This show will be our most intimate of the season. Just Willow Nest and Barn House. And if you are wondering why/how we could do a show with only the two of us after our flea market, click here and here AND here ANNNND check out our August 7th post here. OH, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, don't forget to check the link to their special slide show for the Willow Nest Inn in Burton, TX!!! Did we mention that they would be bringing their treasures from THE BEST place in the country/world to shop??!!???!!! Hmmmm, you might want to think about joining us for this Texas Style Party here at Barn House. AND, we sure hope Ma & Pa have brought us back a little Suga from our TX friends Debbie and Theresa (hint-hint)! Ma and Pa are arriving soon, and there will definitely be more to come on this very special show.
So in addition to trying to rest a little after The BH Flea Mkt, we have had a few irons in the fire. We really needed to take care of our somewhat neglected children during the chaos of this last show. Just imagine, being covered in WOOL when it's 110+ degrees in the normally rainiest/coolest place on earth. "Papa, please get it together and take care of us!"

Without a doubt, we will certainly have to take this up as a side job to pay for those expensive a$$ shears! But, our babies were clicking their hooves after it was all said and done. Needless to say, there were a few BH glitches along the way. First, I took a tiny little notch out of Shug Avery's ear (our black sheep who was first in line), THEN took an even bigger notch out of my right middle finger causing me to just about pass out before ALMOST needing to be rushed to the hospital (maybe a slight exaggeration). Poor Shug and poor Jermonne! BUT, our babies look good (except for the one Joe finished when I was dealing with paramedics--see Odessa on the left). Next on the list are those sweet (sometimes spitting) Llamas--wish us luck with that one.
BUT, that ain't it!! We are ALSO getting ready for VERY SPECIAL show this weekend in Yakima! Y'all know we had a life changing experience in Yakima several months back that inspired a bit of BH Duck-Mania. Well, one of the big reasons we love Yakima so much is because of the American Primitives at Clayson Farm Antique Show.
We attended as shoppers last year and came home with our Suburban packed to the brim (including the roof rack was dangerously stacked with stuff). The hosts are amazing, the setting is breathtaking and the treasures to be found are out of this world!! We changed our entire schedule in 2009 so that we could be a part of two shows -- The Farm Chicks and Clayson Farm. Please be sure to check out the slide show on their site for pictures from last year's show!!! We know and love several of the vendors and it will certainly be a show you should not miss!!
Until we talk again...
J & J
The Boys of Barn House
P.S. - Thanks Calamity Jane for the wonderful gifts from Curious Sofa on your recent vacation. We LOVE you...and the gifts too. :o)
Your his and his towels are the cutest thing I've ever seen....and the sheep sheering! Too funny! Well-done.
Always so great to see what you two are up to. So glad your fabulousness is in Clark county.
Injuries and all you did a great job! I would be scared to see what I would do to myself and the sheep. They must be so happy and cool now;-)
Loved this post! Well I love all your posts is what it is. I have trouble combing my long-haired cats, so I am really impressed with your shearing skills!
Beth of Salvage Studio
Ya'll are making me want to cry that I can't be there, boo hoo...I'm coming your way, if it takes me 4 years to get there (hint, that's when I retire!!)
Shearing sheep and lamas yikes, I know my first experience trying to give my husband a hair cut with shears and I nicked him and gave him a little bald spot. Needless to say he is going back to the barber. Yes Jermone I knew you were there at the Tarte sale in spirit. I can't hardly wait until Linda and Ludmill get here.
I'm impressed with you caring for your sheep like that! And is that your dining room? GORGEOUS!
Next show in Yakima? Now how can I arrange myself so I can be there?! It sounds like TONS of fun.....gotta find a way :)
Love the sheep. You guys are the best!
Do you ever sleep? Just wondering! You make me want to pack up my bags and my punk and head over to the show..and I am being serious, do you allow little punks in?
Great job on the sheep and I just have to tell you that your love for animals is infectious, it makes me smile that you take so much time to care for them, it really says something about your character! Love reading about your best go plan how to pack the punk in my suitcase! :)
Love the sweet little faces of your flock!
Have a great weekend in Yakima at the Clayson Farm.
It never ceases to amaze me what is on your "to do" list! I see Barn House's near future in a magazine.....????? I can't imagine the scurrying around to prepare for that! The hubby had given me permission to head to the Pac NW for your show but alas life is just too busy. I will schedule a trip out there around your 2010 season, I promise.
A little sugah? Honey, I don't do anything little...go big or go home I say! I would have loved to be the one delivering said sugah, but since I'm stuck here in this blasted heat, get lots of kisses from Linda and hugs from Prince Charming from me to y'all.
