It was this time last year when Joe and I ventured out to the "3 Friends - 3 Sales - 3 Locations" Event. We were casually acquainted with
Joy and
Diane back then, but didn't know them well. We are certainly not known for our stellar memories (by any means), but this day was VERY memorable for many (many) reasons. It was our "break-through" with these ladies...our "you don't really know us but you are going to like us whether you like it or not" moment with these ladies. It was one of the first times we really got to visit with them and tour their stores and homes. We were totally inspired by their talent!! And as it was a couple of months before our own "Grand Opening," it was a big kick in the butt that we had a LOT of work to do! These were grown-folks doing big things...Inspiration was upon us to say the least. Over the past year, they have become the kind of friends you get that warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside when you see them or even hear their names.

With that, I would like to dedicate our first ever photo collage to
our Auntie Joy!!! It seems appropriate not only because we love her so much, but also because it's all her stuff in the photos. Well, some of it came home with Joe at the "Pre-Sale" so technically a little bit of it is ours now. The Pre-Sale (aka Party Bus) was a little tour that the 4 Friends orchestrated the night before the show. I didn't get to go (yes, I am still bitter). Basically, it was a shopping excursion for everyone. And apparently Joe found some wine at one (or maybe more) of the stops, resulting in the lack of pictures at
Diane and
Martha's. I wasn't there to make sure he was acting like he had some sense. I told Cindy to wrestle him down to the ground if he didn't act right, but I still don't have the pictures. ;o) Speaking of The Queen of Tarte...it goes without saying we have a very special love for The Tarte Familia - The ("Let Them Eat Cake") Queen, The King of Tarte, The Posh Princess of Tarte and The Dog of Tarte.

Our hearts might just explode talking too much about them...but we are so honored they invited us into The Land of Tarte -- it is an enchanting place to be! In This Land, there is Pate & Cornichons, Ship-Lap, Micro-Climates and French XY&Z (a separate post is needed for decoding what this really means to us).

We have a lot more to share, but I think Blogger is having some trouble. I keep making changes, adding more pictures and talking all about Natalie, Diana & Donna, and our next venture, BUT, it would not save and publish properly...I will save the rest for tomorrow before I throw this computer out in the rain...
Looks like a lot of fun.
Blogger has been totally weird lately. Hope the kinks get worked out so your computer doesn't end up outside!
Thanks for great inspiration, as always.
Great job on the collage pictures. Looks like a fun time, can't wait to read the rest of the story!
Dear Jermonne,
You are so sweet, you better not go out in the rain for you would surely melt! Perhaps you should make me in charge of J as Missy Tarte has been known to have waaay to much fun as well. Just the 2 of them is a party on wheels. I must say I hadn't seen Joe with a camera before, but...wow he takes a GREAT picture!
Did he mention anything about a certain duck following him home?
Love you both!
Looks like a great time!
Make me crazy I can't travel this time of year..
oh well, there is always summer!
Wow....You guys are amazing. We have been following your blog for a short time but it doesn't take long to be impressed by you! We are doing a show in Puyallup, WA in June and would like to have you participate in it. We are hand selecting our vendors and think you would be an awesome fit. For more info go to Funkyjunksisters.blogspot.com
Linda and Dixie
Funky Junk Sisters #2 & 3
Jermonne, I want to see you join in the fun next time, I missed seeing you!!! The photo collages turned out great!! Big hug to you both,
yes you are two lucky men!! and yet.... each of those friends you mention feel the same about the two B Boys in their lives. "twin boy treasures" i have heard it said. as always i am as delighted watching the friendships and teamwork as i am with photographing the merchandise :) you are all completely wonderful to each other. it is a joy to witness :)
This is just the kind of post I adore!!! No Haters here, no siree bob...just a lot of love to share. I hope someday to get the opportunity to either visit y'all up your way or down here in my way! Wonderful post. Debbie
This is what is all about, the reason we do what we do...the special friendships, love and sense of family. We love you guys...and are so lucky to have you in our lives!!! xoxo The King & Queen of Tarte
One of these days....I will make a trip to see you all!
Coolest stuff ever!
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