Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Barn House Marketplace - NOW OPEN!!!!

Well y'all, WE MADE IT!!!

Barn House Marketplace is officially OPEN for business!!!

Thank you for all of your kind words of support and certainly carried us along when we kinda sorta wanted to throw in the towel (and that ain't no lie!).

AND a very special thanks to our featured guests who stepped out on a limb for us based solely on our vision and good word...without even having seen the store before delivering their goods!!! Sylvi (Little Cottage), Donna & Diana (Annie, Fannie and Abigail), Sue & Joe (Bella) and Natalie & Lyn (Sparrow) -- we LOVE y'all and thank you for your patience in this CRAZY adventure!!!

And now for the...THE GIVEAWAY!!!!!

$250.00 in Barn House Marketplace CASH!!!!!!!!

Yes, you heard right...$250 for Barn House Marketplace purchases!!!

Not much required to be entered to win...just leave a comment on this here blog giving us a little feedback on the new store...and you are entered to win the following Barn House Marketplace CASH prizes:

Grand Prize = $100
1st Runner Up == $75
2nd, 3rd, 4th Place each = $25

Just leave us a comment telling us what you think of the store (good/bad/indifferent)

No Purchase Necessary!

Winners will be announced on Saturday, February 6th!!!

Tell a friend...we always say, the more the merrier at a Barn House Party!!! HEE HAW!!!!

Much Love!

J & J

P.S. - More and more product will constantly be added to the store...check back often for new treasures!!! :o)


1 – 200 of 258   Newer›   Newest»
Lisa of Lisa's Little House said...

Alrighty...I have been to the Market and picked up some treasures boys were open EARLY...nice job. Love the site...easy to navigate and easy to register.

Please enter me in the drawing...could always use a little more spending money!

And Congrats and Best of Luck!

Lisa of Salvage Studio

Teresa said...

Oh Lordy!
This could be dangerous for you to have a store that I can get my hands on! ;)
Congrats to you!
I know it will be a tremendous success!
Popping over right now...and going to add your store button to my blog for my fabulous readers to find!
My sister will die when I pop her over here!

Queen of Tarte said...

Congrats!!! It looks wishes. xoxoxo Cindy

Carol said...

I'm going shopping right now



Teresa said...

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh!
I so want those Kennet Industrial Tubs...
and if you want to make me really giddy...just ship that huge bottle with the STARFISH to me on Bainbridge Island!
Can't wait to pop back over and I will blog about you soon!

oldgreymare said...

Love the store, but tried to register four times and each time it booted me out. :-( I'll try to register tomorrow


Teresa said...

Having a bit of trouble registering...coming up with error page.

Carol Sue said...


Hood Canal Gal said...

Love it! Nice work guys!! Can't wait to do more shopping in the morning....

My fingers are crossed for the drawing!

Holly said...

Now I lay me down to sleep...
Barn House dreams I plan to keep!

Debi Ward Kennedy said...

Boys, I applaud you! I consumed mass quantities of caffeine so I could stay awake and catch a glimpse of the BH Market....and as always, you did not disappoint! It really has the 'feel' of your farm and makes me yearn for another camping trip! I love it, I am so thrilled for you and for the entire BH Family - and am just excited as all get out to prepare some Retreat goodies for you!

Oh, and yes, please do enter me in your drawing! I posted about y'all this evening on our blog, Facebook Page, and Twitter, plus added your store button to our blog. ;0)

Hugs, love, and happy dreams {'cause this chickie needs some shuteye}

Deb @ Retreat

Alicia said...

The Market is great! I really has the look and "feel" of being in a real life store. I love the garden section the best! Easy to look around. Thanks!


Little Cottage said...

Yawn, time to hit the sack!It's 2 AM.
Didn't know I was capable of being up so late! The BHMP is looking good & I was able to order & checkout in record time!
Congrats Boys!!!!!

Cindy said...

Congratulations on your opening! I came over from Deb @ Retreat. I absolutely your store, I only wish I could visit your store in person! I couldn't stay awake for the opening, but I left it up in my browser to do first thing this morning! I'm so glad I've found you!

suzeeez said...