Y'all better slow are bound to meet yourselves coming or going! How do you ever find enough great merchandise for that many shows and y'all always have the BEST!
You're cracking me up Ducky, with the shearing if you don't have enough to do. If I send Cat Daddy up y'alls way, could you just give him a little trim around the ears?
I'm still looking at all the great photos of the Barn House Sale. Texas ain't got nothing on y'all!!!
P.S. Y'all know you're the buzz of the blogging world. Barn House is the next BIG thing!!!
I have a barn sale here in Maryland you guys are an inspiration to me and I aspire to be at your level someday!
OK, I'm a total lurker, never commenting because I'm always slinking away from my computer after reading about your fab shows. In SHAME, for whining about trying to do all I do, and then you pull off these monthly BOMBSHELLS.
Couldn't resist after I saw the sweetest photo of Jermonne and the black sheep. Come hell or high water, someday I'll make it clear cross-country to visit. OR maybe y'all need to get your butts down to Warrenton in April????
Good Heavens! You make me dizzy! Hurray for you and Joe. Best of the best to you! So WHEN is the show with you and Willow Nest? If it was there, I'm tired and old.
Love you,
Can't make Leslies show, we have Sumner Arts Festival that weekend and I guess one should stay home and MAKE some cashola instead of always spending! Ha what fun is that? Will however do my best to get down to see Linda and Ludmil, back in the day they did wander through the Ol' Country store wayyyy northhh of Battleground!
I'm FINALLY getting to go to a show! Can't wait to go this weekend to see all the great things. I'm smiling, thinking of the sheep-shearing adventure. I've done some handspinning and you didn't mention how the wool came out. Now, if it were MY first experience, I'd probably have it all hacked up! I don't know how you stay on top of things like you guys do!
Just wanted to pop in and let you know that I adore your blog.
Miss you! Loved the pictures of you and the sheep - super cute ;)
I don't know how you do all you do, either!!! And you do it so well!! Can't wait to come and see L&L, I know it will be a magical day!! Good luck at Clayson Farms (you don't really need it!), this weekend! Take lots of pictures! Big hug,
Oh man, have you ever seen cuter sheep in your whole life!!! Way to get in there and do it yourself, a few minor injuries make you feel like you've earned it :0)...
Have a great show this weekend!
Love you,
I just love reading your posts. Makes me smile. Good luck with the big sale. Will be waiting for pictures of all the wonderful treasures and displays. Be sure you send Linda & Ludmil back to us..... Maggie
Travel Well, keep those fingers safe (I sliced 2 of mine tiling last year and almost passed out)and watch out for the green spit(those Llama's can be brutal) Many Blessings to you both,
The picture of you with the sheep is adorable. They are all cute, and worth all the work I am sure. You are lucky to have all of your sweet animals, and they are lucky to have you. I hope you have another great show!
oh my god! poor shug :( poor jermonne! i swear boy you need to have a class in basic mental health self-care as well as one on first aide! i have one opening left in my on-line Dr. Bird class for neurotics.... come on....i'll give you a deal, two-fer-one ;)
I have hit a snag with leaving a note here. LOve your fuzzy family. missed you. see you soon. Julie
ahhhh, sheep shearing, brings back fond childhood memories....don't know about the llamas though! Keep cool, can you believe 110 one day, 59 the next What the heck?!?!?!
xoxxo, tiffany
I can't wait for the next show! :-) I am sure it is going to be amazing as always!! I am excited to see willow nest. That story about your poor animals was hysterical. Sooo glad it is cooler here now!! Us northwesterners sure can't take that kind of heat!! I had to escape to the beach with my two little kiddos to cool off. Poor hubby had to stay here in town for the week or two while we were gone. Hope you have a great night!! Hugs!! Britt
This looks like so much fun..., wish I lived closer!
I love sheep and I love antiquing! What a combo! In college I worked at a historical farm and learned to trim the hooves on the three sheep and two goats that lived on the farm. One of the girls kicked up a bit and I stabbed my top lip line with the clippers and still have the teeniest scar to remind me of her feistiness. Oh the pain! But it was worth it, as the girls felt so good cleaned up. Wish I had learned to shear them...but I so can see how dangerous a job that would be. Hope you're healing fast. Will dream of their lanolin sweetness and mysterious eyes. You've got a great blog. Thanks. I linked to you from housemartin for the first time.
Hi! I love your post. Sheering sheep sounds like a lot of fun.
Have a great day!
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