I am embarrassed by how long it has been since our last post. Then, as the weeks have gone by, the shame has set in. And on top of that, the magnitude of the stress related to our Flea Market (July 18th) preparations has crippled me...resulting in severe case of blog neglect (not to mention how long it's taken us to return phone calls, e-mails and blog comments). There is so much to share on our opening, our Barn People Party in Spokane (and goodness this party was something else--and will be certainly be getting it's own post), and what has transpired here on our little farm over the past couple of months. Yes, this may sound a bit dramatic...but The Barn House Layering Effect is in high gear!!! I need to share this in small, very manageable portions to prevent an anxiety attack...so bare with me over the next week or so as I try to get you caught up. ;o)
OK...so when one old barn collapses, most sane people would would take on this task right before their next show...
In addition to that, most people would layer on some new animals to take care of in all of the free time they have, right?? Animals that need love, attention, care and THE BIGGEST SH*T IN THE WORLD to be shoveled out of the barn...right???
Along with some other cuties who need special loving or they just might SPIT on you...
And our newest babies who just make our hearts ache...
Did I mention we have several acres to try to keep up with in this crazy growing spell?? We made a promise to ourselves to also spend a little time enjoying the pockets of magic here on our little farm..."Enjoy the Journey!" is how the saying goes around here...
And on top of it all, EVERY SANE person in the midst of all this complete madness would be planning their BIGGEST, MOST COMPLEX show to date, right???

Over 20 of THE BEST Collectors/Designers/Artists in the NW (way more than we have ever had), a fancy Magazine shoot with a very beautiful and fancy Magazine Photographer, a BH Family Bake-Off Competition, a BH Family Cook-Off Competition, a BH Family Camp out / Tent Decorating Contest, The Queen and an Elephant (?), another Barn People Party is bound to happen, and much more! The Barn House Layering Effect is out of control...WE NEED AN INTERVENTION (note this as our official cry for help!)...
Check back soon (and I promise soon) for a complete listing of our featured guests and more of the madness that is upon us...
J & J
Barn House
P.S. - Thank you for all of your kind comments and e-mails!! AND thank you to the few folks I asked to send some positive blog energy my way so I could FINALLY post something new. IT WORKED! :o) Much Love...we will be back soon...
Jeepers, I wondered how you ever get so much done! I was late getting into my yardwork this year and haven't caught up YET! And if it drizzles the slightest, it looks like you never did mow or anything! So, with all the animals, the farm work, the house stuff, how in the world do you guys find the time to go to shows, to HOLD shows, and to still enjoy a peaceful, quiet summer??? Have a great show, I'm going to try to get there, I haven't gotten to go to any of them this season waaaa. Karen
I love these pictures and I cannot wait until I get to go to one of your events.
When it rains, it pours...? Some of us just work better under pressure. ;) Looking forward to the flea market! ...and more posts. You still need to "dish the dirt" from May's event!
Okay, Boys... I think your run at this whole "show" thing has gone its course. I just don't think you should keep pursuing it. Instead, please get to work on writing a time management book so I can figure out how in the hell you two get so damned much done!!! Unreal!
I've had half painted kitchen cabinets for years now! Pathetic. :(
Y'all are forever inspirations. :)
Jermonne, honey, BREATHE!!!!!
It's all gonna' be OK. Really.
And we can't wait to bring our very own circus tent to your show....OK, well, maybe it's more like a safari pavillion or a sultan's camp.... just so we can keep up with all of the fabulousness that you BH Boys are creating. No pressure at ALL. Thanx, JnJ. Hugs!
I'm new here. Am I right that there will be an event in Oregon City Oregon soon, too?
You are such incredibly busy beavers. How do you do it?!!
Well I for one have missed you guys dearly. I've kept checking back on you thinking my blog wasn't working for posts :) You two are probably the hardest working guys I know (talented too--just look at that work of art you've created with the garden) and I just mentioned to Mama Willow that you need to vacation here in Texas, don't bring a trailor, just yourself! Well, maybe after the shows. I wish you well, complete sell out, and then rest afterwards. Cute new babies too BTW, T
One more thing, you should write a book to tack on to all your other projects you are doing...
Good LUck! Try not be too crazy!
breathe in ... breathe out ... and as long as you are loving what you are doing, all shall be well ... and all your friends here in blogland will be here when you do catch your breath ...
best wishes for the 18th ~ wish i lived closer by!
That space where the old barn was looks amazing. AMAZING!!!! You can do this my dear ~ it truly will all come together in the best possible way, I just know it.
Wow wee you are some busy boys! The space where the old barn was looks Amazing...did i say amazing? ok good! Love all the new animals,perhaps not their poop, but how cute are the spitting ones? :) Good luck with all your projects, I can't wait to hear all about the show!
Wow...you do have a lot going on, but all your new babies are darling. I hope to get out to the Barn and see them.
SO much to do!!!!!
You Guys are too funny...can't wait to check you all out one of these days! So very Talented!!!!
Love the new pictures. Good luck on all the work, I'm sure it's alllll worth it!
You mean I waited all this time for you to finally post on your blog and I had to look at a picture of cow shit! Sheesh! Just kidding!!!! Sounds like you are stressed but that stress means GREAT things are happening! It kills me to not be at your show...will be watching daughter #1 play soccer - AGAIN. Can't wait to here all about in blogland....take care and remember to enjoy this extraordinary journey you are on....Hugs, Jill
Ahhhh....you are back...and things are looking better than ever! Smooch those babies for me, but where are the ducky pictures?
