Me and my very best friend & favorite person, Joe, have spent the last month or so reflecting on all of the things that are most important to us. Our life together here on our little Farm, the incredible friendships we have made on our journey here in the NW, and The Barn House Experience. It's kind of hard to explain this Vortex of Love/Creativity/Generosity we have stumbled upon in this venture. It has changed our lives. We have been adorned with the amazingly unexpected.
We are thankful -- We are blessed -- We are honored.

Now that our 2009 Season is over, we have had time to just be still and reflect...and to take an honest look at our lives, how lucky we are, and all of the beauty that surrounds us. Just being still for a while has given us time to truly appreciate what is most important to us. And with that, all of the "stuff" we must let go of...

Sometimes, it's really hard to let go. Letting go of Summer was REALLY hard for us!

Then there is all of the "stuff" that somehow found its way into our lives. We had a killer Clearance section in the pasture at our last show to let go of merchandise that just didn't make the cut...and "projects" that were never completed...and piles of things that were just taking up space.

Then, there are those things you love with all of your heart that just don't fit in. Many of you who are reading this personally know our beloved steer, Dexter. He first lived in The Land of Tarte where he was featured on sites by
The Queen of Tarte ,
Annie, Fannie & Abigail and
Bird Tweets. Then, there came a time that The Boys of BH needed to save him from some questionable "pursuers" that may have had him destined for the freezer.

We took him in and loved him with all of our hearts. He was the poster Boy of Barn House in 2009. Unfortunately, our Original Girlies (Celie, Olivia, Sug' Avery, Odessa and Sophia) were terrified of him...and our new Girlies (The Llamas) couldn't stand him and Mama Llama would spit anytime he came near them. As much as we hoped The Girls of BH would warm up to him, it just didn't happen. His efforts to be part of the herd were snubbed. He was lonely. We finally had to let him go.
BUT, sometimes letting go is for the best. I had a discussion with our lovely neighbor Jacqueline about how special and gentle Dexter was...about how much he was loved by not only us, but an entire community of people...and about how we really wanted him to go to a good home.

It's funny how things happen when you put them out in the universe. A few weeks later, Jacqueline and her husband stopped by unexpectedly. They harnessed him and he happily walked down the hill to their place (he had never even really met them). I got a call later that day that made me cry. Jacqueline enthusiastically described the most beautiful "Love at First Sight" story I had ever heard. After walking Dexter to their farm, he got a glimpse of a very pretty lady...

She caught a glimpse of him (he is a very handsome steer)...and ran to the fence to greet him. He ran to her. They rubbed noses...they kissed...she introduced him to her little baby calf, who also rubbed noses and kissed him. Then they all proceeded to gallop around the pasture of his new beautiful home.

Dexter is in love, y'all! His new home is stunning...

His view of our neighbor Arlene's garden...

We often get heart-warming messages about how happy he is...and how happy his new lady friend and her baby are to have this strapping young man in their lives...and how much they all love each other.
Let go, and let love...
The Big BH Cleanse is in full swing. We have been letting go bags and bags of clothes, letting go of some other stuff cluttering our lives, and letting go of some encounters that hurt our hearts this past season. The great thing is sometimes it's necessary to just
"Let Go" in order to make room for something new and special...

Letting go of Summer has opened the door to appreciate The Splendor of Fall...

We have been spending lots of quality time with our critters...

Our babies missed the attention they were accustomed to...and we have been making it up to them...

Life on a farm ain't always easy! We have had some unfortunate close calls...and it's amazing what you can do when absolutely necessary. Taking a sheep's temperature (not under the tongue)...administering shots (when you are horrified by needles)...rescuing your own baby goat who is caught in an electric can all be a bit heavy on the heart, but you do what you have to do!

We love our babies...and our farm...

