The unexpected happened on July 31st here at Barn House!
(look at these beautiful ladies!!!)
(the line about an hour before we opened)
WOW! Last weekend was a pivotal moment in time for Barn House, to say the least. It was incredible!! It was exhilarating on many different levels!! We had a spectacular turnout of customers and friends of BH, and the most incredible treasures and displays from our featured guests! After every show, The Boys evaluate the good and all of the things we can do better in preparation for our next event.
But, let me step back a bit. After last season, we decided that 2010 was the year for us to focus on core values of why we moved to the country, why we started our little business and also on making time to nurture the friendships we have made over the years of being in The Beautiful Pacific Northwest. Also, we threw a few things out in The Universe about inviting only good, positive and clean energy onto our farm. Our home is the most sacred place on Earth for us and we must honor and protect it. Everything else much kindly and gently be escorted off the premises (y'all know what I mean?).
Angela, Heather and Thea (Thea's Interiors of Portland)
Our Flea Market last week was an AMAZING collaborative effort! It was a week-long celebration of friendship. It was a celebration of why The Boys and our Special Guests spend hours/days/weeks/months preparing and moving our “stuff” back and forth and back again (then forth and back again-again-and yet again). It was a celebration of why very special friends of BH drive/fly from all over the country and even Canada to be a part of The Barn House Experience.
The VERY popular Parking Boys and Girl of BH (with J&J)
There is no air conditioning and there is certainly no asphalt parking. Folks will be slowly guided through a bumpy/hilly pasture by a group of polite and honorable teenagers (pictured above) who will inevitably remind them of what good home training is all about. These kids are really wonderful young human beings!Liz (Seabold Vintage Market) and Cindy (Tarte)
Folks are likely to get snatched up and hugged (and possibly kissed) by a complete stranger or someone they only know from Blog World. And at certain times, folks might just not even be able to hear themselves think with all of the laughter and shenanigans in the air.
Lynne G, Angela and Heather
AND, you might just be shocked beyond believe to be greeted at the front door by very famous photographers/stylists/writers like Heather Bullard (Senior Editor for Flea Market Style Magazine), Tiffany Kirchner (The Fancy Farm Girl and photographer/writer for Somerset Life and Where Women Create) and Kimberly Taylor (Mimi Charmante and Kimberly Taylor Images).
Me and "My Girl," Kim (aka, Mimi Charmante)

Thanks ladies for saving our tails by working the entrance and being so super sweet to everyone who came in during early buying. Your friendship means the world to us!! We owe you BIG time!
There was singing.
Lara Blair (Modern Prairie Girl and Lara Blair Images) anointing us with her beautiful voice along with "Dusty The Musician" doing his thing...
There was lots of dancing.
Lisa (A Thing for Roses) and Debbie (Worthy Goods)
Me and some of our other girls / favorite photographers - Robin (Bird Tweets), Tiffany (The Fancy Farm Girl), Cheesy-Me and Lara Blair (Modern Prairie Girl) -- Just silliness in the air EVERYwhere!

There was an awesome Sheriff that helped with a BIG traffic/crowd control issue in the morning. There was also a near riot when Katherine’s Folie ran out of her 400+ Red Velvet Cupcakes (who knew grown men loved cupcakes so much -- very strange! lol). Thank goodness for that Sheriff!
There were those moments when folks could no longer hold back tears of how special moments throughout the day(s) touched their hearts.
Portion of Seabold Vintage Market's space...
We should have started filming a new series called, "The Real Boys of Barn House - What really goes on behind the scenes!" For those that know us, y'all already know that The Boys love a good party (to say the least). So of course, there was the Pre-Show Dinner Party in the backyard the night before the show.
(photos courtesy of Seabold Vintage Market - Joey and Cindy - Two Peas in a Pod)

There was an After-Party on Saturday late afternoon and another one on Saturday evening. AND there was an After-AFTER Party celebration with just The Boys and The Queen and King of Tarte on Sunday night. Can you imagine the incredible stories we all have to tell???? There was so much love in the air! You just wouldn't believe it if I tried to explain it in detail (not to mention most of what goes on at BH stays at BH - lol)!