Wow...congratualations to you! I know how much work it can be because I too am openning a shop on March 1st! I love the look of your barn house merchandise and the way you display is perfection.
Please include me in your give-away! Good luck to you !
:o) Sue

linda said...

Fabulous - absolutely fabulous. And of course we expected nothing less. Your hard work paid off...big time! So much fun to browse and dream...

ggisabelle said...

Congrats to you!It was self-explanatory to navigate thru your site. Please enter me in the drawing. Best wishes on this new endeavor. Y

Ginger@cottageonrosewood said...

Oh, I am in sooo much trouble. So many choices. Beautiful job. Please enter me in the drawing, I am going to need all the help I can get!

Julie Johnson said...

Fabulous excited for you! Love love your findings and this site. Please enter me in the drawing!

Spring Lake Farm said...

Wow! It's awesome!!!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


trash talk said...

So much work involved and it shows. It's wonderful and y'all did a fabulous job of launching!
This is the way I'll be waking up every morning from now on.
I'll be sure and put it on my sidebar and I would be proud to do a little shout out if you'd know how much I love talking.
OK, I'm going back in...if I'm not out in an hour...send donuts!

Dawn-Hydrangea Home said...

Beautiful! Lots of luck to you both!

Kim Hancock said...

Beautiful job and some really great treasures... placing my order shortly!

I have been counting down the days on facebook till you all opened & had all of my friends picturing me doing back flips! I thought an online market place would save me a trip from Florida to Washington, but I want to visit even more now!

Cheryl said...

Hi Boys,
The Market is lovely, the photos really have that farm/Barn feel...I can almost smell the hay.

I look forward your bright future, and spending money in your Barn. (please enter me in your sweet drawing)

(I hope you guys got some sleep, but I'm betting you pulled an all-nighter)


Nancy Elizabeth Carey said...

I love it! Your prices are resonable and with this economy it makes it sooo pleasant to shop w/o breaking the bank! Good Luck again!
xoxo's Nan

The Flying Bee said...

Everything looks great and the photos are so beautiful! I have to get all my kiddos ready for school now, but will be back soon to shop...if anything is left!


Thanks for having the giveaway!


shelia said...

Decisions..decisions...decisions, which would I love the most?, everything of course! The site is lovely and thanks for the opportunity to win. I'm sure it will be a great success.

Joyce said...

Congrats on your new adventure! Wonderful treasures and great photos. All looks fab! xo

Unknown said...

Love the site! Sure wish I could come visit your place.
Please pick me for the giveaway.
Happy day to you

Laurie said...

OMG....Barn House IN my house...wahoo!
I was so hoping for this. I live in the east which has left me to dream from afar but not now...Thank U! Nice work on the marketplace, it's like paging through a magazine shoot. I love the way the pictures enlarge for better viewing and the ease of navigation.
Congrats and good luck!

Jamie said...

What a lovely store! Congrats! I would love to be entered into you very generous drawing. Thanks! God bless, Jamie

beth said...

Looks fabulous - really feeds
the soul!!

Best of luck,


Unknown said...

Your Marketplace is all you promised and more! Got myself a little something already and I will be a frequent visitor, no doubt. :-) Easy to navigate and the pics are great. Registration was a breeze!
Boy, what damage I could do with some extra BARNHOUSE CASH! :-) Congrats Boys! Wonderful job!

Kasey said...

It looks fabulous...just fabulous!
And you know how i those ruffled linen pillows.
congrats boys.

Anonymous said...

Love the site! I love yours style and taste, and for someone who lives on the east coast, this makes obtaining it easier!

Julie said...

That was the quickest, easiest web shopping experience I've ever had. Your new e-commerce site is wonderful. Great job you two - looking foward to returning again and again. It would be great to receive an email message when you've added new items. -J

Beth said...

Can't wait to spend some money with you boys !! you rock !!!!!!
good luck with this new venture I am sure it is going to be a huge success !!

Anonymous said...

Oh my - love, Love, LOVE everything ... praying to WIN, WIN, WIN! Nice job!