One regret we have about this last season is not spending more time with the people most important to us...with our animals...and doing things we love the most. We are making some changes around here...slowing things down a bit...picking up the phone to call instead of texting/e-mailing...planning brunches/dinners/trips to visit our close friends...editing more deliberately...guarding our hearts a little more. So don't be scared if you get a random call from us!!! :o)

...and ultimately, having more time/energy to stop and smell the roses...
And with all of that...
We are happy to announce our 2010 Calendar
May 8th - Spring Opening
July 31st - Flea Market
September 25th - Fall Harvest
(Next year, you will also be able to see us at Tarte, Monticello and Clayson Farm)
Cheers to Fall! And cheers to new beginnings!!
Let go and let Love!
Joe & Jermonne
The Boys of Barn House
P.S. - We were recently feature in The Oregonian with some of our special friends! See the article here:
Hi You Guys, such a wonderful heartwarming visit I just had with you all. I live in Missouri, but Oh, how I would love to come for a visit. You have your priorites staight and that's important! Your farm is wonderful, and I don't blame you for wanting to enjoy it to the fullest. Love the "head butt" photo! Enjoy the fruit of your labor! And have a Happy Rest of the Fall!
Blessings, Debra
Oh my, it is so good to hear from you! It sounds like you are in a very good place. Many wishes for an absolutely glorious autumn.
Beth of Salvage Studio
Enjoy yourselves and each other.
Julie, Kindred Roses
I'm just glad to hear that the BH Boys are still alive and kickin'! ;0)
Good for you both, taking time to rest and reassess. You set a good example for all of us, and remind us to slow down and enjoy every moment. Thank you for sharing such beautiful and inspiring thoughts and stories. Hugs from DeBob!
Such poetry!!! I miss you guys. So I am really glad Dexter got another home on a real farm. Not the kind of "farm" that my parent's told me when old Fritzy had to go to. Ha.
I raise my glass to you two!! Okaaay...a few glasses.
Hi Guys, What a lovely post. There is something wonderful about cleansing. You sound very peaceful. Enjoy your peace and if things get crazy just read this post.
Andy's Attic
Oh...THERE you are! :-) I wondered what you've been up to and how things were going out there in the great NW. I'm from the NE and it's been a beautiful Autumn! I've taken so many pics and posted that it was difficult to choose! Glad you are enjoying your down time and wish with all I have that I could come out for one of your shows. Have an awesome Autumn! Tami E. have really been listening to your hearts. Glad to hear that you are cleaning out your life. It really does open you up to be more of who you are suppose to be. Way to go. You are both amazing and I really enjoyed meeting you at the Farm Chick show weekend.
I'm tipping my glass to the both of new beginnings!
Well said. This was a post worth the month plus wait. Look forward to seeing each of you soon. And what a great new life for Dexter! xxoo, Susan
Loved this post! I am so happy that the two of you have come to this positive place and that you are setting the bar for the rest of us. What a great, enriching philosophy to live by. You are both so wise, and so wonderful. I look forward to those "friend" visits you speak of...
What a beautiful and inspiring post...I really wish you would consider coming to Texas for the shows...I know our mutual friends mama and papa willow would concur...I guarantee you would need security guards...
Love it...cleansing is good for the soul and the mind. (I started to say colon, but thought better of it!) When we carry around a lot of negative, whether in stuff or in our hearts, it only slows us down. Better to just leave it on the side of the road and keep moving.
Do what makes you happy and be with those who make you is just too short...but y'all seem to have figured that one out on your own!
I want Cat Daddy to take me on a pilgrimage in July. Guess where!
P.S. I'm in the book!
Hello Guys, you have had a busy season and I enjoyed looking at your blog. I wish very much to come and visit you sometime. I am happy that your steer has a good new home. Cleansing is good and you seem to know what is best for you. Have wonderful Holidays and Blessings to you. sandi
What a touching post..great words to live by. I hope you enjoy a long and restful winter..ready to rock it again in the New Year!
You two are the greatest and certainly set the bar at a level we could all hope to achieve. Enjoy the fall and winter and spring will come soon. I am really happy for Dexter, oh the love at first sight was precious. Just as we do with our own children when we have animals we step and do whatever is needed, even if it is not at our comfort level. I am so looking forward to next season.Thank you for all that you have given us. Hugs Florence
