OK, Joe got home last night and had to talk me down...I lost hours of work due to Blogger issues. But I took several hundred very deep breathes and counted to 10,717. Now I am ready to tell the rest of the story...
Saturday was all about The Fab 4 Sale --
Auntie Joy,
Molly Mo and
Vintage Trifles. BUT, there were also "The Others." The other three of us who snuck in the back door at Tarte: Barn House,
Sparrow, and
Annie, Fannie & Abigail!! Let me start with Natalie from The Vintage Sparrow, aka The Master Primitive Finder. She is also one of Joe's "enablers"...meaning she is one of the people he calls right after one of our shows (when he has a pocket full of $$$) to travel to far away places with him to shop for the next show.

She is beautiful, lovely, funny and probably one of the most giving people we have ever met. AND she makes the most delicious baked treats...I still really haven't forgiven her for beating us at our own Bake-Off at last year's
BH Flea Market. As much as I try not to like her for "stealing" all the best primitives and "stealing" our bake-off award, I secretly love her (Joe very openly loves her). But she is a married woman, so enough about her before her husband comes knocking at our door...
Goodness...then there are
The Twins, Donna and Diana...The Legendary Annie, Fannie & Abigail...

Being the BH Hermit that I am, I haven't had much "face-time" with Diana & Donna. I have seen their beautiful space at Expo which is always packed with people in a buying frenzy. But yesterday was the first time I got to really spend time with them. I am usually not immediately enamoured with folks (call it my L.A. "watch your back" up-bringing), BUT, Donna and Diana are something else! Genuine, Honest and Amazingly Talented. All day, I kept telling "The Crew" how much I really, really, REALLY liked them. Sometimes you don't know how the new ingredient in the recipe is going to taste...but The Twins were DEEEELICIOUS!!! ;o)

Then there was little ol us...in the company of soooo many remarkable women...trying to be on our best behavior. "Yes Ma'am. Thank You, Ma'am." Cindy told us that no wrestling was allowed, because if we knocked over any more of her delicate treasures we wouldn't be invited back. "Yes Ma'am, we promise to not wrestle. We would like to be invited back. Thank You, Ma'am."

Joe really did Job Fantastico with the Barn House space!! I will even go as far to say he REALLY put his foot in it this time...

When I am sitting on the porch alone...just me and my thoughts...I wonder how the universe has squeezed sooooo much talent into such a tiny-petite-little man. It's absolutely mind boggling!! And if there is any moonshine involved, I sometimes even draw myself a diagram of how this phenomenon just might have happened. I aspire to one day publish my series, "The Barn House Porch Drawings"...just putting it out there in case someone can help me with this...

