Two weeks to go and STILL LOTS of work to get done before the opening! This weekend we spent hauling a million wheel barrel loads full of gravel into the Barn and garden entrance. Now that this is done, we can begin putting the core structures in place and start on all of the "projects" that need to get done (like painting the armour in this picture).

Our baby chicks seem to be in love with the Barn House entrance now that everything is coming together! They will most likely be there to greet you if you plan on coming on the 24th. :o) The picket fence is about 90% complete. The Barn was power-washed and is ready to be painted this week. We WILL be ready...we W-I-L-L definitely be ready!!! Light a candle for us, please. :o)

Of course, we also got a little side-tracked. Some how, we made it to the farthest place from the Barn to start on a completely different project -- the shade garden. Who knows how this happened, but we even ended up making a little creek AND digging a pond (for some unknown reason). Yes, it's crazy...we know. We WILL still be ready!

The Queen of Tarte (aka Cindy Dockins) www.queenoftarte.blogspot.com will be a featured guest at our opening!!! She is an amazing artist, designer and friend. She plans on bringing her famous dyed ribbon, lots of garden items, ironstone, french gilded mirrors and candelabras, and linen aprons/pillows (just to name a few). Please check out her blog for more pictures of items that will be part of the event.

Cindy came by a couple of weeks ago and gave Joe a lesson making slip covers. This is one that she whipped together for us that will also be part of the sale. I just hope this inspires Joe to actually use his fancy new sewing machine finally -- hint hint!! ;o)
We will also be featuring Sylvi (Little Cottage), Toree (Narrow Gate Antiques), Susan (Fancies on 4th) -- and a couple of new-comers to this crazy world, Katie Ahrens and the amazing photography of Rob Kennedy!!! You may already know these incredible women (and Rob), but if not, you don't want to miss the treasures they are bringing! Photos to come.

OMG--there are a million of these gigantic totes of "smalls" to open and price!! One down and 999,999 to go. Because these dolls scared me (Jermonne), I can't be in charge of opening anymore totes...just in case there are more lurking around (LOL). Have you started lighting candles for us yet???
J & J
No, I'm too busy laughing to have started lighting a candle but will do so soon! Once again, you had me in stitches. LOVE the way it all looks.
Hi guys, its really coming together and I soooo hope that I can make it to the grand opening! I love reading your blog, its just delightful! I'll go light some candles now....
One of the Adorn "girls"
Believe me...I have a candle lit everyday for all of us and our neverending projects!!! Thank you for the lovely comments...can't wait for the Grand Opening!!! xoxox
Everything will be fine. Don't forget to breathe. No one will ever notice the things you didn't get to.
Warmest wishes and biggest hugs,
Why do I have to be sooo far away? I'm a huge fan of Cindy and I find those dolls uber-scary too! You guys are Fun (yes, with a capital F)
Loving your blog, it's one of my "Favorites!"
Wow, you have gotten so much done!! I was hoping to come but I realized I have a two day class. Have a great time.Laurie
Thank you for checking out my blog, I am glad you know I exist now! I have been watching the progress of your opening and am very excited for you guys. Maybe I can talk my husband into a road trip. Anyway best of luck to you and all your vendors, I admire them too so I am super jealous!!
Yes indeed - that is the Melrose Trading Post you saw on my blog - I'm a weekly vendor there and find myself sort of addicted - the sights, sounds, smells... Thanks for visiting my blog by the way!
Yay! I can hardly wait for the big day. I'm so excited to see your place in person. And yes, let's shop if you are ever in Salem. Best of luck.
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