Some folks have asked what the heck we do between each of our events. Well,
immediately after each show, Joe takes off to far away lands to shop, shop and shop more than you could even imagine! He (all of a sudden) thinks that because we have had a great sale that he is Mr. Martha Stewart or something.

This is an amazing old hutch he picked up for The Barn House Home Collection that has quickly become one of our favorite pieces in the house. With all of the shopping Joe does, and all the crying I do on the way to/from "The Torture Chamber" (while having my good eye on the bank accounts trying to figure out a good time to scream "STOP SPENDING!"), it seems like before we can blink an eye... the next show is right around the corner! By this time, there has been plenty of time to forget mostly everything we swore we would not forget THIS time...remembering peoples names is the worst for us. We are both notorious for this extremely embarrassing characteristic. Find it in your beautiful hearts to forgive us, please! But I recently did the unimaginable...I left one of our absolutely favorite people off "The Line Up" on the last post.
Little Byrd (Rebekah) has been scheduled for months...we had been talking about all of the wonderful treasures she would be bringing to our Summer/Fall Harvest Show (yes, for months) -- lots of vintage finds, hats sewn from recycled westers, fingerless gloves recycled from old sweaters, woolen (vintage Pendleton wool!) totes, and a whole pile of cashmere sweaters and cute vintage clothing. YES, I knew ALL of this...especially because we were invited over to her house last weekend to visit before heading out on a very special excursion. Sorry Sunshine-Sweetie-Suga!! I blamed Joe for distracting me when I was writing the blog and she quickly forgave me! ;o) So where did we go????

If you weren't at the Grand Opening Celebration of
Ink & Peat this weekend, you REALLY missed quite the party!
Pam's blog is such an inspiration and must be one of the most popular blogs out there. Her store is absolute perfection...every detail is stunning!!

The only thing missing was some chickens running around causing havoc. :o) Thanks
Pam for the invite, we had a wonderful time!
Now it's back to work for us!!! Our featured dealers (
Little Byrd,
Worthy Goods, Second Childhood Girlfriends and
Sparrow who FINALLY has an entry on her blog!) have been bringing the goods with lots more to come! We are so excited to have them all back--it's our second to last show for the season ya know!! Hope to see you this Saturday (8am - 2pm)...
J & J
The Boys of Barn House
Let me be the first to wish you all the best for yet another successful party..I mean sale. Again I am sorry to have to miss it...duty calls at another gig across the state from you. Big kisses.....xoxo Cindy
Ok...you're not going to believe this after telling you for months that I was going to come to the Sept. 20th show...I'm not coming :-( Boo hoo.
I WILL, however, be attending the last show of the season. Really. Uh huh. Even if I have to come all by my lonesome.
Awww, you weren't kidding me when you said you were going to make up for it - boy did you! That was so sweet I nearly cried. Thank you dears! Love the hutch - what a great addition to your home! Wow - that new camera of your is taking some mighty fine pictures.
I get to work the counter!! Yippee!
All smiles,
Only 3 more days, can't wait to see all the treasures at your sale!!! Will this be something you do every year?
Yet ANOTHER reason to make a visit your way :)
I`m asking to all the Bloggers to support our dear FRIEND Mandy!
Please do come over, and DO LEAVE A COMMENT!
Debbie Moss
Thanks so much for your SUPPORT!
Boy oh boy I do wish I lived closer to the Barn House..everything is wonderful! Thanks for repaying the visit to my blog awhile back....come back and visit my farm anytime! Have a great sale!
Oh I want to tag along with Mr. MS the next he goes shopping and I so want to come to a sale of yours. Please move to Texas, pretty please!!!
I am so excited to come to your show tomorrow. It will be my first in almost 3 years, since my babies have slowed me down a little. I'll be the one with the adorable 8 month old baby girl in tow, and the plastered on permagrin because I just know I'll be in eye candy heaven!
Hi guys! Can't wait to see ya'll tomorrow! And can't wait to see what ya did this round. Joe, that cabinet looks perfect! Good job. See ya early in the mornin. hugs, Joyce
so so sad I can't come tomorrow!! I know you are working like crazy to make it just perfect like always!! I will be there for that great big finale in OCTOBER!!! Can't wait to see what surprises you have in store!!! I can't wait to see pictures of tomorrow!! Debbie
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