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

OMG, super super excited, did I say excited for you guys. Can't wait to check it out. And yes, I'd so like to win money to spend with y'all. Big Texas Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I have to tell ya'll I waited up for this lastnight...then my eyes became so heavy I feel asleep dreaming of all the neat things I could now buy ;)
Then first thing this morning... I headed straight to you glad I did! Just perfect!!!! Susie Harris

annie said...

How wonderful to be able to shop &
feel as though I'm part of the Barn House experience!!
Great stuff---fair pricing----VERY nicely done!!!
OOOOOHHHH!!!! This is going to be fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you and for all of us who can see your treasures from afar! You guys rock! Good luck, I can see all the hard work and love that has gone into this venture. Joy and Happiness to You

Stacey said...

Wow what a generous offer! Thanks for the opportunity! Beautiful goods - beautiful store - very easy to navigate. Sad I wasn't quick enough to get here! :) Missed out on that great iron basket! :) Best of luck!!

Stacey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nikki said...

One word....FABULOUS!!! I can't wait to load up all my girlfriends and take a road-trip to the BH! You guys are amazing! I get emotional just looking at your site and your wonderful blog! Thank you for doing what you do! Please pick me in the drawing....I'm dying to make a purchase!

Fondly, Nikki Powers

paige said...

i'm so thrilled that now even an atlanta girl can shop Barn House!!
i think i must have those pillows!!
you have photographed everything just lovely & i wish you much success

Pam said...

Love the Barn House Marketplace! I moved from the NW last summer and was missing your sales!! I was so excited to find some things already. I'll be back!! You two are the BEST!!!!




Store looks great and so easy to get around!! You've done it again! I think you should seriosly think about changing your name to the "WonderBoys", All your hard work has paid off! The only thing I didn't see for sale was "Jermonne For Hire" was hoping there might be a "blog help category". LOL Oh well I will just keep muttering my way through. I am going right know to see if I can get your MP badge attached to my blog....wish me luck! Now get some sleep!!

Taylor said...

I have already been recommending the site to all my poor friends/family who aren't as fortunate as I to live close enough to go to your events... Although, just because I live close, doesn't mean I won't still be checking back at your site often to see what new treasures might need to be mine... ;)

melissa said...

Wow, what a fantastic assortment of treasures...I'll take one of everything please! Your site's lovely and very easy to use...great job!

Unknown said...

LOVE IT! I live on the other side of the country and have been drooling over your stuff for ages-so glad I can have the opportunity to get my hands on some of your wonderful finds

Maison Douce said...

You guys!!!! It looks wonderful!!! The pictures are beautiful and the prices are very reasonable! I am sooooo excited for you ~ and for us!!!! Big hug!!!

Anonymous said...

It is gorgeous I can't wait to start buying!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful place to shop!! What talent you have - Good luck!!! Lisa

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your beautiful blog. I came upon your online shop this morning via Olivia & Me Blog. I LOVE your shop - so much so I just spent some serious $! I will be a repeat customer. Will do a post on items once I receive them.


amy of studio four corners said...

It is just beautiful - not only are the items to die for but the photos just make you drool! Yes, please enter me in the drawing!


Amy Kinser said...

I am thrilled to have found you on here and love your store. What treasures!!!

Lisa Johnson said...

Hi Joe and Jermonne! Just wanted to drop by and tell you that your BH Marketplace is amazing! Of course I didn't expect anything less than that. I'm so proud of you both and I'm sure there are many, many people who are not local that will by thrilled that they too, can now experience a little Barn House magic.


Mel said...

Hello Guys!
Congratulations ... first thing i checked BEFORE coffee this a.m.! Love it!

AuroraSuzette said...

I had to make my fiftieth post a bit about you, right! Love the Market! Now I have to do a little shopping. xx

Anonymous said...

You two are nothing less than SPECTACULAR ! I have a ton of Barn House treasures around our home and love 'em all ... Congrats on the Marketplace - we're already counting the days 'til your first show at the Barn ... Best of luck in your exciting new venture - my hunch is you will again be a smashing success ! Patti

Jeanne Oliver said...

