We can't lie, we were just a tiny bit worried about pulling off TWO distinctly different shows in ONE WEEK. But "worry" don't mean a thing here at Barn House. We seem to be in some vortex of positive energy...of loving friends...of very loyal customers...of the most professional and hard working dealers (AND close friends too)...of beautiful weather...and of, plain and simply, something very special to say the least.
As we have mentioned before, it usually takes us a good two weeks to recover and get back on track after doing an event. So, a wee bit of stress was in the air. I had some "madness" going on at my other gig and Joe was dealing with the unimaginable task of managing yet another transformation of The Barn in only a few days. I overheard him talking to Miss Ceelie (one of our goats)..."Miss Ceelie, I'z feeling miiighty low, mighty low...."(if you haven't read the book/seen the movie The Color Purple--please reference--and by the way all of our goats and sheep are named after characters in the novel).

BUT, worry don't mean a thing here at Barn House. The scene changes and in comes
Joyce (aka Calamity Jane) with a monster truck full of stuff day after day...including the most amazing unique treasures AND 20 foot bamboo stalks in tow. Joyce was our featured dealer this show...and her first time at Barn House. This woman is a key player at one of the most prestigious antique establishments in the NW. She also doesn't play around! A true professional at heart, she came to impress and we were VERY impressed!! Thanks Suga-Honey-Sweetie-Pie!!

Clear, Fresh and Inspired, in comes Joey. The Vision has arrived...The Creativity is flowing...This WILL be yet ANOTHER incredible Barn House event gosh-darnit...even if it kills us!!! Shoot, even I had (to pull my head out of my a$$) to have a great idea or two (or was it just one??)! ;o)

THEN came some of the most faithful and devoted Barn House Angels...Natalie & Lynne (Sparrow) and
Slyvi (Little Cottage).

Do you appreciate and love the people that
always pull through for you the way these folks have ALWAYS pulled through for us??? This is exactly why we keep "The Barn House Family" close and small. These are friends we know well, love, appreciate and who really understand what Barn House is all about.

Et, voila...when you surround yourself with beautiful and wonderful people, great things are bound to happen in your lives.
We are living our dreams. Not only did a lot of the same people come out that came out last weekend (or our previous events), but there were MANY new faces. AND, we had customers actually bake stuff just for OUR sale!!!! Last weekend it was Kathy with the delicious cupcakes. This weekend it was Donna who sent us an e-mail saying she had such a great time last weekend that she was coming back WITH cookies, just for us!!! One minute there was nada...the next minute we turned around and there was a plethera of delicious goodies. I can't even say where it all came from, but it magically appeared (sorry if we left any contributors off the list).

People came out from EVERYwhere! One of the women from
Flutterby in Yakima was here...
Bradford drove from Seattle and picked up his mom (who lives in our neck of the woods) on the way...

AND Victoria and Ray were here all the way from California where they heard about us.

WOW! Like we said, worry don't mean A THING here at Barn House!!!! We ended up having one of our best shows ever!

Thank you all for everything...the kind comments you make on OUR blog, the posts you make on YOUR blogs about us, AND driving out to visit and support us. We can't express enough our sincere gratitude. We promise to be better about replying to all of your e-mails, phone calls and comments...we have a few weeks before the next show. HEE HAW!!!
Thanks Y'ALL!!!
J & J