Linda and Ludmil of
Willow Nest have officially arrived at
Barn House!!!!

Yep y'all, they are back in the beautiful NW for a very special event at Barn House. Just Willow Nest and Barn House...back together again...reunited and it feels soooo good!! ;o)

Unfortunately, I had to leave this morning to go to my "other gig" (aka, The Torture Chamber) but passed them on the country road in their Sprinter with a big 'ol wagon in tow filled to the brim with treasures. I saw them coming a mile away and started blowing the horn and waving out the window like a maniac. THEN, I immediately called Joe and told him that The Barn BETTER be in order because "They" are almost there!! Well, that's what I was thinking in my head...but something a little more indirect came out of my mouth.

One thing about the Marcovs...they know what the heck they are doing, that is for certain! By the time I came home, The Barn was COMPLETELY transformed. Yes, The Willow Nest Magic is upon us!!

If you have been to our shows, you are sure to know that you get something very different every time you come. Our Grand Opening was completely different from our June show...and our Flea Market was definitely completely different from the previous two shows. Well, it has happened again...something completely different. The set-up is different...The Barn looks COMPLETELY different...and the treasures are different.

Linda and Ludmil came back from Texas with some AMAZING stuff. I haven't even been able to absorb it all!!! Where do they find all of this??? How do they continue to create these gorgeous pieces??? It immediately makes us think that we need to "get it together" and learn how to build something (like Ludmil's signature Bird Houses or many other creations)...or go to Miss Linda's School of "How to Create Magic" or Linda's school of "How to Find The Most Beautiful Treasures" or Linda's school of "How to BE in a Million-Gazillion Magazines" or Linda's school of "How to Quit Your 'Other Gig' and
Follow Your Dreams"...the list goes on and on!!!
The hens are happy!!!

And apparently the cocks too...

Actually, all the animals have been on their best behavior...acting like they have some good home training.

Even the the flowers are blooming in joy!

And of course, The Boys of Barn House are overwhelmed with excitement!!! This will be a very special event!!! Hope you can make it this Saturday (August 16th)...
J & J
Barn House
P.S. - Some Unfinished Business:
1) We were "tagged" by the beautiful and talented
Brooke a while ago...we haven't forgotten, Sweetie Pie!
2) The show at
Clayson Farm last weekend was a blast! We took LOTS of pix, got to see/hug/kiss
Antie Joy AND finally got to meet "Dumbo"...more to come.
3) We are "guest-bloggers" on Krista's (AM Northwest Lifestyle Expert)
Organize in Style blog this week. Be sure to check it out!
Gasp! I L*O*V*E that birdhouse! Can you put my name on it? Ha. See you Saturday with cupcakes in tow. Say hello to Linda & Ludmil for me.
The few pictures you have posted look fantastic. I hope you put a few more up from the coming weekend. Wish I could make it up there to see it in person
I am so sad to miss this event...I will be thinking of you!!! Please take lots of photos and maybe this time keep that camera strapped around your neck :)
Looks fantastic.
A hundred years ago, I used to go to their shop in Buxton...
Just know you will have a successful and memorable event! And I can't wiat to read your tag - I've been checking in religiously just waiting for it.
Oh, I wish I were there!!!!!
Iam so glad to have our buds back in the north west!!! Allwe could see when they arrived was a jam packed car and trailer!!! Looking forward to another wonderfull day at Barn House. You guys are wonderfull hosts and friends.
Love Julie
ohhh, i love looking at your pictures.... sooo pretty! everything!
man, you guys are making me crazy. i live only a million miles, as the crow flies, away from where you are. next year, can you publish some sort of schedule early in the year so i can figure out how to cross border and get there!!!
I'm soo sad not to be able to be there (stomping foot). I've heard fab reviews about all of your shows but maybe next weekend...
Please send a hug (i've heard your good at that!)to Ludmil and Linda and let them know how sad i am not to be able to see them too! Maybe i'll just have to go to Texas (oh darn)or maybe they can pick us up along-side the road somewhere at some strange flea never know! Tell linda she needs a blog!
best wishes.
Kim :)
Oh Wow! I think my heart almost stopped beating when I saw the pictures! It is going to be a fantastic event! Can't wait to take it all in!!!
How very very sad I am to miss your show and to see Linda and Ludmil. i know you will be having the best of times!
About those scary crate people, I totally agree! Kinda creepy I was glad to be sleeping safe and sound with the deadbolt locked, for all 3 hours. Hug everyone double and say HI for me.
How very very sad I am to miss your show and to see Linda and Ludmil. i know you will be having the best of times!
About those scary crate people, I totally agree! Kinda creepy I was glad to be sleeping safe and sound with the deadbolt locked, for all 3 hours. Hug everyone double and say HI for me.
Is there an echo in this room or am I repeating myself????
well i'm not sad because i am gonna be there! camera in hand of course :) but i am promising myself to take my eye away from the viewfinder long enough to maybe even purchase some beautiful-i-can't-live-without-them treasures. se you soon!
Ok I have just ONE question for ya! How in the WORLD were you able to keep driving to *ack* your "other gig" and not turn around and follow um back down the road???? Oh my GOSH you showed restraint!!!
I will tell you that the ONLY one happy about the fact that I can not take a road trip to come see this marvelous event is my checkbook! hahaha
The day will come, I promise you, that I WILL be heading that way - checkbook in hand!
Enjoy a wonderful show!!
Smiles, Lorie
Really enjoyed meeting both of you the other night. Everything looks so creative and fun around your place! And Saturday's sale will be replete with wonderful things, especially all of the prizes Linda and Ludmil were unloading. I can't wait!
PS: Jermonne, looks like you've already mastered the new camera!!
Okay, guys, you seemed to have left off the directions to your special event from waaaay down here in San Antonio, Texas. So wish I could attend, maybe someday. Until then, enjoy those magicical Willows, because I know they'll be coming back to Texas. You should think about a road trip trunk show to us as well. We would all love to see you here. Have a wonderful time this weekend, I look forward to many pics.
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