Calamity Jane's incredible space
This week long celebration validated many-many-MANY ideals that we hold true to our hearts. #1 is true Friendship. Our only regret is not being able to spend more time during the show with folks that came from all over to visit us and The BH Family. (there was a minor traffic jam that required a tiny bit of attention---thank y'all...thank y'all!) During the really busy hours, I took on the role as Trolley-Taxi-Driver for folks who had to park up and down our country roads. Joe was running up and down the street like a lunatic trying to secure additional parking from neighbors. The 7 Parking Boys and 1 Parking Girl were all sweet as pie during what we will call The Best Thing That Happened To Venersborg In The Last 100+ Years! Most of our close neighbors really still do love us (we pray)!! :o)
The Brough's Primitives Space
We also didn’t get enough pictures, but we will direct you to our friends who documented our Flea Market waaaaay better than we were able to. Please visit their sites to see their amazing photos and stories from last week. (If I missed anyone, please email us at and I will do my best to add folks to the blog list). Their pictures and stories are much better than ours...we thank them all for their hard work here and/or visit to our little show and the kind words on their experience here on our farm. :o)
Seabold Vintage Market and once again Seabold Vintage Market
Little Cottage and once again Little Cottage
Notes from a Cottage Industry and again here
AND, we would never-EVER forget two of our favorites...
The Worthy Goods Girls
If you were here, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and generosity!!! If you were not able to make it BUT were sending lots of positive energy our way, we thank you too!!! Check out our little slide show of some pictures we were able to snap right before the show started.
The Boys of Barn House are in the midst of finding the right formula...and the right balance. It feels REALLY good to know we are moving in the right direction. EVERYthing about this show felt INCREDIBLE and we wouldn't change one thing at all. Thanks to all of y'all, this was THE BEST BH event EVER!!! Thank you, thank you and thank you -- more than ever!!
Much Love,
Joe and Jermonne
The Boys of Barn House
P.S. - Now it's time for us to get back to doing a little of this (which is nothing but just sitting in the pasture)...
And this (ain't much but lovin' our babies)...
And this (ain't a whole lot but loving on a turkey or 9 of 'em that are just gettin' too big for their britches)...
And getting back to these (Ol' Miss Celie and her chicken friends)...
And we certainly must get back to our BIG (dirty) Boy of Barn House, Harpo...who surely needs a good cleanin'...
But, most importantly, it's time for ME to get my a$$ off this here blog get back to this...THE Boy of Barn House...My VERY Best Friend "Joe-Joe"...he sho' is C-R-A-Z-Y, but that's my boy! (he is asleep, so yes I can safely say he crazy -- AND, you can see it in his eyes if you look close!)
We have lots of exciting news coming soon. Don't y'all forget about us!!
The Boys
You guys are just amazing and I so wish I could have been there. Awesome show! And I think your photos are wonderful and the joy you share with all the others that set up just shines through. This is what you were born to do and I'm so glad it turned out so well for everyone!
Hugs- Tete
Awww... You got me teary eyed, now...!!! Love you guys!!!
What a grand success! Your pictures sure tell a wonderful story (and so did you...) I'd love to make it up there one day for one of your shows and wish you'd visit Cali soon for one of our shows! Thanks for all you inspiration and for sharing your passions with all of us!
Maybe next year for me! It's a long way from Florida but I will see what I can do.
Great pictures, it looks like so much fun and I'm off to check out the other blogs.
It looks like you guys need lots of recovery time.
Enjoy yours,
Okay, it's official. I will be planning a vacation in that area so I can attend NEXT years event. Can't help but love someone that is living their passion.
Your Friend,
This looks like so much fun. I would be there in a heartbeat if it were not for my 10 week old grandson who has stolen my heart and takes us my shopping time. I am so inspired by your ability to share the experience with those of us who admire from afar.
Ohhh those photos are just SWOON-WORTHY! I wish I wasn't a zillion miles across the country, I would have LOVED LOVED to be there! Thanks for sharing the photos so that those of us that are across the country can live vicariously through them!
