It was our first time at the show, but we can certainly see why people travel from all over the world for The Farm Chicks!!! The show was absolutely incredible, to say the least. Terri and Serena were everything you could imagine them to be...and even more beautiful in person than the lovely pictures in their books/blog/website. We can't imagine how they have managed to pick 139 of the most creative, wonderful and inspiring vendors this side of the Mississippi. It was such an honor to be a part of this show. It was almost TOO MUCH to handle! Thank you Terri and Serena for inviting us!!! :o)
OK..we are completely exhausted from all of the fun we had (like everyone seems to be) I will have to share more pix (we have tons) and tell you about our Caravan to/from Spokane with The King and Queen, the Caravan Walkie-Talkie nightmare for Cindy (trucker-talk b/t the boys...poor Cindy), show set-up drama and...THE BARN PEOPLE PARTY (BH, Tarte and Chaps) we hosted for 150+ of our closest friends/family/customers. Yes, we are out of control!!!! And it's why I absolutely must get some hammock time today--we had waaaaaaaaaay too much fun @ The Farm Chicks!!
More to come...
J & J
Barn House
The Barn People
The Boys of Barn House
After-Party Specialists
WELCOME HOME BH BOYS!! Glad to have you home...we missed you, but by the looks of your space it looks like you took home with you! Beautiful! As always... Glad to hear you had a ton of fun...and can't wait to hear and see more. Isn't it great to be surroundedmy such incredibly talented creative people...Love it!
Wish I could have been there! Your booth looked wonderful! My friend Jane Hall, from Minnesota, flew in for the Farm Chicks show and sang praises of your merchandise and display! Hope to meet you someday and visit the Barn!
You guys had an awesome display, great to meet you! jen
LOVE LOVE LOVE your setup there!! It was my favorite one and I love my little glass urn that I bought- thanks! Hope to see you there again next year!
You guys are something else. I just keep wondering when I will get to finally see some of your magic. Will you be going to the Texas show in the fall?
Loved, Loved, Loved being with you and the rest of the gang at Farm Chicks. Our hearts are near bursting! Talk/see ya soon...
It was so nice to meet you at the farm chicks show, hope you guys can drive up to ours this weekend!
Linda & Dixie
The Funky Junk Sisters
Oh my gosh, your booth was over the top!! You guys are so talented. Please come and share your talent with us Texans. BTW, if these apothecary bottles are still for sale, I might interested. Please let me know ( Hope you had a great show, Theresa
Welcome home to the farm, boys!
I'm SOOOOO proud of you & from all the gushes I read about you in blogland, you guys were a HIT at The Farm Chicks!!!!!
Take it easy;- spend the day in the hammock......
It's happening at home next time, right!!
Love you,
It was so much fun getting to know you boys better! I came home feeling so happy and lucky that my favorite booths at the show were the vendors from my neck of the woods! Your booth looked so great! I also want to thank you for the fun night at Chaps! Now go put your feet up and relax!
I'm already trying to figure out how to go next year -
how very well put together your space looked! and that's coming from a carpenter's wife....
it's so hard to try to encapsulate the 'barn' feeling with no barn! but you totally did it....awesome.
Love the buckets!!! Unfortunately i was unable to make it this year. But next year it's a date :)
In my little opinion I thought you had the best booth there...and I mean the BEST!!!
I had such fun buying breakables from you so I could try to get them home on an airplane that I only packed carry on for. appears I have gobs to learn.
Thanks for hosting me at your party. It was quite memorable...and so was the next day :)
Definitely a highlight of the weekend - spending time with the two of you! Absolutely fabulous (yes, I am stealing Brooke's word) and I can't wait to share photos with you~ I will be posting photos from your party tomorrow.
It looks amazing...I might just have to run away from home to get to your next show. Take care of those ducks and cows! :) KIM
I so wanted to be there, even had my reservation, just wasn't meant to be this year. One of these days they are going to actually get it right with the surgery on my foot and then there will be no stopping me : ) I am in love with the buckets "enjoy the journey" so so sweet. I am glad you had a good weekend!
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!
Duckys, y'all just outdid yourselves. The displays...the merchandise...all the work!!! So many ideas to steal, I mean borrow!
I am thoroughly impressed and after 20 years in the biz, I don't impress easy!
You guys are so talented.. congratulations :)
Good gosh your booth was amazing. And now I wish I would have introduced myself as a lurker on your blog...
Hoping to make it to your event next!
Hi BH Boys! It was so wonderful to meet you and chat and that party was AWESOME! I am still exhausted and haven't even uploaded my pics yet, but soon...too bad work gets in the way. Big hugs to both of you!
