This is an impromptu post, inspired by a visit over to Robin's
Bird Tweets Blog. Oh how my little heart is aching something terrible (in a really good way)! I have said this before, but I really don't know what we did in our previous lives to be rewarded so abundantly in this life. Visiting Robin's blog today was a reminder of this. Being the cry-baby that I am, I was instantly teary-eyed and emotional about the very simple and pure things that bring so much happiness into our lives. The House, the BH Home Collection of "stuff" inside The House, the abundance of "stuff" surrounding The House, The Barn...all of this is wonderful. But it has really been the friendships that have developed and evolved along the way that make it all so special. We call these friends "The Barn House Angels." Well, imagine me sitting on the sofa "in the moment" of reflecting on all of the many things I am so thankful for...and in barges the Tasmanian Devil (Joe). "OMG, are you crying about how happy you are, AGAIN??? Snap out of it! I need you to help me lift "this-and-that" and move it "here-and-there!" I politely replied, "Well, excuuuuuuse me for being happy! I will be right out to help you, You Bubble-Popper!" I was too emotionally drained to wrestle him about it (being too happy can be exhausting sometimes)...not to mention I didn't want to scare my duckies who are still enjoying their last few days of living in the house with us. I certainly don't want my newest "children" growing up thinking their parents are heathens...no way!! Unfortunately, their older siblings may one day enjoy popping their bubbles about us...I wonder where they learned that from.

Sorry, back to the ever so talented
Robin! Her pictures and stories are beautiful art! Every time I visit her blog I am amazed in one way or another. I am sure this is why
Somerset Life Magazine snatched her up!!! You can see her spread in the Jan-Mar issue. We feel so honored to know her...a real life fancy photographer in magazines!!! There are even two pictures from the Barn House and
Willow Nest show
last August here at our place!! :o) And I will be forever thankful to her for airbrushing the wrinkles & acne off of my face and the gray out of my hair from the pictures she posted on her blog!!! Thank you, Robin...you are a true professional!!! But more important than the fancy photographs and magazines, we really feel she is becoming part of our extended family here in Washington. We can't wait to send our friends and family back home to her blog. :o)

Have you checked the mail today??? Some of you will be receiving our first postcard. This one will always be very special because it features Celie (left) & Nettie (right). It was taken at our "Grand Opening" last May by our friend
Rob "J-A" Kennedy (another great photographer friend). As some of you know, Sweet Nettie died last October after our Season Finale -- so this series is really in honor of her. Thanks Robbie for catching our twin goats at the perfect moment, guarding The BH Familia! In the future, we will feature something special about each individual event. If you would like to be added to your mailing list, send us a comment or an e-mail with your address (barnhousebh@yahoo.com).

OK...the Tasmanian Devil is back and I really have to run. He just got back from treasure hunting and is really PO'd I have been blogging and watching the chickens through the window mess up the newly planted vegetable garden. Sorry, but my babies just can't do no wrong in my eyes!!
BUT, before I go...let me talk a little bit more smack about "Joey Drama" before he comes back into the house.
(We've known each other for almost 20 years, so I can do that) See all that stuff in the picture above?

Well, I am sure our neighbors drive by and think that Sand ford (Joe) & Son (me, because I am waaay younger) are completely out of control. It has been said (by unknown sources) that Joe is VERY proud of his stuff...kind of like a little boy is proud of his new truck or new army army figures.

SOOOO, what he does (Proud Joe) is not only bring stuff inside the house and
literally surround himself with it, but he also displays the big stuff outside so that everybody and their mamas can see it all when they drive by. I guess it's the Hunter/Gatherer in him. (another scenario The Barn People got in trouble for re-enacting in Seattle). Most neighbors smile and wave...but some of the others just glare and snarl. Good thing we live in the country...this here land is ours...treasures (junk) and all!!!! HEE HAW ;o)

