Well, well, well...what a weekend! The Palmer Wirfs Antique & Collectible Show this past weekend ended up being...VERY "interesting." It wasn't a full moon to my knowledge, but something a bit "unusual" was definitely in the air, to say the least. Don't get me wrong. We had a total blast and let me tell you why...

First of all, we absolutely LOVE having company!! Cindy (
Tarte), Joy (
Auntie Joy) and Joy's sister Terri all did the show and stayed with us. Another reason is because we have
really missed seeing y'all!! It's been three months since our last show and it was great to be out there hugging our old friends and meeting LOTS of new ones.

The "unusual" stuff started on Friday night. After a very long day of setting up, Joe and Cindy got back to The Silver Bullet (the BH treasure hauling monster machine) only to find the battery was dead. They thought, "No Problem! We have jumper cables...someone will surely help us out." Uh, maybe not. Several folks walked quickly by...breaking their necks to avoid eye contact with the stranded ones. Joe asked security for help...and Cindy even called the event organizers. Surely help was on the way. Ummm, maybe not. This is probably due to a little bad Karma for all the times we have almost broken our own necks trying to avoid the lady ringing that bell outside of Target. Lesson learned!!! Fortunately, Joy & Terri sacrificed a little set-up time and came to the rescue. Thanks Sweetie Pies!!

I got a good chuckle on Friday night imagining them both standing out in that dark and cold parking lot trying to "attract" a little bit of help.
I would later choke on this chuckle. Next Scene: Saturday morning. I had not seen the spaces that Joe and Cindy had beautifully decorated and, as usual, I am totally impressed by what they have been able to pull off in such a short time. My adrenaline starts going crazing...I am thinking of the mad rush we experienced at our shows the minute we would open the barn doors. IT'S 9:00 AM...The doors are about to open...I start to panic..."WHERE'S MY CALCULATOR AND INVOICE BOOK?????" Joe and Cindy just looked at me like I had lost my simple mind. And at this point, I have a strange feeling I am going to be the butt of some jokes at The After Party.

Some shows are fast and furious...and others have somewhat of a different pace. Thirty minutes after the doors open, I really started to panic! "OMG, what if we don't make our rent!!! What if we don't sell ANYthing!!! $@%^&@&*^%!!!!!" Joe just rolls his eyes and looks at me like I am a lunatic. After a while, I decide I need to take a little walk to calm my nerves. This is when things start getting REALLY odd. As I am walking around, a lovely lady (who had been at our booth earlier) stops me dead in my tracks. Her sentence starts with, "You wouldn't have me arrested for sexual harassment if I told you...." Needless to say, this moment was quite awkward and a bit inappropriate. Lifting my sulking head and with a twinkle in my eye, I quickly replied something very witty (at least I thought it was at the time). And all I could think was, "We may not make our rent, but this is going to be a FUN sale!! HEE HAW!!" ;o)

What made it even more colorful was Joy, Terri, Cindy and Joe all had strangely similar experiences that day. Some moments were more inappropriate than others. Our individual reactions to these experiences were priceless. We came home, shared our crazy stories from the day and laughed until we cried. AND overall, the sales ended up being pretty darn good too!

