Lately, we have been up to a little bit of everything. Finishing off the vegetable garden, weeding, transporting flowers here-and-there, planting 30+ trees, and a whole lot of other "really fun" stuff.

Of course, in the back of our minds we knew that we should really be focusing on the Barn (inside and out) for our opening event...but it was very easy to justify playing in the dirt now that Spring is finally here. I think we had a bit of a wake up call last week when a few friends stopped by for a visit and saw the extraordinary amount of stuff in the barn/basement/studio/porch/driveway that needed to be cleaned and priced -- not to mention all of the incomplete "projects." Toree (Narrow Gate Antiques) said, "OMG, I would be in tears if I had all of this to do!" The response from Joe was classic. Without blinking an eye he said, "I can't even go there." Meaning..."I can't go there or I might have a river of tears running through the Barn, BUT, did you see my pretty flowers??"

Soooo, after pulling our heads out of our "purple flowers," we came to the realization that there were only a few weeks left and it was time to shift gears (just a little). The gardens will be lovely and all, but the store needs some TLC too! Fortunately, we work very well under pressure. Whether it's completing a home-renovation or some other daunting task, we always pull through (without killing each other in the process).

But sometimes, we have to accept a helping hand. So in came the Barn House Angels to save the day! Katie came to help with the picket fence for the entrance, Wade came for the much needed electrical over-haul, Sylvi picked up a tote of treasures to price AND our dear friend Brenda flew in from New Mexico to lend a helping hand this week. Are y'all worried about us or something??? ;o)

Focus,Focus, Hocus-Pocus! Voila...the lighting is done, the entrance garden is planted with Poppies, Dahlias, Irises, and much more! The fencing would have been complete if we didn't run out of pickets (BUT, our picket-making process is in place). The gates are up! This week the barn will be painted (if weather permits) and the windows will be installed. The gravel will hopefully make it in this week too. Magic is upon us!

Magic AND purple flowers!
J & J
Oh, later this week we are going to post some great pictures of items from the featured guests for our opening event. Visit us again soon!
It is all looking wonderful! I was in Bend this weekend and did see your add in Old Stuff!
Looking forward to your event.
I am sure it is going to come together and be wonderful. I stopped by your space (one of my favorites!)at Monticello and picked up a schedule flyer.
looking fabulous!!
I am very excited for this event !!
You are blessed to have a group of angels willing to lend a helping hand. Everything looks really FABULOUS!! I'm looking forward to seeing it in the "real".
Warmest bear hugs, Aleta
Ok, that's it!! You guys have got to move to Texas or at least do shows here. I love it all, OMG, you have everything I love!!
Oh my goodness gracious!! Your place is looking marvelous!! Cant wait to see more photos!! Laurie
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