Glad you all traveled safe to and from! I love seeing the photos, since I couldn't go, whaaa, but want to put it on my list for next year hopefully.
What an amazing booth you did. Wow!
I want to get down to your Barn for a sale too!
Arlington, WA.
It was our first Farm Chick experience too, and was everything and more that we were told it would be!I do believe the "Best in show" award goes to you! It was great to finally meet you and hope to get down to some of your BH shows this summer.
Todays Country Store
When is the next caravan??? I wouldn't travel any other way. Thanks for the laughs and the stunts. Oh yes, I think I found my elephant! xoxo
Wow are you guys amazing with your displays! Isn't it wonderful that today so many talented people out there are displaying vintage items,antiques, repurposed items in a way that is not only pleasing, but meant to be handled and enjoyed! No more boring line-ups....Here's hoping that you both can make it to Matilda's Mouse in San Diego one day!And that likewise we all can head up your way!
Best Regards,
Wow....when you get spammed, you get spammed good!
Loved seeing you at FC. Your display rocked the show. Wish I could have joined the after party fun at Chaps.
Few, welcome home!!! I bet that was a whirlwin of a weekend for you guys! Your both was AWESOME and I so wish I hah spent more time shopping in just your booth! Although I don't know how I would have gotten half the stuff home on a plane, but it so would have been worth the try and the laughs! Get some rest...see you next year!
I had way to much fun with you and the tartes this weeknd!! You are fabulous hosts, and boys extrordinaire! Now go get in that hammock!!
xoxo, Tiffany
It WAS a great weekend!!!!! Thank you for throwing such a spectacular party my friends:)
How does it feel to be rock stars??
Such a great pleasure to be your neighbor at the *second* greatest show on earth (YOURS is first!!). Thanks, Jermonne, for rescuing the falling electric parasol--you are QUICK, even after that fabuloso party . . . you guys are certainly DURABLE!!!
xoxo Debi
WoW, what an incredible space. No detailed was left unattended, you guys are awesome!!!!
Oh how I wish I could have been there...My dream is to travel the world buying these fabulous finds! Great looking booth, xo Alys
If it is ever possible, you guys have truly outdone yourselves...!! Hands down the most incredible booth ever, everyone ooohed and ahhhed!!! Thank you again Joe and Jermonne for sticking around to help us on Friday, I feel truly priviledged to call you my friends!! Big hug!!!
P.S. Even spam loves you!!!
Love you Barn People! I so wish I could have made it to the show. One of these days I am going to make it down to your Barn sale and will properly call you the Barn House fellas and will bring you some moonshine to make up for calling you Barn People at Sandpoint.My brain was frozen along with my manners. Much love and hope to meet you one of these days.
Much love,
You are both such SPECIAL SPIRIT's. As if your booth wasn't fantastic enough Chap's was over the top. Perfection is being humble. You bless us all.
Deep Gratitude, Erin
Loved spending some time with you and getting to know you guys better! Your space (and Cindy's ) was really the talk of the show. I am half tempted to fly back West for your flea market....relax this week!
LOVED meeting and seeing you at Farm Chicks...the show was great and we are excited to come see you in July at your sale! Battle Ground is a wee touch closer to Portland than Spokane. :)
I came back here to see your picts. again :)
I want to know who is responsible for such fabulous ideas? the both of you? how do you agree?? (or do you not!)
a "location" party that my...I am seriously impressed.
love this concept and your blog! i added you to my calendar of events!
best of luck!
I am amazed you had time to get this far - I am so behind but posting now....Cant wait to see more from you...then to see you!!! S. The Tattered House.
wow!! I sooo wish that I could have been there!! so fun!! you did an amazing job as always!! I hope you have a fantastic day!!! hugs and smiles!! Britt :-)
I had such a great time meeting you guys, and shopping your fabulous booth! If I wasn't such a chicken with flying... I'd be back for every one of your events!!!
Wow! You and Cindy were the talk of the town! Great job!!!
We had fun meeting you and having you participate! xo, Serena :)
Oi! So much gorgeous eye candy!!! Can I have one of everything, please??
I am so having a BLOGmance with all the lovely pictures from the show. It just looks wonderful. Love the barn house bag picture on your blog
Oh! I wish I lived closer, I would love to be there. Thank you for the wonderful pics. Love all the items. Thinking about making the drive. All your work is sooooooo neat. Sandi
Hi Joe & Jermone, How many times can you hear how Fabulous your booth looked?!And the party... again , thank you So much. I found some Barn House worthy goods today out junkin". Can't wait! Sue . PS We took a slight wrong turn on the way home the first farm Chicks - went through the Tri - Cities...we almost did it again this time, too!