Goodness, I should call in sick to work more often. I really needed to get that off my chest! Can I get a witness??
J & J / The Boys of Barn House / Barn People / Happy Folks(!) / Cry Babies
P.S. - We will be acting like fools in
The Land of Tarte on Saturday (if I am still not sick, of course). Hope you can join
The Queen and
Annie, Fannie & Abigail for one of the best shows in Oregon!!!
I have not been to your place yet, and look forward to the show in May. Seems I am always working when the shows are happening! I love your blog, and look forward to seeing all of your special things. And, I will of course, bring my checkbook!!!
What a beautiful post. You got me teary-eyed! I too am a big cry baby. Thank God they don't make those Kodak commercials anymore!
I can't wait for your season opener! Hope my tax refund is here by then!
Take care.
Me, too, big cry baby. I cry mostly when I am happy! People tease me that I cry at beer commercials! (that was only once;) You've got to check out the latest addition to our house, our new mini burro named churro! He'll melt your heart! Heck, you might even cry!
xoxo, Tiffany
sorry, another comment...just went over to robin's and such a sweet blog of you boys on the farm. Now I see whay you have been crying! How sweet!
xoxo, Tiffany
I read your blog all the time and get excited when I see a new post! This post was the best and I will e- mail with my address to get your card. I would like to make it up to one of your shows sometime, I do a lot of shows myself and things have been really picking up this year, on that note I wish you the best show year ever! Love the goats, sorry for your loss... take care~Jacque
Awwwww!! Take it all in and enjoy!! How great it is to have these moments recorded with friends, photographers and this wonderful blogging world. xoxoxo Cindy
BTW, love Joey Dramas new call sign...Tazmanian Devil, I think I will use TAZ. So fitting!!
Ya'll sound like ya'll have so much fun. I wished I lived closer so I could come to a show, but I live on the other side of the WORLD!!!! LUV your stuff!
Honey, I think you are an angel! I went over to Robin's and watched the video...you are such a good daddy/mama to those darling duckies. You should of told me to take kleenex. Such a sweet post.
I would love to be on y'alls mailing list even though it so far for me to come. I just want one of your tutu cute cards!!! I am such a magpie.
Loved all your babies.
I jumped on over to Robins blog for a quick peek - what wonderful photos!! You both look soooooo handsome!!! Of course your descriptive writing of the conversations you two have had me laughing :0
Are you letting the ducks free range? We do that- and feed them their grain- and it cuts back on cost - but watch it...they like to "dispose of themselves" (as I'm sure you already know) anywhere they please....
What are you doing with all those ducks anyhow? Eggs? Meat (dare I ask?)
And thanks for the confidence boost in the goat buying- but no goat just yet .....
What a great post.....good friends are a treasue.
I love all of Joe's new finds....
Blessings to you both -
Chloe Rose
Kindred Roses
What a great post.....good friends are a treasue.
I love all of Joe's new finds....
Blessings to you both -
Chloe Rose
Kindred Roses
Amen, brother!
Joe and I must have been separated at birth...
Displaying junk is like a kitty bringing her humans a mouse...some appreciate it...some don't!
Can't wait to visit in May...
You guys are truly the Best.....We loved your Harvest Show last year and hope to make it over in May... What wonderful babes you have (baby ducks of course) Sooooo cute!!!! See you all at The Farm Chicks in June!! Oh thanks for the comment. However it got lost...We have been trying to scan some pics for a post we did earlier in the month and finally asked for help from our computer guy "Shane" he got the pic on, but in the wrong place??? Only now it has appeared magically in place, but lost your comment, if you get a chance later to take a peek, maybe we will have it figured out!!Thanks Again, Glad & Cel
Hey guys..I would LOVE to get on your mailing list! How do I do that? I am so excited to find something like this in Washington!! Can't wait to make a visit down your way. Love your blog. :)
OH, sniff, sniff-I'm just sooo warm around my heart, right now! You boys are THE BEST, always! What a sweet story, Jermonne! You make us all go gaga for both of you;- "The Realist" & "The Crybaby"!
Robin's post was so sweet & the pictures even better.
BTW: I didn't think you guys used the main bathroom's tub???? The ducklings deserve to have it, I agree :o)
Hopefully I get to see you soon!
Hugs, Sylvi
I so loved reading this post. You are too funny, Jermonne. I too am a huge cry baby. I cry all the time over silly stuff. Don't care though and neither should you. I'll see you tomorrow at Cindy's. Be ready for a big hug.
I love this barn house - just pure joy. Makes me think of my Dad growing up on a farm, one of 9. He still talks about it as being the best years of his life.
What a wonderful post, Jermonne!! We can all take inspiration from your "joie de vivre"... And the Joey drama stories are always the best!!! Big hug!!
You are both truly amazing!! . . . you have been a true inspiration to me in more ways than you can imagine!! - liz
You two are so precious, to know you is to absolutely adore you. I can so perfectly imagine being with you when I read your posts. I can hear "Taz" telling you what is what... Makes me laugh, makes me cry...
