Last weekend, Joe and I decided to head out on a little road trip to The Yakima Valley in search of treasures and inspiration. Also, as the BH Season Opening is only two months away, we really needed to do a lot of planning, prioritizing and strategizing on how we are going to get everything done in time. And there is nothing like locking yourself in a car with someone for many, many, many hours to talk about things that neither party is really quite ready to talk about.
We invite you to try this experiment! You will either end up having really productive and fruitful discussions that result in a solid plan of attack...OR, you will end up just about killing each other. Can you guess what happened on our trip???? (for the answer, please see "the conclusion" below)
Let me start by saying that Yakima has some
gorgeous places to shop! I don't know if we hit them all, but the shops we visited were Fantastique! We started our little adventure at The French Hen.

Kaye's store is one of the few located in Yakima's Historic Opera House and it is absolutely stunning!

We met Kaye last year at Leslee & Mark's
Clayson Farm's American Primitives Show (another great reason to visit Yakima).

We have heard so many wonderful things about her store over the past year and visiting it was certainly a great way to kick off our Yakima tour.

Next we were off to visit the
Garden Girl's shop...also located in the Opera House.

The minute we walked in, I was hit by one of my favorite smells...Jasmine vines in full bloom all over the store. THEN, everywhere we looked there were the most beautiful flowers in bloom...

We don't know how Lenette did it, but she had somehow orchestrated the most beautiful Spring displays throughout the shop...it was VERY magical...

and something tells us she must put on this show daily because her store was packed from the minute we walked in until the time we left.

We have to admit, being there gave us a bit of anxiety about all of the work we need to do in our gardens over the next couple of months. Lenette, we may be calling to borrow that magic wand of yours!

After leaving the Garden Girl, we decided to find our way over to visit the
Flutterby girls...where I fell in love with a Duck...

See, it's giving me "that look." I don't think I realized it when we were there, but when I saw the picture I knew this duck was meant for the BH Home Collection. And now I want to kick myself in the a$$ for leaving MY duck sitting there on that VERY cute rusty-iron-chippy-white rack. I will refrain from saying anything else about this very pretty duck because it may sound wierd...

BUT, I bet "my" duck loves this display as much as I do. ;o)

At every turn, there were beautiful vignettes...

We probably overstayed our welcome chatting with Denise, snapping pictures and asking a ton of questions about where to eat/shop/sleep in Yakima.

She eventually pushed us out the door so she could tend to her many real customers. Leaving us no choice but to finally find our way over to Pam's shop...

There were so many beautiful things to see!!
Sylvi is probably going to kill us for not bringing this pink treasure back for her. No Duck for me, no Pink treasures for you, Sylvi!!

Like everywhere else we visited that day in Yakima, we found ourselves in the midst of many customers on the hunt.

It was a great pleasure chatting with Pam and taking in all that her store had to offer...