Woohoo! The Boys are back............Salute! Yes, We all need to take a step back and reflect now and then.It does a body good! Well, I sure hope to see you Boys at Tarte next weekend??? Be there or be square.Me!
P.S. You have an Amazing talent for writing, make that work for you.
Thanks so much for such a lovely story today. I especially like the happy ending for your boy! I'm sure he's happy down the road at your kind neighbor's farm. The images of your farm life and all the animals just makes me smile.
Have a great week!
I'll be back for more.
ain't it true? Sometimes you just have to breath and also realize that everyone/thing is not great.
So happy Dex has a loving bovine family now. How wonderful that you can visit him too.
I have the dates already in my calendar...I will plan my work around it :-)
Happy Fall Y'All (OMG did I really say that???)
boys, I am so happy that Dexter found love. I can not tell you how happy that makes me.
And I am happy you are finding balance.
You have created a bit of Eden and you ought to take the time to enjoy it.
Thank you!I'm totally with you on the picking up the telephone instead of texting or e-mail, I thought I was the last and only one who felt this way!
You guys have something special going on, I'm glad your going to slow down and enjoy.
Todays Country Store
hi (she said with a warm smile), I've just stumbled across your blog, but I can already just tell you BHB and your wonderful animals are special...I think I like ya'll :) a lot...
Hooray for Dexter!!! just when our hearts can be heaviest, struggling with a decision that seems to have no good solution, the world turns and *click* the best thing in the world happens...
Hug all of those babies for me :)
and I'll be back
This post was truly something that touched my heart. Gives me lots to think about today. Thanks. Enjoy your autumn days!!
Love you guys!!!!
Jermonne.....that was absolutely beautifully profound- and if you were here right now, I would either say "amen brother" or give you a high five or hug........
very insightful post -
I feel the very same way, and life on the farm has done it to us, not us to the farm.......
p.s. love that dexter story!
Beautiful said. I can't wait to see you. Soon?
My heart feels all warm and fuzzy... reflection looks good on you!
Much love,
Enjoy your time with family, friends and your wonderful animals - I understand what you are saying about slowing down - I have felt the same way lately!!
I want you both to know how much I enjoyed my visit to one of your shows - It was simply amazing . . . the location, the barn, you and your friends . . . I had a wonderful time!! It is a crazy world we live in and you both add such warmth to it - Thank you for all that you do . . .
By the way - Loved the story about Dexter!! :)
All the best to both of you!!
Hi Boys :) What a beautiful post! Feel like I just had a therapy session (in a good way). Sigh. Really wonderful.
Sorry I didn't get to see you guys this YEAR. Work schedule just never seemed to allow for it sadly. But know that I've got my sights on next year.
Have a wonderful Fall, Kids.
Ok guys, this post made me all teary eyed! Hope to see you at Cindy's sale on Saturday (if the babysitting gods hear my plea!!).
So happy to hear that all is well over at BH!
What a wonderful post! I especially loved the story about Dexter who I have come to know up close and personal like. So glad to hear that you too are slowing down and enjoying what is important, each other. Miss you and hope I will get to see you both soon!
I feel Dexter's joy! I stepped WAY out of my box a couple of months ago and also found my love!! You never know what's right around the corner........
Love you guys lots, Sue xoxoxox
Lovely, lovely post, Jermonne, I couldn't have said it any better!! I, too, am on a quest to simplify my life and give priority to the important things, like spending time with those I love...!! I hope we can get together soon, let's plan something fun!! Big hug,
This was a beautiful post. I feel the same way. I am looking forward to heading to Monticello's in December for their big show...I will be staying with Isabel. I can't wait! Hopefully, I will get a chance to meet you guys.
Have a wonderful day!
Wonderful Pictures. I love the color of the leave. And enjoying seeing the animals.
Thanks for sharing
Love this post, it speaks to what many of us think all too often. Your dates are on my calendar and don't be surprised to see me come all the way from Minnesota to be at one of your sales! Are you doing Farm Chicks? Will you make me one of those yummy drinks???