And about Robin, her photos touch me the same way, they tell the story without words.
I also feel blessed to know such lovely people!
As if your blog could possibly get any better . . . it's better than EVER!!
Thank you for sharing such a lovely tribute to the things in life that matter, through the eyes of such caring and talented people--you are treasures!
i don't know where i have been but i just spotted this post today. and.......i choked up to think you were so touched by the photos :) they really do capture your sweet and loving nature jermonne. it is all real. i admit i don't know joe well enough yet to post photos of his tasmanian devil side but i do have some for when we reach that stage in our friendship..... which i expect will happen as soon as he realizes that my being able to take lovely photos of the farm is your gift to me and that my gift in return is to give them back to you.
i love the idea of being an angel since they get to have wings!
I agree with you about Robin, she is amazingly creative and a great person all wrapped up into one tiny, talented little package!
Looks like there's alot going on over there! See you in a few weeks... Laurie
Dude, you crack me up!!! :0) Another great post! Looks like some great finds! I'm guessing you better keep those chickens out of the garden.(Especially with that chicken hawk around.)LOL. Have a great weekend.
The Vintage Husband
Oh and good luck with your opening next month!
How you are having a fantastic time! Wishing I could be there.
Blessings.. Polly (p.s. I often cry over the beauty of our lives too)
I didn't see an email address anywhere (forgive me)....
Hoping you could help me:
To bake for my sale or not to bake-
if so, what do you think:
scones, biscotti, cookies, cupcakes, muffins......
Yeah- like you need any distractions right now!
whenever you get the chance....and how's the little duckies ??
Hello, I have found your blog thru Maison Douce. I have been enjoying your blog for a few weeks now. I plan to visit your sale in May. I see your goods in the yard on the side of your barn and believe that I have some things that would compliment your inventory. I am having difficulty finding your email address, therfore I would like you to email me and I will send you a picture of these archetectural pieces that I have, if, you are in the market for buying more goods for your sale. Thank you. my email is cinnabarblue@gmail.com
You are sooooooo funny! I've missed you two! I'm so sorry to hear about Nettie, I didn't know.
All this time I've had the link to your blog (on my blog) listed with 2 https and nobody told me! It's fixed now.
Tell Joe not to pick on you. My grandson says "if I come over Dere!" Tell him that, it will make him worried!
What a great post about you guys on Bird Tweets Blog, so special. I love the picture of the baby ducks in the bathtub, so cute!!! I still really think you need a couple pet bunnies to add to your animal farm : ) Thank you for the postcard, even though my mail lady ran over it, LOL. I hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine today.
One day I will cross the border and head on down to Oregon and seek out your place. There is no duty on antiques right?
OH my GOSH, you guys get to be bigger stars every day! I subscribe to "Organize in Style" on-line, and they just sent one of your pics as they're post today for earth day! Rock Stars, I tell ya! Geez, I may have to start scheduling an "audience" with you in order to visit you two!
I've missed so much!! Looking forward to seeing you both on the 9th! Bear hugs, Aleta
Ya know, it must sometimes be tiring for BH to be so doggone popular! I've sent you a Kreativ Blog award...from my blog to yours. See ya soon!
. . . take it as a sincere compliment! You truly don't have to play by the "rules". I see that as a guideline personally. It's nice to pay it forward if you have the time. No stress--focus on your SHOW!!!
p.s. can I have a hug instead? ;0)
you have a lovely blog.
Oh my, but indeed Robin's photography is amazingly beautiful.
My heart for dear Nettie. I love the card and cherish it more now.
Sanford? OMG! Too hilarious. Taz? Yes, that is so good, but really, Joe is much handsomer than that old cartoon devil, so we shall leave it at that.
I shall be there with open arms on May 9th!
Christine ~ Zwee!!!!!!
Baby Joe - Amen!!! We have our little pile on the side of the shop and it grows and shrinks, too. Sometimes, drug in without a price tag but proudly plopped on the table webs and all - ahhhh! Feels so great. And got the postcard too. See you in July!! xoxox, The Tattered Girls!
We are so thrilled you havr put us on your blog roll!!! WOW We appreciate the kindness! You have been a great source of inspiration for us-Tarte too! Love her style....
I received the new postcard, thank you very much. It looks much nicer without tire marks ; ) Hope you are having a good weekend.
Hi Jermonne! I understand, I "cry for happy" too! (I think that was a movie or a book back in the day)... Anyway, I do it! Maybe next time I'll post about it so you won't feel so alone! I haven't seen you in forever! It looks like everything is going famously for you and our other friends too! (However, what's this news I read)? Whom might Leah of "Art by Leah" be? I've not seen her work, I'm dying to! Don't say I'll have to come to the show on May 9, because what if I can't make it?
Well, I miss you!
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