After all of that shopping and visiting, we found a place to stay and caused a little havoc on the Yakima night life!! HEE HAW! Well, I should really say the Yakima "late-afternoon life" because we called it quits by about 9pm. The older we get, the more more we realize..."It don't shake quite like it used to" (to say the least).
The conclusion: When the pressure is on, lock yourself in the car with your best friend and go on a road trip. We had several hours to discuss and process "The Purple Elephant" in the room (our seaon opening event). And yes, our discussions were very positive and productive! We only had to pull over and wrestle one time...and that was about the new "big elaborate structureS" Joe plans on having us build in AND around the barn. BUT,
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY (Jermonne)so I would prefer not to discuss who won the road-side wrestling match!
More to come on what's next for BH...
J & J
It's your birthday, youngone??? Oh-oh-oh! maybe I can find you a little something at the beach....1 duck...2 ducks...3 ducks (it must be a duck)!
Love your story from the trip :o))
Seriously, how do you know I am a sucker for pink....
Hugs to my BH boys!
That was hilarious!! and so delightful!!
We have a very special real pekin duck here named Sir Fred, and well, I would have picked up that duck!! have it shipped to you- because it's too darn cute....too cute!!
Hey- I just posted a picture of Fred a few days ago? I think? or a week? (who knows- time flies!)
thanks for the story- it was great!
Happy Birthday Jermonne! (A day late) So glad you had a fun road trip. Next time you should try Centralia and Kalama for some good antiquing/junking fun. Heck, I'll even go with you and make sure you two don't fight. hee hee Hope your birthday was special! Looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Double hugs, (an extra for your birthday)
Happy Birthday! Your photos are amazing.....absolutely breathtaking!
Love your blog!
Happy belated Birthday to you
Happy belated Birthday to you
Happy belated Birthday dear duck lover,
Happy belated Birthday to you!
Your posts always make me smile. I think Joe should drive back to Yakima and get you that duck for your Birthday : )
Hey...Happy Birthday to you Jermonne!! Hope you get to celebrate through out the month!! Can't wait to come to the BH again!!
Quack, Quack!!!!! Happy belated birthday, Jermonne!!!! Did you blow the candles and wish for a duck? Ahem, Sylvi is not the only one who likes pink.... Big kisses to you both!
Happy Birthday Jermone, sounds like you had a great trip. I agree those road trips are a great time to discuss dreams and plans. There is no place to go you have to sit there and listen and be present in the moment. Can't wait for Barn House Opening in May. Keep on planning. Florence
Happy happy birthday Jermonne! Wow! I never knew how much Yakima had to offer. It's now on my list of places to see. Thanks!
Pink is for me too!
I am so envious - a road trip! We plan to get away in a couple of weeks for a few days. Can't wait! I didn't realize that Yakima had so many beautiful shops. Thanks for opening my eyes. Hope you had a very happy birthday! M.
Woah - these shops look amazing! What a fun little road trip, wrestling included :)
Your trip looked fantastic.
I'm sure Barn House opening day will be a huge success.
Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday too :)
Happy Birthday Jarmonne!
I can't even imagine how many Ducks are making their way to you! Sure hope you meant to let that out in blogland!
A road trip would be FAB right now!
Maybe to the barn kickoff....
My sister at one time lived in this town. She's now near Seattle. Great places you featured.
Sorry about the duck. Write the shop and have them FedEx it to you, forthwith! A duck doesn't give that kind of look unless it means it....
*drooling* over the photos...
Happy Birthday Jermonne! And thanks for giving me a good chuckle today - love the duck!
Also, thanks for your support of my blog - really! I look forward to seeing you at Farm Chicks - Jill
Your blog is fabulous...and your events look like a total blast.
So glad I found you.
Loved your tour and thank you for leaving a trail so I could come by and say what a wonderful blog you have here! So much inspiration! Nice meeting you! Ng
LOve that duck, so cute. What a fun trip. Enjoyed visitng your wonderful blog.
Thank you for the lovely post and i'm sorry that i missed you. Hopefully we'll be able to attend more than 1 of your events, but we'll see you ala Farm Chicks for sure!
thanks for the "get away" idea.
I would love to be on your mailing list for
shows as we are prone to west side visits, but I could not get through on your yahoo address.
Thanks for visiting...i hope to find my way to you first. LOVE LOVE LOVE what you do.
Yes, I hesitate to guess how may ducks will be coming your way via blogland... You will no doubt have to build a big big structure of some kind to house them all...
Hope you had a lovely bday, we enjoyed your cake, thanks for sharing!
Can't wait to see you again!
Little late to the party here! Your pictures are amazing! Wish you guys would come and visit me sometime. I'll see you at the Sandpoint show (yah, you don't know me, but hopefully we'll get the opportunity to meet soon:)
It was soo nice to see you on Saturday, we enjoyed your visit. Oh, and before I forget Happy Belated Birthday!!!
Hope to see you at our show April 25th
Happy belated birthday adorable Jermonne! I too would like to build a special little out building around here. Perhaps Greg and I should lock ourselves into a car and head for Yakima where I lived from age 5 to 11. I still love Yakima! You had such fun, and I'm with Silvi if she feels as though she should have had that pink piece. It is beautiful. Perhaps Ducky will be waiting for you, one day.
Absolutely love your blog! It is so inspirational. You are not far from us. We need to come visit you. By the way, we would love for you to join us at our show in Puyallup, WA.
Check us out at Funkyjunksisters.blogspot.com
an entire week late in wishing you a very ducky birthday...does it still count? the tour was grand...i would not have been able to leave the Garden Girl... it sound like a bit of heaven.
see you soon!
Happy late birthday! Sounds like you found some great shopping places from the looks of the pictures! I haven't been able to go anywhere near anything more than our local Goodwill! I'm so looking forward to spring, which is here now, right? Karen
First...I don't know how you found me but THANK YOU for coming by! I used to live in Astoria/Seaside, and actually had a great friend who was from Yakima...I never went there...but...it looks like I missed out. What a fun trip...happy belated birthday Jermon, I am putting BH on my blog roll so I can keep up with you two.
Oh...and sometimes I do need a water boy and some extra legs on my rides!
Thank you for that wonderful tour, and for visiting my 'nests'in blogland.
A friend and i are coming up for the Tarte/BH sale the 21st. Which location are you at? You and Tarte together, right?
I'm sure there will be much too much going on to try to talk, but would love to meet you.
I'll be the red head (turning gray,
that will be drooling on everything!! =0)
Hope all goes wonderfully for you all.
Barbara Jean
OS Don't remember you signing your note on my post. Name please? thanks
PS Happy birthday late!
Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I currently have a Facebook/Bejeweled addiction and I'm behind on everything.
I'm in the car headed to Yakima! After seeing your pictures I can't wait for a road trip over there. I have read about those places and wondered about thier fabulousness. Great post!
Hey, The Hubs and I get lots discussed on our road trips. Of course nothing ever happens when we get home but DAMN we had a good discussion! :-)
You would think a "MOTHER" would know when one of her little ducklings had a birthday,wouldn't you? So happy happy every day!!! Love Mother Willow.....PaPa say's so too!
Happy Be-lated B-day!!!...I bet it was just "ducky"....sorry, couln't help myself!!! Thanks so much for the tour...i bought from flutterbys and garden girl at farm chicks....love their stuff...
Happy Birthday fellow Pisces!!! Thank you for the absolutely yummy pictures....my creative soul is singing from the springtime hilltops!
Happy Monday.
Smiles ~ Ramona
Hey Joe and Jermonne-thanks for finding our baby blog. Maybe one day we will grow up to be just like your blog-I hope so-but I make no promises. Looking forward to seeing you at Queen of Tarte's on Saturday if not before at the barn setting up. Diana and Donna
Great post, lol. And Happy Birthday! Wow, I have to get back to Yakima. Usually just traveling through on our way to families and friends in EW. I have alot of family history from Yakima, my GG Grandparents homesteaded there and so on. Didn't know there were such fun shops there. Road trip!!!
Look forward to coming to one of your events too.
Friend Mishelle ( The Crowned Casa) and I like road trips , check out my older posts for what we did last Sat. We had a blast all day long!!
oooh!!! looks like you had lots of fun!! great pics!!! :-) huge hugs!! I hope you have a fantastic day!! hugs!! Britt :-)
ooops!! :-) forgot to say....hope you had a great bday!! :-)
Well first of all...happy birthday fellow Pisces!
Looks like you had a fab road trip. Glad you both survived it.
You really do need the duck...
Lovely blog.
Enjoyed it :)
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