I think you need a puppy and a child from a orphanage in Russia.
Take some time to love what you have crated, it is stunning.
love,love, love you two
Hi BH Boys...
It was so great to meet you both at the Farmchicky Show, I feel your pain of "too much goin' on"! Hope to wander your way to your Grande Flea Market in a few weeks..give me an excuse to come up for air and venture to your neck of the woods! All the best, Lisa :)
Thanks for the update, we love to hear what's goin' on at the Barn. All your projects are amazing, and the new "kids" are so cute, cow "dookie" and all!
I just want to thank you for my morning laugh - because, selfishly, it is a bit amusing to read when it is finally someone else living the overwhelmed-crazy life. I have no doubt that the two of you will pull it together in the most stunning way possible (and would guess that you work best under pressure - something I know a little about...). It certainly was nice to see a new post this morning - you have been missed~
Linda & Dixie
The Funky Junk Sisters
Followed your link from Bittersweet and really enjoyed all your creative and inspiring posts. Good luck with all your ventures.
So I am booked and ready to drive....Read your posting to the kids and they are getting very excited. We found a hotel in Vancouver for our Friday night stay and I plan on being there first thing Saturday morning. Can we bring some tattered deserts?!!! - Sandy, The Tattered House.
Wow you all have been busy bees! Looking good though. If you get bored, LOL, come here. We are behind on so much because the Coach aka my hubby so busy elsewhere this time of year. One reason I said this is last year of a team, I can't keep up with it all by myself! Oh I so want to come to your next sale. I need to hitch a ride with someone!
Nice to hear from you boys again! :) The Barn House Homestead is looking amazing!! All of your fuzzy family members are so sweet.
Looking forward to more posts....
You are quite the busy bees : ) Love the cow picture, not the poop picture, lol. The kittens, lamas, and goat are adorable. BUT..... where is your pet bunnies? ; ) I hope you have a wonderful flea market. Wish I could be there again but that is the Sequim Lavender Festival and my Daughter and I go every year for our Mother Daughter weekend. Your garden looks beautiful!
That is the most perfect row of onions I have ever seen.. wowo.. you are good,
well...all i can say is i wish i was heading to the "flea" to shop.
welcome back.
Your hard work has paid off! Beautiful! and those new babies, well, nothing can compare, brought a smile to my face just reading it and looking at the pics! Now, I have to say, you guys out west have all the fun. I would like someday, to be able to stop in and see what all the 'fun' was about! You all seem to have enough of it!
AND...by the way...see all of these comments? It means you were missed a great deal...nice to have you back...but please, don't let it happen again ;-) Tami E.
I almost peed or is it pee'd my pants about the big do-do. Nice to have ya back in blog land. :) See you this weekend.
Wow, I wish I could get up there for your show. You guys are truly amazing and inspiring! Good luck with your event, looking forward to more pics. Erin
Just another day on the farm, right? It's not work when you are doing what you love and obviously you love what you are doing. Look at how it's all thriving...that comes from loving care!
I am crazy for your new babies.
I loved the last photos of your space I saw and cannot wait to see what y'all have up your sleeves this time!
Wow I feel your pain! Never caught up and so many more crazy ideas flying around in my little pea brain! Nothing close though to what you have done, everything is amazing on your barn farm!
Have a great show hope to make it down!
Todays country store
Phew! I am overwhelmed just READING everthing you have on your plate! To me, you are dealing amazingly well with it alL! Really looking forward to seeing you on the 18th, and I am really experienced at shoveling sh*t so if you need any help.... ;)
xoxo, Tiffany
Take a deep breath. It is ok to not be perfect. Life happens. Just remember to enjoy some of it and not let it get so busy and overwhelming that you don't enjoy it.
I am exausted just reading about your list of chores. I would love to come to one of your shows. Your farm looks charming.
Hi, J&J!
After reading everyone's comments I think any hopes you had for an intervention should be thoroughly dashed. We are all unashamed to be enablers of your wonderful craziness. Looking forward to the flea but missing opportunities to pick up tree limbs (or other stuff) from alongside the road ....
Betty :)
ps I dare not show my zucchini the pic of your veggies .... they DETEST living in a pot in Whoville and ALL the blossoms drop. If they saw the farm they would just curl up and die from envy! *sigh*
You guys are great and you know we all love you, so a little intervention might be hard for all of us barn boy enablers!
Keep going you're doing great and enjoy the journey...
See you next week,
OMG! this sounds like it id going to be FABULOUS (if you don't have a break down in the mean time), it also sounds like this will be a "destination" not just a show, to attend every year. With all the extras you are putting into it, it is sure to be a smash!!! Soooo wish I could be there....
Welcome back and you have been missed! First of all I feel very lazy...secondly, I can't believe all that you have been doing. The area where the barn was...amazing. All your animals...impressive. I am jealous of your garden and I can't wait to hear how the flea went!!!
and you are asking ME? how I get so many things done?
good heavens!
awesome job on the old barn site....just so great!
You are an amazing lady & your blog is lovely. Thank you!
Agneta from Sweden
Joe and Jermonne,
What a great post! Good luck at the flea market next weekend. I just moved from the NW and believe me, one of the biggest bummers of it is that I won't be able to get up at the crack of dawn and get to your sale next week!!! I think the two of you are amazing. Good luck at the sale. I'll be wishing I was there. :)
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