I am soooo happy for you guys!!!! I have to get the kids off to school and I can't wait to come back and look through everything. The photos are gorgeous. This is another amazing step for you!!! Congratulations.

Bethany Crowell said...

Not as fun as the experience of a live visit to the Barn House, but your online market looks fantastic & certainly has the special treasures you're known for! Cheers!!

Amber Strehle said...

Such a lovely lovely site! (as if it would be any different) Wishing you the very best of luck with this new endevor!

Lora D. in Indiana said...

Love you blog and the marketplace!! My favorite items are the Antique Turkey Egg Baskets, the English Ironstone and the Bella Aprons. Your market is lovely. Please add my name to your drawing. Many thanks!

Kristin said...

oh my...sigh...i new you boys had amazing taste; and i have wanted to get up to your sales, but sadly studly cowboy can't get away from the cattle herd to go shopping with me...he can't use that excuse anymore; i'll be doing some major damage to your store!! ;0)
best of luck...everything looks amazing!!

faded prairie

sweetpea said...

Congrats on your grand opening! From the looks of it, you're bound to be a huge success! Now when are you coming to the Texas shows??



Zolafern Designz said...

WOW!!Beautiful!! Congrats! Wishing you all the best. Melissa

Shay said...

Fabulously curated collection.
All the best,
Shay~Designer Junk Finder

Karen Valentine said...

I am sooooo thrilled!!! I live in Arizona and I am always disappointed that I cannot come and shop your wonderful events! Although I did make it to ONE while visiting a friend. In fact I scheduled my trip around your show!!!! Anyway, so very glad you are up and running on line. The shop is fabulous and I already see lots of things I'd love to have! Good luck guys!!

My Desert Cottage

julie james said...

wow ... amazing, love it!!

The Tattered Cottage said...

I LOVE the fact I just purchased a lovely garden cloche!! It's beautiful, the items are gorgeous and you will be successful. This is perfect for those of us who haven't been able to visit one of your barn sales. We are not left out anymore, we can share in the wonderful world of Barn House too!!

Cher said...

Yea! Glad to see the Marketplace is now open. I went out to the farm for the first time last fall and loved the treasures I came home with!

tara said...

You guys out did yourselves, the store, the photos, the arrangements, all perfection, not that I would think any less! I am smitten with those linen pillows and the place setting for 8 bestill my beating heart, so gorgeous, congratulations!!!

Julie said...

Oh, everything is so wonderful - I feel like I'm there, seeing it all in the artful settings you've created! I sure wish I could be there in person, but this is the next best thing! Great job! The site is very easy to navigate and oh, so pretty!



melanie said...

lovely, just lovely!

Jennifer Barker said...

Thanks you for always making me smile and feel the warmth of old memories even on the grey-est of rainy days! I love your photos and now have a way to shop year 'round!

Stacy Wilson Sabin said...

The pictures alone are so inspiring, what a great idea for those of us who aren't in the washington area. Thanks guys!

Kim from The Sheep's Nest said...

Just beautiful! The colors are so soothing and of course the items are to die for! I going to go an add a link to your site on my blog. What a great place! Kim

My Blessed Serendipity Life said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
leah said...

Unbelievable! Well done!...I want everything. Do you need a place to store all those of charge, really, I won't charge. The site looks absolutely gorgeous. xoxox

shabbyloft said...

Hi Guys. LOVE your store. I am excited to get my stuff. Easy to get around. Thanks, Stanna

kim said...

Can you just fly to CT and decorate my house for me? Please? I am overwhelmed with the beauty of this site. Congratulations with this new venture.


Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

WOW! I love EVERYTHING in your store!

Please enter me in your drawing~I'm going back to do some more stalking.

Florence said...

I can hardly stand it I have been so excited for this new adventure. Good luck BH boys. Hugs Florence

Patina said...

Your store looks just great!
The photography is excellent!
Good luck with your new venture.

Heather said...

Beautiful! I want everything.
Best of luck,

Junebug Furniture and Design said...