Sounds like you are finally enjoying the fruits of your labors...cheers!
I just want to say simply...(choking up after reading such a heart felt post...I love you guys.
Hugs, Joyce
Hi! I have been a reader for quite awhile now but it's taken me awhile to get the nerve to comment. I love your blog, your work, your farm and your zest for life. The last is evident in everything you do and has inspired me to one day own a small farm with my future husband. We are getting married October 31st and can't wait to start saving to have a wonderful home together that is full of life and love as it is clearly evident yours is. Thank you for your inspiration and creativity. Maybe one day we will head your way to experience your creativity in person. :)
I love all of your photos, your writings and share your joy! I love cows and chicks and every animal! Kerrie
What a fabulous post boys! I am sad and happy about dexter, but mostly happy. You know we had a moment together at the flea this past year, so he will always hold a special place in my heart as well!
Thank you for all you hard work and letting so many of us enjoy your farm too.
Looks like you are heading to greener pastures yourselves by giving yourselves time to stop and smell the roses!
Hugs to you....
xoxox, Tiffany
You are both always so honest and real! Love that about you. Jermonne didn't know you worked for Charter til I read the Oregonian article. My sister-in-law(Kellie Hollister) helped start it with her good friend.
Letting Go is hard but always Healing.
Many Blessings, Erin
So important to take the time to prioritize and ask ourselves "if we could be doing anything, what would it be" .... and then finding out what's keeping us from being in that place. We focus so much on ADDING things to our lives that we forget that SUBTRACTING is sometimes the answer.
Betty :)
What a wonderful farm!
kudos you have some style!!!
Hey Guys, What a sweet testimony to your lives together and those who surround you. Congrats on a great year and I'm looking forward to seeing you a bit more this next year. Savor the season of Change, Best, Todd @ Bountiful Home
Hi BarnHouse Boys , You've been missed! I loved your post. We all need to set our priorities during that crazy show season that use to be known as Summer. It's hard to make some of those choices , I'm so glad to see Clayson Farms as a Keeper on your list, that was a fun one. Next year we're spending the night on Saturday , too! See you soon , Sue
You boys have given a lot this year. On behalf of the Proebstel chapter (I'm the card carrying president) of the BH Boys Fan Club, I just want to say thank you.
Thank you for the amazing shows that make it hard to sleep the night before.
Thank you for bringing my creative lovely girls into my life through your magic, serendipitous land over there.
Thank you for adding so much style and fun and elegance to this county of ours.
What a perfect post to sum up what this year has taught you two. There are so many wonderful, amazing things ahead, Jermonne---makes me dizzy for you guys(in a good way).
Looking forward to sharing a glass of something bubbly.
What a wonderful post, so full and inspiring, I am glad to hear you have had so much fun...and are learning to let go, which can be so hard to do. enjoy your time together and the holidays!
P.S. your babies are adorable, all of them!
Elegance abounds: in words, images, reflection and intent. It doesn't get much better than that. You have voiced what we all feel and strive for...Thanks for helping us find our inner 'farm'!
Best and hope to see you soon,
I have no words, except to say that this is the best blog post I have ever, ever read. And the pictures? Well, my heart is still melting. You guys are awesome.
That was a beautiful post and I must say worth the wait! It sounds like you've got your priorites re- alined, which is absolutely important in this business. Each month after our barn sale I must say I crash and burn first, then reaquiant and refresh my main prioities in my life and start the craziness all over again! Enjoy and looking forward to 2010..maybe even a trip up there!!
My Best
Dear J and J,
So good to hear from you. I'm glad to hear Dexter "is in a better place", it does sometimes take a little rearranging to get it all just right. Sounds like and by your photos,looks like you found "the better place" so proud of you.
Hope to be in on some of the lets just sit around and laugh times ahead!
Love you both,
What a great post,, I really enjoyed reading it,and all the beautiful photos,,,thank you for sharing them...
So happy to hear that Dexter is so happy!!!
Love your blog... now where were you when dear husband and I lived in Vancouver Washington about twenty years ago.... oh wait, you were probably in first grade!!