Hey Barn House Boys! Wonderful booth at the show, just beautiful. Fun to finally see you in person and take in some of the barn house magic! See you next year!
Absolutely, take any photos you would like!! I just love the one of you two...!!! Big hug!!
Ha! I know! Haven't been to my blog in ages. I have been nominated as one of three "Momagers" for my daughter's select soccer team aka lots & lots of work fundraising!!
I sure miss you guys. Can't wait to see you next month. The big Bert & I will be bringing food to sell.
Wish I couldn't been there to see you guys at Farm Chicks. No doubt you were a big hit.
I will update blog...soon.
That looks like it was just so much fun, I wish I could have been their. Look at all that fabulous stuff!!
I just loved your booth at Farm Chicks - well done! I have added you to my blog roll - will you add me to yours???? Congratulations on a great show!
Your set up was Fab, and the party the bomb.
Thank you so much for the lovely time boys.
It was beautiful.
Wow, just finding your blog for the first time .....simply amazing!!!! Need to have a better look when I have heaps of time for all this eye candy....Thank you so much for adding this little aussie girl to your blog list I really do appreciate it....Take care Cathy
It was GREAT seeing you both again!!! Only wished we could have had more time to visit with both of you. We had an awesome evening at Chaps...A Perfect Evening!! We are praying you will be a part of our Mad Hatter Vintage Flea Market in October!!! Looking forward to seeing you soon!!Glad & Celia/Junebug
it was fun to meet you at the party!!! I just posted a great picture of you two!
Heart Hugs!
Great Photos. Sure wish I could have been there. Your booth is amazing.
Just gorgeous. I am going to have to get out there to one of your shows to see all of the beauty!-
You guys sure know how to throw together a booth space...It was amazing! We had fun watching all the gals flocking to your booth for 2 days... Your farm looks amazingly peaceful, what a great place to land after a whirl wind weekend at the farm chicks.
okay, THAT looks like a ton of fun. I adore your displays, and products.
I follow your guys blog alot and I was reaing along the side of your blog your guys' "roles" and I figured you have to know something about laundering vintage feed sacks w/o losing any color...Please Help! Thank you, XOXO Brandie
ohhhhh yes.... Me like like like!
Agneta from Sweden
Congrats, what a great experience that must have been! It looked amazing from the pictures! Just discovered you today via a postcard while out antiquing ....hope to make it to one of your events this spring. Would you believe I used to live in Battle Ground? Yep, I went to Kindergarten there! :)
For some reason my username is not linking to my blog in your comments section...I have a public blog but it is saying I'm private. Here is the link to my blog:
still recovering I see - and who could blame you??? I miss you guys so much! How much do I wish I could come to the next Flea market? Maybe even participate (pipe dream). I'll be in Telluride by then getting ready to start classes on that following Monday - come see me there?
I was there! All the way from Florida and will be there next year. I do remeber your awsome booth.
See you next year.
Buongiorno Boys,
it looks incredible! Ciao
Thank You for commenting on my blog. Joe let me know what size, type and number of ferns you want(sword, maidenhair, etc.) I'll dig some up so they can adjust and thrive. Enjoyed seeing you both at Tarte as always, Erin
Hello my sweet friend! It was great to see you and Joe on Saturday too! I've missed you. I am SO hoping to come to the Flea. I'll let you know by early next week if that's okay. Oh, thanks for introducing us to Olivia too. I think she thinks you are her Mom now! She only wants you.
Hugs Hugs,
Wow your giveaway is amazing. I would love to win any of the three, but would love the middle size the most. My birthday is on the 6th. Wouldn't it be a fabulous surprise to win. I just popped over to your blog from another and love it. I will definately be following you now. Thanks for your generosity to whoever wins. Sharon
You guys lead my dream life. Your site is wonderful and I wish I was close enough to come see your displays. I'll worship from afar!! Keep up the good work
Their stuff rocks!! They always think outside the box, LOVE it!! Janna
I'm glad to visit a great blog. Smart posts and beautiful photos. I like to contact people, all over the world, by his blogs.Would you follow me,because I'm afraid to lost your blog?I'm waiting your visit. Thank's
Hello Dahlink! It was so great to see you at Cindy's barn. How is your new Olivia doing? She sure is cute (as goats go...)! Thank you so much for the yummy judging invite, last year was so much fun! Sadly, (I Mean SADLY!) we won't be able to come. I have a class scheduled in Chehalis that day and had paid for it quite some time ago. I'm SO sad I won't see you at your 2nd Annual! Much Love and Best Wishes for a wonderful show!
Such amazing pictures, I wish I wasn't all the way on the east coast!
You guys are the best! :) Love your shows.
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