We are positively dizzy from the gorgeous BH Market Place Photos!!Amazing inspiration as well. All our best to you both! xo Glad & Cel/Junebug

Carey Leader said...

This store is amazing. A friend of mine told me about your store. It is a beautiful thing!

Thanks! Congrats and hope for the best!!

Florence said...

Love Love Love your site, now I have to figure out how to purchase!!!!!! Wow way to go you two. Hugs Florence

krys kirkpatrick said...

A handsome site! I know how much work it is to have accomplished all that you have done. You have a clear vision of your "Barn House enterprise."
Congratulations on a job well done.

Anonymous said...

As a committed "junk" queen I am in heaven! Can't wait for payday !! Wishing you much success.
Please enter me in the contest.


Outofmymind said...

How would one choose. So fun looking at all the great stuff. I LOVED the French Linen Pillow!!! Thanx for sharing and GREAT SUCSESS with the shop. Kelli Hansen

Reneesance said...

I pine I swoon soon I will buy! Great Job!

vignette design said...

You have such great treasures. So beautifully photographed. I would love to visit the barn someday. Your online store is also very good and easy to use. Please enter me in the drawing, as I see some things I can't live without. Congratulations on your grand opening. --Delores

Mason said...

lordy, lordy, all my dreams are coming true! $250 to the marketplace will be so dangerous..but I think I'm up for the challenge! :)

Susan @

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Bravo Boys! The New Store looks Fabulous, very Professional, Easy to use. Sorry to say: I missed the items I had wanted.I will keep checking back.Great Job! Kim

Elizabeth said...

Hello Boys of Barnhouse--very nice work. I will enjoy your new shop and stop by often. Good luck, best wishes. I thought I saw one of you last week at an estate sale...

Have fun, Liz

Carrie said...

Hi Boys....the site looks fantastic..the treasures are to die for....the only things missing in the shopping experience is the big hugs I get when I come to your sales!! Good Luck and hopefully I will see you guys at Cindy's on Saturday.

Michelle said...

PeRfEcTlY ImPeRfEcT! fab site full of crunchy lovlies :)~ let the shopping begin! Now I dont have to wait for a show - congrats on a bright looking future........

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

What an AWESOME shop you have...luv it all! The linen pillows are my fav! Count me in:)


A Vie Renouvele said...

Oh my goodness! Love, Love, Love it All! Best of luck to ya! Linda

Sophisticated Salvage said...

You guys are too fun! Love coming to your site - and now the new store! - for inpiration and a giggle!

Best wishes!!


Anonymous said...

Nice work guys. Your dreaming and hard work has paid off!


Dandelion and Daisy said...

Congratulations! The site is beautifully done and so easy to navigate. I'm new to blogging but not to offer many temptations.

Rosa said...

Congrats! Been watching from afar, but now this is even better! Shopping? I'm on my way!!! Best wishes!

Andy's Attic said...

It is so wonderful and just screams
BARN HOUSE. You really captured the feel. Congratulations to you two and the family. And oh how I would love to win!!

i made it myself said...

I didn't know how I was going to live happily with only 3 BH events to attend this year but the new Marketplace has changed my outlook! Great job guys.

Kindred Roses said...

Joe and Jermonne,

You have outdid yourself. Your site is beautiful!!!!!
Julie, Kindred Roses

Petie said...

Love, Love, Love your stuff...

Congratulations and many years of success on your new adventure. I live in Arizona and hope to get up to check out your barn soon. Possibly, in July. Best of Luck!

texasgirl said...

LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!! Can I live in your barn? Hope to see you guys in Texas soon. Please sign me up for the giveaway.


Julie said...

Congrats on your new store........oh my gosh, it's incredible!

The site is easy to navigate and I can't wait to check it out often and share it with my friends.

I always felt envious of those who were able to buy your items in person but knew I couldn't because you're located too far away.

Not any more!

Thanks so much and best of luck in your new adventure!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful! The site layout is clean and appealing and easy to follow. The photos are just wonderful! Well done.

Is the best way to know about updates through the blog?

