(photo courtesy of
Rob "JA" Kennedy)
We use to have two barns...but now there is only one. Last November during the first crazy storm of the season, the original barn on our property completely collapsed. So we decided to do a little recycling/reusing for our "big elaborate structures."

Well, I am normally a pretty nice guy...and so is Joe. BUT, I have to admit that the stress of building these structures (and everything else we have on our plates) got the best of me this week. At times, my mouth overflowed with so much "potty" that if
Sylvi was here she would have certainly washed my mouth out with soap. Poor, poor, poooor Joe...he deserves an award for putting up all of my "stuff" this week. I HAD ISSUES, to say the least! BUT, all is good now. We didn't kill each other. The weekend was VERY productive. The Big/Elaborate structures are awesome! The Barn is ready for
Laurie, Debbie,
Cindy, and
This is is our clean slate...now it's time bring in all of the treasures and put all the pieces to the puzzle together.

The mantra for the weekend was, "Enjoy the journey. Yes, enjoy the 'gosh darn' journey!" Although there were a few rather challenging moments, the hard work has definitely paid off. We are so excited and honestly feel this will be our best show yet!! There is soooo much to share, and still LOTS to do. But I best get to bed so I can be as sweet as pie at my other gig tomorrow.
We hope you can join us next Saturday. Are you coming???
J & J
Barn House
P.S. - Aren't our babies getting so big?!

OMG, you guys know how to raise a barn in style!! It's beautiful, bad words and all...Good luck with your show, wish wish wish on a star a thousand times I were comin...
Can't wait to see you guys on Saturday! Love what you're doing with the barn.
When it comes to landscaping and labor intensive work I always bring out the bad boy toys. After destroying two back ends in my truck I finally decided to purchase some heavy duty equipment to help me on my way. I have found my dump truck and bucket truck to be very helpful with trimming tall trees and removing the debris from my yard.
The Amish couldn't have done a better job constructing a barn...I love it. It will be a wonderful backdrop for what I am sure will be fantastic treasures.
Looks like you are really getting your ducks in a row. How quickly they grow to leave the nest!
Now that is a great space! I have a barn sale too but it's in an old horse barn and the other barn girls and I load all our finds into the stalls. I would love to have a big old wide open space like yours!
One of these days I'm flying out for a show!
Your babies ARE getting big! I had no idea they grew so fast. I can't wait to see you on Saturday ~ bright and early! Good luck this week with the final preparations :)
I'm coming!!! Wow, love what you have done!! Can't wait!
I am sooo not missing out on this one! It looks fabulous even WITHOUT all the goodies! Can't wait to get a gander at those babies...
If I had the time right now, I would totally cry!! I can relate so much to you - and I SO wish we could have a drink together and swap some potty talk....
I read a haiku after our barn burned....
"the barn is in ruins, now I can see the moon"
and holy camoly does your place look RAD!
Barn beautiful, wish I could come, I know it will be terrific. Don't forget to keep a lookout for my sis-in-law, please!
We will be there...hitting the road at 5am... wouldn't do that for just anybody! See you soon.
oh...I hope I hope I hope that I can get there this weekend...so far...it is looking good! I have never been- and am excited at the prospect!!! have a great week- melanie
LOL.....enjoy the journey.......I'm so using that!
Usually when The Hubs is driving me some place he isn't so thrilled about I say "seein America Honey, seein America!"
I'm going to try and make it down this weekend. I'm so excited to see what you have been working on together.
I made a HUGE big $$$ catering mistake this last weekend so I'm not sure if I can get a hall pass that will for sure cost The Hubs some cash.
We're in aresession ya know! ;-)
I'm so coming to the party and I'm bring $3 to get in EARLY!!! Can't wait to see all your hard work, and I will also bring the check book!
Love and hugs!
P.S. I'll bring ya'll some vittles so ya don't starve to death!
Yes I am coming I can hardly wait. Your babies are growing too. I love the look of the inside of the barn. wow. You boys be nice now.
Well done, boys! Pat yourselves on the back for a job incredibly well done.
The ducks? Oi! So cute! I wanna hug 'em, and squeeze 'em, and call 'em George!
I love your little duckies! They're so cute, my ducks have all been (I won't say it but it involes roaming dogs, an eagle and a racoon.) Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the little ducky Joe bought for you from me, it is very cute and fits in perfectly with your farm! The new barn looks great and I'm coming up on Sat with my daughter Cara, it will be her first visit to your place. Can't wait!
I ache when I read your posts - what I wouldn't give to be there this weekend, I am certain to be missing something fabulous! Love the barn...ENJOY....
Ohhhhh, wouldn't miss it for the world! Am so looking forward to it! You both do such an amazing job and I come away from each event with such a different feeling. Can't wait to feel this one!
Sorry things have been so stressful!! :-( The barn is looking FABULOUS!! I am sure it will be even more amazing on Saturday!! Can't wait to see it!! Hope you both have a fantastic day!!! huge hugs!!! Britt :-)
oh!! I forgot to say that your ducks are DARLING!! xoxo!!
Wish I could be there Saturday, but gotta work. I'll have to settle for all the pictures that will appear in blogland! The barn looks wonderful and the baby duckies are so sweet. Have a great weekend. M.
Man the Barn looks AWE-Some!! You guy's have really out done yourselves. Hope your show is a big success!!!
How fast the ducks grow! We have 4 babies cockatiels now, and it's a trip how fast they grew in just one week.
the vintage husband :D
Those ducklings are sooo cute - I think I want to live part of the year with you guys = I'll take care of the animals!
Love the photo from "JA", that scence is where I want to be and then at the end of the road to have a barn like yours......what a dream!
Everything happened so fast! I highly endorse it. It's just amazing.
I Hope it will be finish asap
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