OMG J&J, where do I start. The displays were fabulous and reading your post was like reading a very good book that you don't want to put down or want it to end. You guys are so amazing, all that you do, and I can't say enough how much I commend you on staying true to what you believe. How you said your home is your most sacred place on earth is so true! All I can say is you guys rock and one day I've promised myself I'm coming your way.
As if I could forget y'all and the fabulous show I missed...again!
I've visited just about all the posts on y'alls show and the photos blew me away! Y'all will be the next "Round Top/Warrenton" show...mark my words. Big things are acomin' y'alls way.
The time and effort that is put into a show like this can only be appreciated by those who do it. Behind all the beauty is mucho blood, sweat and tears...and a lot of dirt! Kudos to you for inviting only those who will bring positive don't have the time for negative. I think this is one reason the BH show is such a huge success. Well that and the fact that y'all believe in giving praise to one and all. Love that about you guys!
P.S. Are you sure you're not a little bit Southern? We gotta kiss and hug everybody...even if we just saw them the day before!
P.P.S. Y'all are blessed!
Some day I am going to come and visit you. Enough with this blog business!! You are very inspiring in your work and your hearts. Keep it coming.
how could we forget after a picture feast like this ...
thank y'all
... from this cityfarmer groupie who was there in spirit
you are two of the most genuinely kind, loving, and generous people I know. you have a way of bringing together such incredibly positive people who create such a place of wonder and excitement - you really nailed it this time boys.
(however, I really am looking forward to visiting on a non-show weekend! if two people ever knew how to just hang and enjoy life, it is you...)
love you both
As the title of my last post said, it was a Dream! I loved every little bit of the time I spent in your Wonderland. Just thinking about it puts a huge smile on my face. It's a testament to you and Joe and all your hard work, and just bringing together such an amazing group of people. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that? Can't wait to see you both soon! Love you so much!
Your show was absolutely spectacular. Thank you for all you do for your customers! You make the BH so inviting and comfortable. Thanks again and I can't wait to come again. ~ amy
It truly was a magical event! The two of you make all of us feel special and welcome to be there. Your pictures are fantastic, and help me relive the day. And see the many details I missed in person. Hope you're finding time to recharge.
This would have been my kind of place to hang and shop! Wish I could have been there. But thanks for posting pics. Love your style!
Count me amoung those that were, most definately, sending you positive energy while unable to attend. You guys have truly sky-rocketed straight to the top! Well deserved, my bff's! Well desrved indeed. Much love, and really missing all of you, Susan
You guys are the best . . . the VERY BEST!!! It was all soooo incredible and I personally miss you already!!! You both touched my heart in ways you will never know . . . when I think about it a bit too much - I start to tear up all over again . . . it must be something in the water down there!! :)
Thanks again for everything!!! Much love to you both!!! xoxo - liz
ok . . . I definitely need to make time for a haircut!! lol :)
I wanted sooo much to come to this sale- hoping maybe I can make it to the fall sale coming up. It looks like I really missed out! What a gorgeous display of vendors! Thanks for the pictures!
You two have created such an awesome atmosphere and experience up there in little Venersborg, you've put this area on the map! I LOVE reading your posts and seeing all the beauty...and your animals are beautiful to me too, I just love it all.
Kudos to you both!!
Hugs to you!! Lisa ;-)
No one could EVER forget about the two of you!! You're kind and charming and talented and you both have the most amazing way of making people feel so welcome! Thank you for hosting this amazing flea market that has been a highlight of 2 summers in a row for me! You ooze talent and kindness out of every poor! enjoy your rest!
Good Morning Barn Boys ~
Congratulations on a delightful show! I can feel the magical energy spilling over from the show to this post...Heavenly!
I hope to visit next time...and let my cup~o~la run~ith over with Barn House magic.
Happy Summer to you both.
Smiles ~ Ramona
I was there and I loved it. I mean, really really loved it. Thank you so much. I am routing for you both!!!
I blogged about my time there, which you can read here:
I don't EVER put my link in comments, but I thought you might like to know what is being put out there in the world about you :)
Isn't good to be able to follow a dream? Dream On!