--Vicki K.

Julie said...

Very nice! So glad you guys have a store now. I always get to see and hear about the great finds you have. Now I get to get some goodies for myself! xo

Anonymous said...

I'm here.. I'm here.. I posted on the wrong post.. oh well, but I do love the cross checks in your search bar!!!!

Easy to navigate and register too.

with love,


Just Charming said...

Woo Hoo! I love the new BH Marketplace. It's great and you have an amazing collection of things! I could window shop all day! There is only one suggestion and I'm not even sure if this is a possibility as most websites don't do it either, but... if it is possible to redirect us back to the category where left off after clicking on continue shopping. That would be great! For example if I click General Home Decor and then put the wire egg basket in my cart, I'd like to go back to home decor to continue looking around. Hope this is a helpful suggestion :) Anyway, I love it and good luck!

Dandy said...

Going thru there makes me want to decorate my entire apartment! Love it!

Day to Day at The Hog Shed said...

Congrats, your market is great. Best to you,
Claire, The Hog Shed

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

OMG so happy you opened an online store - running over there right now and the very best of luck!!!!

Amy said...

Looks great! And easy to navigate thru (HUGE plus!!!!) Best of luck to you...can't wait to see what new treasures are added!

Anonymous said...

I love the store!! it's so exciting! great, great job!

Keri said...

I am so in love.


Jeanne said...

LOVE the new store! Thank you so much for continuing to use your talent to inspire your fans.

Lynne Gunderson said...

I keep trying to register.....
Love your site, love you guys, love it all.

Kelly said...

Looks beautiful! Congrats on your grande opening!

Anonymous said...

Stunning pics....check!
Great merchandise....check!
Amazing guest vendors....check!
Wowed shoppers....check!

Joe & Jermonne - it is fabuloso as expected. As much as I love that you have the marketplace (and will be back often to check it out) I still can't wait til your opening show!

Great online opening! Congratulations!


Monticello Staff said...

Joyce @ Monticello said;
You guys did it again! Don't cha ever get tired of being the best?! Keep up the good work. Hugs

blessings said...

I was there this morning within minutes of getting your email. It's all just beautiful. I can't make any purchases just yet (still paying on a Magnolia Pearl layaway - lol!) but I'll be back - promise. Would love to be entered in your drawing.

Blessings... Polly (Porch Magazine)

Allisha said...

Cool store! Wish I lived closer!!

Congrats and I wish you all the best!


maura said...

Love the store. you guys sure have and eye for the good stuff! I wish I new about you 10 years ago when I worked for alaska airlines. I used to go to washington state about once a month and would have come to visit! I will have to start saving my pennies for BH.

WhisperWood Cottage said...

The store looks great! Lots of lovely pieces!!

Lisa B. said...

I love your vintage style!! I'd be tickled with anything from your shop!!

Mandie said...

Honestly... it is GREAT!! I really like the way it looks and the way it is organized. Beautiful

Jen said...

Love everything, I guess if I have to pick I love, love, love the long lace children's dress.

Can't wait to browse and enjoy!

cheryl said...

i love your stuff and would love to win!

nikki zigler said...

WOW! I just stumbled upon you from Willow's Nest. Cool, cool, cool stuff and easy to navigate around your site.

Carol Sue said...

love the site...I keep checking back for more items
great job

Tamra said...

I have been reading so many wonderful things about you guys so I'm excited about your on line store!

Beautiful site and thank you for having a "view all" button. It really helps to be able to do a quick scan of everything and not have to click on a bunch of categories.

Love the apron and will be purchasing one soon. (gotta pay off the recent additions to the barn)

Congrats and bon chance!


Shannon said...

The Barn House is beautiful, I don't even know what to buy first!!

white flower farmhouse said...

Oh, congratulations! The shop looks fantastic -- the items, photography, and layout are all inspirational and tempting. Wouldn't change a thing!

So sorry to hear about your loss. Your little Bear would be very proud!

And, thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway! Someone is going to be a very, very, very happy shopper!

Best wishes,

Jess and Crystal said...