All the best,
cheers to you both! in all of your adventures ... and most certainly in 'letting go' ...
thank you for sharing these images ~ i adore sheep and goats and love your little animals!
take good care,
Oh My!! How sweet and adorable!!! The whole thing!!! I have never met you 2 but already adore you!!!
would love someday to make it to your beautiful barnsales!!!!
What a great story and such a sweet happy ending! Enjoy this break and we can all learn something from your time of reflection.
The roses are such an important part of our lives that we tend to take them for granted sometimes. I know it must have been such a hard decision to make ~ to cut back your schedule ~ but I am sure that you will both be thankful for the down time it brings. Cheers to new beginnings!
What a beautiful post. You are so inspiring. Have a wonderful Holiday Season...
Cathleen alyce
I love "love stories", I have tears in my eyes right now!
Thank you guys!!
Thea, Thea's Interiors
Dexter is gorgeous. I'm so happy he is living the good life and has a family of his own. I stopped eating meat years ago due to my love of cows and pigs. :)
Dear Joe & Jermonne,
Please send up prayers to PROTECT the East Fork of the Lewis River the plants, animals, insects and scenic beauty of of this area from huge BPA power lines via the I-5 Corridor Reinforcement Project. I need anyone and everyones voice and support. I know you have not been here yet but it is much like Multnomah Falls area only in Clark, Co. WA with waterfalls all along the river. Have missed you & Tarte. Grateful, Erin
Love the "being" instead of doing...I've been practicing that myself. So many things we miss if we only "do", thank you for the reminder. When we're warm and fed and loved we everything to be thankful for.
Happy Autumn ;)
What a wonderful story about Dexter! And the one about your lives too. It's that sort of "season" for me too. Amazing what we hang onto and why, and amazing how people can hurt you without a 2nd thought. (I understand). Like you, I also understand and appreciate the blessings too. I think that's what it's all about... appreciating the blessings and working on letting the rest of it go.
Miss you!
Gosh I just love and miss you guys thoroughly. Your sweet animals are calling to me and I've decided to find a time to come and visit and stay if you'll have me sometime in the spring. I'll bust a move to make some firm plans. We'll talk more, but on another note, yes Rebekah will be here in 2 weeks and I can hardly wait! Should be lots of Blogger fodder - he, he, he!
what a wonderful story, I love all your animals, so beautiful and heartwarming knowing they are all there and doing so well, love that I will be back for more...come for a visit
hey! thanks for stopping by the farm the other day........
great to hear from you......hoping you are enjoying some peace.....
I love reading your blog! And your story of Dexter actually choked me up...he is in LOVE! I love that!
Miss you two, will be glad to see your great finds at Monticello, soon. Hugs to you both. Florence
What a beautiful post...Dexter's story made me cry happy tears! Your blog is so heartwarming and such an inspiration.....beautiful words and beautiful photos. Thanks for the smile tonight!
My dearest boys,
Your new banner is really great! Jermonne, you are a very good photographer & those pictures should be put to good use, for the rest of the world to enjoy...(get me?)
Give me a jingle if you need me to help out before the Christmas show;- otherwise I'll be up there in not to long, w/a little something from Norway that snicked into my suitcase.
Ok, now how in the world did I miss this post? I must have been asleep, but no, I'm always looking for your next post. I'm off to read more...
Now your header is just gorgeous! But, your drive is well, you left me speechless. This place is prettier than a post card, why haven't more people discovered it. You would want to live here and not leave, my goodness, it's so peachful looking and just heavenly! I'll be looking forward to your online store, how exciting for you guys, congrats.
reading this...while sitting by the fire...having just told myself.... slow down...enjoy....take it all in....smell the the colors change...less is more....stop rushing....stop saying yes to everything....your words encourage me...thank you...i hope one day to meet you both in person....i may just have to make one of your events a destination to plan....jules
You have your priorites staight and that's important! Your farm is wonderful,
Domain registration india
Ducks, chickens and goats! wow, what a barn.
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