Aunties 859 Railway, Silverton
Molly Mo's 440 NE Cherry St., Sublimity
Tarte 20131 South End Rd., Oregon City
Vintage Trifles 5020 Daniel St., S. Salem
A few of us (Barn House, Sparrow and The Twins) are crashing the party and have brought tons of stuff over to Tarte...but, she doesn't know so don't say anything!!
Hope to see you Saturday!!!
J & J

you always have the most creative photographs!
it would make a great greeting card you know.....
Hello boys, we've been following your blog and we love it.. My mom and I were at the Farm chicks last year behind the "Queen of Tarte" and next to Joy we are "Junebug".. We came all the way from Spokane to your Harvest show with baby in tow. Hopefully you remember us. We found something that made us think of you, so watch your mail box. Also we just started our blog and are really excited would love to hear your comments. junebugfurnitureanddesign.blogspot.com
Thanks and see you soon at the Farm Chicks.... Gladys and Celia
Great idea!
I wish I was near you I would love to drop in and visit!
I think this is such a clever marketing idea!!! I wish I lived closer so I could attend. I would love to see the barn and y'alls twist on it. You must try and come to Texas for one of the Antique Fair Week shows at Round Top and Warrenton. The shoppers would eat y'all up!
you guys are too funny. Sounds like a fun time, wish we could make it!
Sounds like fun! Hope it's big success and take lots of pics for us Out-of-Staters :)
Oh my gosh...I am so sorry I missed this event...But I plan on going to Sandpoint. Your blog is really wonderful and I have added it to my reader. Thank-you for sharing.
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