I am loving the new marketplace....what a fabulous idea! Have to head back over and go shopping now! Take care!

*ps~ please enter me in your incredible drawing.....sooooo exciting! =)

the tattered nest said...

two thumbs up guys! beautiful website! easy to naviagate...crossing my fingers!

dianag said...

Simply spectacular - love all your stuff and your photos!

It' an Evolution said...

You have made my so far from your studio/barn, I just couldn't take not being a part of all the fun.
Now that has been cured and I can pick up some of your outstanding finds.
The site is so easy to navigate and see everything in just one click...I love it.

Lisa Jones said...

Wow!!! I love it, just want to get one of everything. Photography is great and items are inspirational. Thanks for the special marketplace.

Shannan Martin said...

I'm stuck all the way over here in Northern Indiana and the tales I hear about ya'll have had me positively green! I'm thrilled to be able to join in the fun now. The Market is swoony!

Anita said...

Holy Hannah- what a giveaway! Please enter me...this is better than Publisher's Clearinghouse!!!!Now, where to start shopping?

Raine said...

Amazing, amazing, amazing!!!!! I'm trying not to hyperventilate (breath in....breath out)....

In one word..."PERFECT"!!!



Polly said...

Love the site, but so many items were unavailable, GOOD for you, bad for us!! Please enter me in your drawing, would like to see more bottles!!

Razmataz said...

Incredibly fabulous,wonderful and delicious .

Good luck with the shop, you have done a ton of work and it shows.


she dreams big! said...

What a great store! This is the next best thing to being able to attend one of your events. I have several things picked out! Thanks for the chance to win!

Katie said...

Well done, thanks for pushing through to present the store, its great!

Hayley Fraser said...

Love the store! I really, really want the 2 industrial tubs and the 2 linen pillows. Your store and blog are beautiful and give me lots of long-distance inspiration down here in Missouri. Best wishes with your new endeavor.

Kati said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new market place. Now I can indulge in Barn House delights any time (and in my pjs too!) Please toss my name in the hat for the giveaway...I am sooo going to need where did my hubby hide that credit card....


Kim McM said...

I love your website! We like the exact same things! I could MOVE IN to your shop. I am looking forward to visiting often, online anyway. Do you guys need a picker?
Speaking of picking...... I would be ecstatic to win this giveaway! Best of luck on your new venture.

Free Art Printables said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!!!!! Wonderful treasures!

Rebecca said...

Darn! A day late to the party and so many of the goodies I want have already been purchased! Love the store and all the wonderful treasures!

red.neck chic said...

Oh - I love LOVE it!!!!

;-) robelyn

barbaraboxell said...

I've been waiting for you to open-Love the look-easy to navigate. Congrats!

melissapdx said...

The ability to shop Barn House during my lunch break? Sign me up!

Though nothing beats the early morning drive in the dusk to the Barn to wait with other like-minded souls in anticipation of all the fabulous finds awaiting...

Can't wait for the first BH weekend, but in the meantime I'll be frequenting the Market!


melissapdx said...

The ability to shop Barn House during my lunch break? Sign me up!

Though nothing beats the early morning drive in the dusk to the Barn to wait with other like-minded souls in anticipation of all the fabulous finds awaiting...

Can't wait for the first BH weekend, but in the meantime I'll be frequenting the Market!


Samantha Beata said...

Everything looks absolutely fantastic! I am currently in the process of redecorating my new apartment and REALLY looking forward to making many future purchases from you guys! I have already told quite a few people about your store and will post a link to it on my blog. (I have a very small following of just friends and family, but they will definitely all appreciate what you have here!)

Congrats on the store opening! Best of luck!


Kelly said...

Absolutely wonderful! Congrats to you boys on this new venture!

Sadie Olive said...

I love it! You boys did a fab job!

GeNell said...

Everything looks great & your site is very user friendly...good luck.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! Can't wait to do some shopping!

Janet's Creations said...

All right! It looks fabulous.
Please enter me in your drawing.
Best wishes!

Sandy said...