Thanks Cindy, Joy and Terri for coming and staying with us for a spell. Thanks to those of you who stopped by to see us...hopefully you went home with some special items you couldn't live without. AND a very special thanks to the few people that we could probably sue for sexual harassment!!!! ;o)
J & J
Barn House
Wow, sounds like a very exciting experience. Sorry I missed it.
Hope to see you soon
How funny... were your ears ringing? I was telling my family just this weekend about the great shows at the Barn House! Little did I know you were doing a show. Glad it went well (if not a little oddly..). Look forward to the next one... and hopefully will make it there this time. ;)
I seriously have sore cheeks from laughing so hard, and your right what a strange bunch we encountered this weekend... not us though, we aren't strange....loud maybe but not strange.. Did you forget the part about the geyser in the yard?
We had such a great time and are so thankful to you both for your hospitality!
Hey, Cindy, Joy and Terri.....it's Michelle from Chocolate and Marmalade Tea and from this weekend's visit at Palmer's! I can't tell you how excited I was to finally meet you guys. I LOVE everything I got from you and have proudly already used my chalkboard on my giveaway (most recent post). Thank you so much for such a nice, warm hello and I look forward to swinging by your store in Oregon City!!
You mean I wouldn't have to have fought of the inital hoards of people to get what I wanted? Dang!
I am so sorry I missed it.
What a great story!
Take care.
Dearest J & J,
So it's sounds like the show came with a bonus, ah???? I should really set up a booth a the Fairground....
Good thing you can laugh about it!
I loved seeing you Saturday & together with Cindy, your space was great! My daughter was the lucky receiver of most of my treasures & everything fit right in to her decor!
Believe it or not, tomorrow I'm starting to do yoga :o)
Tell Joe to give me a ring, if he needs any help! Sylvi
Store in Oregon City???!!! What?
It would seem you boys were off wandering when Bill and I peeked in. Cindy was so busy fluffing the booth we didn't want to bother her. She seemed to be in "the zone". I did pick up your calendar but was disappointed not to see you both. The booth looked fabulous...as always. Will you be showing at Expo by chance? Maybe we'll run into you there.
Thinking of you and wishing you only the very best! Hugs, Aleta
Looks nice!!!!
Sounds like you had a blast!
Gosh, was I that inappropriate! (Ha, just kidding)... It was great to see you Joe and Cindy at the show. But I missed seeing you Jermonne! Love you guys and I'll see you soon. Laurie
Another triumph for the BH boys! Yahoo!
A lot of weirdness, too! LOL! Geyser in the yard???
Stories like this are what make it all worth while, and it made me miss you guys even more! I became positively giddy when I saw your upcoming schedule...I'm in!!! If you make it to my neck of the woods before then please let me know and we could meet for drinks! xo t
i am sorry to see i once again missed out on another BH "event" (i mean the sale not the sexual harassment). what a cool barn house sign you have there and the photograph of the house at the bottom of this post is great too! y'all have so much fun doing your work that the money just flows right along. remember that one? "do what you love and the cash will follow?" i'll see you in the spring :)
I love how much fun you guys always have : ) And I am glad you had a good sale! I was so excited to get your schedule because I am back on my feet and ready to shop. Do you know how awful it was to not be able to shop for 2 months??? ; ) I also saw that you will be in Bothell in March, I am so there! By the way, do you still have bunnies running wild at your home? Or did they leave when the garden froze with a foot of snow : ) Hope you have a great weekend!
Another wonderful show! You guys always have the best stories and experiences! Love and miss you.
Hi Jermonne and Joe , Oh , now I feel bad about those lockers - I know how hard it is to see something you love at a sale go out the door as you're going in. Dang - we've all been there. But she'll have her " Find" day soon - we all take turns. Jermonne , Joe said to email you photos to see about getting in the Flea Market - I'll try and get that to you this week . Can I bring a Pink gym locker ? :0)
I'm excited to see your show list up. You are going to be in my neck of the woods so I will try to make that show for sure.
Welcome back to show season!
Greetings from a barn lover and owner.
Where is the store!!!?? im dying to check it out!!!
i'm just poppin' in to say hallo and i will see you at cindy's opening! you are all so good to each other in the helping to decorate and design department :)
This is a very inspiring blog, so much things to see ! I love it. I make a link from my french blog to your's. I will come again !!!
what an awesome blog you have here!
It was a pleasure meeting you both this weekend.....hope to see you at Q of T's event in February.
Chloe Rose
Kindred Roses
It was so much fun to see you two at Joy's this weekend!! I guess I'll see you again at Cindy's...!
Isn't it about time to give us a sneak peek of your goodies, for sale @ Cindy's upcoming barn sale?????
Don't leave us hangin'
Love you!
Where are you guys?! Missing you!
O.k. So its pouring buckets in sunny California. I just wanted to know that I am turning to your site for inspiration. Even us shop owners need a little help during the winter blues! I love you guys and cant wait to meet you in person. BTW, I just mad a frame like you featured and havent hung it yet - the kids thought it odd, I loved it and I feel totally vindicated. Thanks!!!! You made my day - AGAIN. Sandy, The Tattered House (from home)
Thanks for the post, your blog is amazing
Really really looks interesting. Would have loved to see it.
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