It has been an incredible week for us! The Sun finally came out signaling that Summer might actual really be here!! As a result, we finally were motivated to get our online store back up and running. Barn House Marketplace is now open for business (again). We are very happy to have two very talented invited guests and friends selling with us - Maison Douce and Retreat Design. There are lots a great treasures...check us out at
We now have new T-Shirts for sale at BHM!
But, the BIG NEWS really is that The Boys of Barn House are in the July issue of Sunset Magazine!!!!

This has really been an unbelievable year for us! We have been featured in Somerset Life Magazine, Flea Market Style Magazine (2 articles shot at our home), The Seattle Times, The Columbian Newspaper and now one of the most iconic magazines - Sunset!! Sunset Magazine has been around for over 100 hundred years (yes, since 1898) and is one of the most widely distributed magazines in the country. It is really unbelievable that we are actually in it. We are so incredibly honored. Life is really good!
I remember clearly when Heather Bullard was here for one of the photo shoots for Flea Market Style and being shocked that she actually wanted to take a picture of us for the magazine. We get TONS of magazines and the reality is that 999 times out of 1,000 there is certainly not folks that look, feel (and maybe smell) like us. We told Heather that there was no way FMS would put a picture of us in the magazine. She winked and said, "Oh yes they will!" And, oh yes, they did! And so did Sunset! Me and Joe have been joking about how terrible we look in the Sunset photo. I don't know what we were thinking about staying up so late the night before, but we look a little rough. The first thing I thought was "Jermonne, you need to stop eating and stop eating NOW!" I told Joe if he had red hair, he would look like Johnny Depp in the Alice in Wonderland movie poster. It's worth $4.95 just for the chuckle about how we look! LOL
OK...enough joking around. If you live on the East Coast and don't have access to Sunset, we have about 25 copies for sale at Barn House Marketplace.
Thank you all for so generously supporting The Boys of BH and our dream! We are truly blessed to be surrounded by so much love and inspiration.
Much Love,
J & J
The Boys of Barn House
Hey! I saw your awesome feature-- congratulations, boys! Oh, and for the record, you guys look great!
Gotta go get me one today!
I WISH SOOOOO BAD that I was there!!!! But for now I'll have to live through your blog and website!! I just discovered you guys on the Flea Market finds magazine! Love what you do and it has inspired me, now all I have to do is convince my husband to sell our house in the city move to the country and put together my design skills and his handyman skills and do something very similar to what you are all doing! I love it!!
I was actually just telling my aunt about you guys and the next day she opened up the Sunset magazine and found the article on you. Loved it! Congrats!
OMG, so cool! Congratulations boyz! Sunset has been rocking WA lately, my MIL's company - Diggit Tools - was featured last month in Sunset too! GO SUNSET for featuring our local artistis!
You guys rock!
I just scavanged your site!! You guy's rock!!
Don't be silly, you both looked great! Congratulations, you are on a roll, and you deserve it - I can't wait to drive up and visit~
It just makes my heart sing to read about folks doing what they love and having it love them back. Y'all truly are blessed and so are we for getting to visit!
I'm so proud of you and for you. Y'all have worked hard and it's wonderful to see all that hard work rewarded.
Congratulations, way to go, you did it, so proud of what you offer and do for plain folks that enjoy memory lane.
You're so right. Joe does look like Johnny Depp! I LOVE Johnny! You guys look great (and you know it!)LOL Luv u guys xo
I am off tomorrow to find Sunset in Minnesota!
You both deserve all the attention AND the photographs of your hansome faces.
The fact that you are living, in such an authentic way, your dreams is such an inspiration.
It is fun to watch your success!
PS - the PARTY is in Minnesota in September!!!! Come to JUNK BONANZA!!!!!!!!
I saw in Sunset this morning as I was drinking my coffee! Great press! Great shop and blog! Congrats. I live on the East coast but love Sunset Magazine. Go out have a little fun! You deserve it!
hey, cuties---just wanted to say that your photography rocks.
I need a "B" in that hollowed out lettering? Got any?
Can't wait to see ya''s been too long.
Congrats on another article in a major glossy---you two are rockin' the media exciting!!!
Love your website! I will have to check out Sunset Magazine, you must be thrilled with being in the issue. Keep up the great work!!
Love your website! I'm waaaayyyyy down here in Georgia and will never get to a Barn House sale but would love to! Keep up the good work!
Congratulations!! Saw the spread yesterday, wonderful press!! Quit worrying about how you look because you look HAPPY! That is the best look of all.
Picked up my copy of Sunset at the airport on my way out of town. Loved seeing you guys in there and showing the article to my family and bragging, "These guys are my good friends!" I feel so lucky to know two such amazing
"celebrities." Can't wait to see you at the flea next month or hopefully sooner!
I will look for the article. You are highly entertaining. love reading your posts. Will hop over now and check out the marketplace.
We agree with Annette... in the Sunset photo, you both look happy to be living the life you are living. {And sitting the middle of your FAB window at Camas Antiques, how could you not look awesome, anyway?!} Your spirits shine through any weariness, and you so deserve the spotlight that is shining on you.
Thank you so much for including us in your BarnHouse Family, and for the web feature... we have more stuff to drop off on our way to the Cali show!!!
I enjoyed reading the whole Sunset and was super excited to see the piece you were featured in! Hope someday to meet you, your site is so amazing!
funky junk antique show
*loved* the article in fms; you boys are absolutely fabulous! you deserve each and every mention! congrats!
can't wait to meet you two!!
btw~your new finds are *divine*...sigh...*dream*
Sweet! Congratulations, guys! Deb showed me your Sunset feature at Petite Retreat yesterday. What fun!!
Have a beautiful week!
: )
Julie M.
FYI~You Boys never, never look bad! You two are darling and you don't look like you should stop eatin, that is a healthy look.
Eat Cake! Enjoy Life~Cheers Kim
Oh Ya! I got my Sunset mg in the mail before your news was out and I was so excited to see you two!
Sunset Mg is also one of my favorite mg's and have been gettin it for the last 20 years.My aunt Betty would get it for me and I was young and thought what do I want this for? I now know, it is my most Loved Mg.~Cheers Kim
Congrats on your feature but it surely doesn't suprise me!! that is awesome, your store looks great as well...enjoy your summer!
Wow! Looks like a treasure trove. Happy sales!
This East-Coaster LOVES her Sunset subscription. I have a friend in Battle Ground and, when I saw you in it, I promptly emailed her to tell her about you, in case she didn't already know. :) Congrats on making in my favorite magazine! Love your website!
Congrats! You guys are awesome! I hope to make it over from Spokane sometime. By the way, I love the B&H on everything...those are my initials.
Take care,
Congrats on the article!! I have to say that I always think you guys look great . . . always!! I had a copy of the magazine at the Petite Retreat show last weekend and loved showing it to everyone!! Can't wait for the Flea!!! See you soon . . . xo - liz
Well Boys, talk about envy, so so Happy for all of your well deserved attention in so many magazines. I get so excited when i see a new follower or someone comes in my shoppe, i can only imagine how cool this is for you..
Best of Luck , one day i'll make it up there. Karryann
congrats on your publication! Beautiful blog!!
You guys looked GREAT in Sunset! What an honor to have that much space in such a big time magazine! Great job!!
the article in sunset was so great! congratulations!
plus it's awesome to get your tips on the best places to find good stuff...
ps i thought you guys looked cool :)
Hey guys....LOVE your t-shirt. dumb am I that I can't seem to find where I can purchase it? Can you help a girl out?
thanks! LOVE your style!
Love everything!!You Guys are great!
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