Gabrielle Rancho Cucamonga, ca.
The magic was so much in the air. Thank you for such an amazing show that you bring to us time after time. I will get my BH post done real soon. Love to you both. Florence
You guys bring such glory to our little Battle Ground berg! So glad the show was such a great success!! The pictures are glorious.
There's not a thing I wouldn't do for you guys!
Thanks & million thanks again for
THE BEST day ever :o)))
You guys are amazing & awesome! I so wish i could make it to one of your shows one of these days because i would love to meet you both. You guys are the ones that got me into blogging, your blog is the very first one i seen in one of my magazines and instantly fell in love with your blog. (mine needs lots of work) lol I have started my own because i love decor, anything old, shabby i love it all. Im glad your show turned out so well and wish you both all the best always...
I just loved looking at all of your so so inspirational! If I could have just a pinch of all that talent. True artists, every one of you. I reallllllly wanted to make it down this year (I so enjoyed last year) I was only an hour and a half away, but family obligations kept me busy. I won't miss it next year!!
Thank you for producing such a lovely day and for linking my blog! I hope ya'll are having a gorgeous week!
: )
Julie M.
Bravo, Job Well Done! ~Cheers Kim
I wanted to let everyone that I "follow"; don't forget to come over and enter my giveaway! Today's the last day :D
That show was better than SEX, well, not really..but close!
Y'all are a really swell bunch of people..with some excellent treasures sprinkled about...
Thanks so much, I all the effort that went into it was gigantic..
oh boys, do I miss you already!!!
It was the most amazing show yet, honestly don't know if anything can top it. I love you so much!!!
I think that last pic of joe, is my favorite, it is so beautiful!
xoxoxo, Tiffany
We had such a great time with you guys. You do indeed know how to have fun! Even while getting the work done... gee maybe poetry is in my future?? All kidding aside you two are amazing you deserve all good things and kind praise that comes your way. Thanks for letting us be part of the BH family.
Dave, Joy and Sam-uel
Oh it's just not fair, I tell ya, It's just not fair. Thank you, thank you, for always posting so many pictures after one of your shows. They are so inspiring for this small town girl in Indiana. It looked amazing!
What an awesome of the finest in memory for me. Thank you for creating such a magical place for all of us vintage-lovin' folks.
Also, thanks for the link-love, my sweets--always appreciated.
You guys are just the BEST!!!
p.s. Joe--I'm loving my table! It looks amazing with my chairs.
Thank you for the Barn House show from the Barn House Boys themselves! What a fun treat/retreat...almost, sort of, feel like I was there...=)
lots of Love,
funky junk
Looks like a wonderful time!
All I can say is WOW! I wasn't there but looking at all your pictures and HAPPY PEOPLE I sure wish I was! I'm smiling as I type this. Yippee for you boys! Hmmm... gonna have to keep watch for the next one. I smell a girls weekend trip in the air!
Take care hun!
Oh I WISH I could have been there. Nobody puts on a show even remotely as nice here in the sticks of NC. I would love it if they did! Looks like you had a wonderful time. Congrats!
Amazing! I am so sad that I could not be there! Some day, some way, I will make it to one of your shows....until then, I will live vicariously through your pictures/posts. Keep up the good work, you guys are truly inspiring!
Wow! I can't believe I missed such a beautiful event...never again! My hat is off to the both of you. Cheers!
If you are available Oct. 9, you should head on down to Molalla for a Vintage Market in the Meadow. Should be lots of fun!
I am across the country and dream of visiting you lovely boys and girls. We have a barn here in Md. full of lovelies as well but o, I love your spirit and warmth that radiates across the miles. I see the bit-o-crazy and the love in both your eyes!!
hi boys! you've inspired me to begin my own barn house in michigan. i hope to travel to visit bhb one day and meet you in person! check out my blog-it's still in the beginning stages. i'm really looking forward to the next season of shows!
I just signed up for your newsletter an I have some old magizines and the house that has you guys in there!!!
Finally you have your own Blog!!!!
I will be getting the Chirstmas issue too!
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