!
Take care,
I'm coming down again, guys! This time I'm bringing friends and I PROMISE not to break anything this time! See you tomorrow!
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