What a wonderful place. Downright fabulous! Congrats and count me in!

gretchen said...

congrats, this will be fun ~

Uncovered Ruby said...

Hey Joe and Jermonne,
Your new market place looks great! Congratulations on all your hard work, it's paid off! Best wishes on this new venture...oh and by the way, you know where we're at in case you need to drop off our BH Cash prize!! Lisa :-)

shari said...

Have always hoped to visit your slice of heaven in person... but, now I can shop on-line!! Love, love your marketplace. Beautiful!

Brig said...

Open! Open! Open! Well I was at the door a little early, then couldn't get registered, cried myself to sleep, sigh... YeeHaa, I got in this morning and even managed a small purchase. Love your new shop and all the goodies.

time worn interiors said...

The site is fabulous! Very easy to look at and follow! Great job! I could find all kinds of things to buy with Barn House Money!

Dixie said...

A feast for the eyes... an inspiration!

many blessings and good wishes! Dixie

Jean A. said...

WOW! I've been anxiously awaiting the opening and you never disappoint! I LOVE what you have selected for the store. Best Wishes for much success!

Unknown said...

I love love love your style!
Cheryl in California

the old white house said...

Your store is FABULOUS! I went though every page and would say, I'd get that if I won, and then I would see another amazing item and by the time I was finished I could have just transferred everything you have to my home! Really, I love your blog, am jealous of everyone who can attend your sales, you guys look like too much fun! So yes, please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks ` Theresa

Faded Plains said...

Your website looks amazing...I'd like one of everything please :o)

Lauri Evans said...

Love love love your things, wish I lived closer to Washington. would love to meet you guys. Lauri@chippys

Martha said...

I loved browsing through your store...I'm so excited you opened an online!!! Everything looks wonderful and it will be amazingly successful I'm sure:)

Me said...

I just came across your site! Love it!

MaryfromAnniesinSnohomish said...

The Market looks fabulous as I knew it would. You two definately have the touch. Continued success!

Lynette said...

Love your stuff! I see you better be quick on the draw...your stuff goes fast!! Lynette

Jenny said...

Absolutely beautiful exactly like everything else from the BH boys. I can't wait to go on a little shopping spree.

ang diehl said...

HI boys! Just made my first (likey of many ;) purchase from your shop; easy to navigate & simple transaction check out. My only problem is I just can't get enough! Well the farmhouse aesthetic. =) Many thanks for including me in your generous draw!

Smiles, angie d

Dawn, said...

So glad I found you!! Your shop is so fun to browse, already have a BIG wish list, snicker. Will gladly pass along my new 'find' to friends and family. Good luck to you on this new venture!


Barking Dogs Flea Market Style said...

Love, love, love it All... pictures are fantastic, wiping the drool off my chin right now......


Meadowsweet Cottage said...

Yum! Very easy to navigate and I loved the close-ups of the treasures. Almost like being there! Two thumbs up.

Tricia B said...

Congrats! Love your stuff!

maggieb34 said...

A wonderful site to have happened on to. Such interesting pieces, and the displays are fantastic...Congrats. Michelle Ballard Wichita, Kansas

all about me... said...

simply wonderful! Wish I was closer and could stop by for coffee! Love the site, easy to navigate, LOVE the pictures! Lots of delicious treasures!!!

Ready to shop!

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

You guys are amazing!

Countrygal said...

Such a lovely lovely store! Congratulations on your opening...what can I say, every thing looks just gorgeous from the blogheader to the goods on sale...wish I could come and visit!

Best of Luck!


Fran said...



mitz said...

** holy cow** its simply
** barn-a-riffic ** great place to come and browse and then shop.. wtg..

Britta Riley said...

Love the Barn House Marketplace! I plan on checking the site often!

- Britta Riley

~La Rustique Market~ said...

Very impressed with your seem to be doing very well by the looks of all the "SOLD" items.

Congratulations and may God Bless you.


kristy said...

can i please have EVERYTHING?? I love your style!

Maggie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maggie said...

loved your things at monticello this christmas, and think your online store is wonderful! The photographs really capture the beauty of your products. I want to win this drawing!!!

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