Needless to say, we had a magical day in The Land of Tarte!! We are very honored to be surrounded by so many inspiring women. Did I mention we are two very lucky men???
The Boys of Barn House
P.S. -- Tarte and Barn House are taking our shows on the road!! If you are anywhere near Seattle, please come by and visit us! We will be at the
Sand Point Antique & Design Market on March 29th!!!
You guys sound like you have such fun with your lovely group of friends! Looking forward to meeting you at Sandpoint! :)
oh my goodness!!! LOVE all your pics!! Looks like you had soo much fun!! I just adore your blog to pieces!! love it!! :-) you have such wonderful taste and you are so talented!! I am going to add your blog to my bloglist right now so I don't miss any of your posts in the future :-) I hope you have a fabulous day!! huge hugs!! Britt :-)
I hope to see you guys at Sandpoint this Sunday...do you know which building it is in? Also...will you have some of those lovely old vintage frames with you? I need a couple for a project I am working on and I think I bought a couple at the BH last year.
I will be at your May sale grand opening without a fail. I have missed all the Queen of Tarte sales so far because of other commitments, but hope to go to the one in April.
You barn house boys are having too much fun. Florence
Dearest J & J,
What a wonderful post to read! I'm so happy y'all had a good time!
A great blog post, I must say. Sounds like you guys and gals had a wonderful time......your pictures are beautiful.
Chloe Rose
Kindred Roses
Hi J&J,
Hope to see you and Cindy this weekend at Sandpoint!
Love the collages and so enjoy reading your posts.
Miss you all!
Great Post!!! Very well written and illustrated. Sounds like a great time and some very wonderful people. I like the use of the collage pics. Oh, and lots of cool stuff, too.
Wish I lived nearby, your place is amazing and you sound like such nice guys.
Hugs from Atlanta
What a wonderful post with such great pics! I wish I lived closer to meet you guys and shop! You sound like you are too much fun!
Y'all truly are blessed with great friends and an abundance of talent. Isn't it great when we get to do what we love and possibly make some money at it too? Y'all really do need to come to Texas...you know you are missing Linda and Ludmil and that's reason enough! I'm going to try and do a post on their "new" potting shed..it is 2die4! Debbie
JUST found your blog and am loving it. You will be visited daily.
Thanks for sharing.....you do such a nice job of it!! Can't wait to come to the BH again!! Have fun on the road and be safe!!
It sounds like another great show filled with fun and beautiful things! I love the collages of pictures you created. I am going to be trying my best to get to the Sand Point Market this weekend. Life has been throwing me some serious curves lately but I need my shopping fix : )
WOW!!! I have lived in Portland forever...how have I not found you before!!! I am crazy in love with your photos and your blog...and I must come to your first sale of the season! I am so glad that I have found you now, and I am a FAN!!! thanks for all of the wonderful entries...just love it all!!!
You had me cracking up saying that the bunny jumped out at you and scared you. Why didn't you catch it for me ; ) I promise they won't hurt you, LOL.
Just came over from bird tweets, beautiful job guys!
I love your spotlights on Natalie and Diana & Donna! It was great seeing you and a fabulous sale as always... xoxo Laurie
Oh, it always kills me to read your posts - and the pictures...it's excrutiating!! I wish I could be there and snatch up all the goods! Sure, there are sales here in Minnesota - but not like yours! Make sure you save some good stuff for me at Farm Chicks - I mean it! BTW - I am on the hunt for a vintage letter "E" - already have "N", "S", and "T" - figure out what I can spell???? Thanks for your support of my blog - really! I am chairing a big school auction and its killing me and keeping me from better blogging content! That will change after 4/17. All my best -
I am so excited to find a blog like yours that is reasonably close to me so that there is a chance I can find some of the places and items you show and actualy cross the border to the US and part with some of my 80 cents on the dollar Canadian money. Canada doesn't have nearly the same caliber of antiques and country pieces that you guys have. How jealous am I.
I am a lucky girl to count you and Joe as my friends. Just got the vendor info from Farm Chicks today and was thrilled to see that we are neighbors. What fun we are going to have! Can't wait!
Love you guys,
Very lucky indeed :)
I am do excited for your grand opening I can hardly stand it!!
I'm loving your photo collages - how do you do it? I neeeeeed to know!!!
Hi guys,
Ok, I want on your mailing list!!I love your Blog...Take care.
The Vintage Barn
No where near Seattle....but THIS is why the internet is so great right?
that was a funny post btw.... :)
I so enjoyed looking at your pictures...looks like a wonderful time!!! Stop by my farm anytime :)
Hello there~
I can't seem to make your email link work, and I wanted to let you know that I have blogged about your fabulous booth at the Sandpoint market today and linked to you.
So great to meet the both of you - see you again in Oregon!
Loved seeing you guys today at Sand Point! Hope to see you soon...
AND I hope to make it down your way to a BARN HOUSE Event!
I am waiting with baited breath (oooh that sounds gross) for the pictures of this weekend. I am sure you took many.
Awwwwww... thank you for the kind words Jermonne. So sweet! Now what do you really want?!? Ha Ha! Just kidding! I love you and Joe both to pieces! and I am so ready for the next Bake off!
such a generous post! i would expect nothing less from you jermonne. you exude graciousness and friendship even if you describe yourself as "a little LA". i can certainly attest to the talent of joe for putting objects together in ways that just invite one to get closer, to touch and want to buy beautiful things.. whether one needs the them or not! but of course that is what makes these sales so much fun. it is all about style, and art and creative decorating. vision and creativity make the world go 'round.
what a fantastic event, wish I lived closer to ya all.
I went to Madison Park today and picked up a copy of OLD STUFF and there you were, Barn House! Your picture, Joe is wonderful!!!
I so loved my venture to Cindy's sale. I bought some great treasures at irresistible prices.
Soon, I shall see you all!
Christine (& Greg)
WHAT! You are featured in a magazine??? Get your blogging going
& your pictures from the last event;-
I can hardly wait to hear it all :o)
Hi Sweetie. YOU are talented too! Love your pics!!
Miss you.
Take it just a little further on down the road boys- You'd love the South!
Hi Boys,
What is this Sandpoint all about?? Thanks for the comments. I know the fun season is really starting off to a great start. So much going on all over! How is one to pick where to go next?! Well Alameda this weekend and the Antique Market in 3. Off to Florida and the Keys in June then your place in July:) We love ya and hope yu van make it down for The Antique Market!
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