The planning for our final show of 2009 here at Barn House is bitter-sweet...

We both just can't believe it's already September! How on Earth can it already be time for our
Fall Show???? Where has our precious Summer gone? No camping, no fishing, not nearly enough hammock time, our BBQs have been scarce, our travels for non-BH events have almost been almost non-existent. Our garden looks a hot mess and week-after-week we have been planning to make it up to her for the terrible neglect.

Next year we will certainly plan better so we can visit our friends and family here in the Pacific NW during the warmest sit by their campfires, enjoy their beautiful homes & gardens, shop at their amazing stores/shows...but mostly nurture the friendships of people who have been here with us and supported us and loved us and listened to us process the most beautiful of experiences we could well as The Major Life Lessons of our 2nd Season. As much as we are ready for the ride on this crazy train to be over for the season, we can't imagine not having the crazy train experiences which have brought us so much joy, laughter and a few tears/rants/knock-down-drag-out-hair-pulling-dramatic performances. I will spill SOME of the beans (once I get waivers from a few folks other than The Boys of BH). ;o)

Our last show of 2009 will be very special. We have a ton of inventory spilling in already from The Barn House Family --
Tarte, Sparrow, Annie Fannie Abigail, Lucky Lynne, Bella Shabby, The Withies AND for the first time as a dealer at BH is the incredible Mimi Charmante!! (check our blog roll for their links) 

Check back for more sneak peeks soon!
Oh, did we mention that
Timi has chartered a BUS from the Seattle area with UNBELIEVABLE VIP perks???

The Tour Package includes pick up from a few different spots in the Seattle-Tacoma-Snohomish area, a raffle for over $200 in BH Gift Cards ($100, $75 and $50 gift cards for lucky raffle winners), an exclusive gourmet brunch/luncheon here in one of our favorite spots on our property prepared by Katherine's Folies, a BH Home Tour, AND EVEN BETTER, a stop at other GREAT nearby shopping venues (Vintage Gatherings and Auntie Tams)...PLUS more trip raffle contributions from The Salvage Sisters, Retreat Design, Annie's on First in Snohomish, A Dozen Eggs, and Freshly Doug Vegetables!!
We wish WE could get on this bus to be a part of all the fun!!! Timi is creating a very special adventure for her guests that is sure to become the next big thing in our antique/vintage industry!! For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit the
Timi's new blog!!
This is one of the places we will be working some magic on for the special VIP luncheon...

So much to share...until next time...
The Boys of BH
So sad, sad, sad to miss the party, I mean sale... I will be hawking my wares in the streets of Albany..
I wish I could be there... But will be thinking of you and wishing you all an awesome show!!! Big hug!
I will be there I am coming back from Montana on the Thursday just before the show. I do not want to miss the final show of the year. This has been one busy summer with so many shows happening that it has been hard to just slow down and enjoy the summer, now it is canning time and just think we will all be held up inside by the fire watching the snow fly soon enough. Rest up if you can and I will see you all soon. Florence
i sure wish i lived closer to you!! i would so love shopping and partying with ya'll...i don't know of anybody doing that here in the south? :O(
Oh...the photos...I am drooling already.
Salvage Studio
will be there to help on Friday and will bring the pricing gun-heh-heh!
Sounds amazing as always...wish you guys were gonna be at the CL Fair!!
:) T
Good luck with your last show of the year. How I wish I could be on the bus and on my way to your show with the rest of the group! Sounds fabulous!
Wow, I'm lovin this last pic, beautiful to be magazine worthy or heck book worthy. Get busy writing that book, you can do it between shows :)
What beautiful photos!!!! I hope you have a great time and do lots of business!!!! Your blog is great at showing your creativity.
You guys put the "rock" in the the "rock and roll" spirit of your shows! Well done.
Smiles ~ Ramona
oh, that spot for the luncheon looks divine! I wish I could make it! I too, am sad we didn't get enough summer to fit everything in. I miss you guys!
xoxo, Tiffany
If we didn't have the French Flea Market show that weekend, we'd be there! Have a great time, guys - we know you will WOW your VIP guests!
You know it is only the miles and a little show we call Round Top/Warrenton that keeps me from coming, doncha?
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but that crazy train you're on is only gaining steam. I predict 2010 to be even crazier...y'all are the!
Looks magical! sigh...wish I could come too. I know it will be divine.
I better see that last photo on a greeting card soon Jermonne....
have a great time....I mean that too :)
I cant wait! I finally have a free weekend and I have put off my son's senior pics just to be there! Coming from La Center! See ya then!
Wishing you the best of luck and success with your last show of the season.
After I get done reading your posts I just wish I could give you a big hug for all the inspiration and joy your pictures bring!! Lord knows I would be at your sales in a flippin heartbeat!! LOVE LOVE LOVE what you find. Thanks for everything!!
I came here by way of "Talking Trash" blog. What a treat to find you. How I wish I could attend some of these fabulous times you all have on the West Coast. I am going to have to either invent my own here on the East Coast or wait for someone else. Soon I hope. Come for a visit if you can. ~ Lynn @ The Vintage Nest
It's starting to get very exciting! I have a few seats.
Come Junk With US!
Hi Guys!
I just wanted to say how much I love your blog. I just came back from a trip to Seattle. Our first day there we flew into Portland. I knew I just had to make it to Monticello. I was so glad I did! When I got there I got to meet Auntie Joy, Isabel, and Julie!!! I was so excited! I wish I could have met y'all, too! Anyway, they gave me a little sneak peek at the Fall show and I was so wishing I could have shopped it! I wanted so much!
Anyway, here's hoping that I can make another trip to your area for one of y'all shows! That would be a dream!
I almost want to haul my butt up to Seattle just so I can come back down again in the PARTY BUS! Wow, that guys knows how to put it together.
It's a sad thought...waiting until next spring to visit your abode again for the beauty of your sales. We are so lucky to have you out here in the NW.
I wish I could be there... But will be thinking of you and wishing you all an awesome show!!
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