We can't lie, we were just a tiny bit worried about pulling off TWO distinctly different shows in ONE WEEK. But "worry" don't mean a thing here at Barn House. We seem to be in some vortex of positive energy...of loving friends...of very loyal customers...of the most professional and hard working dealers (AND close friends too)...of beautiful weather...and of, plain and simply, something very special to say the least.
As we have mentioned before, it usually takes us a good two weeks to recover and get back on track after doing an event. So, a wee bit of stress was in the air. I had some "madness" going on at my other gig and Joe was dealing with the unimaginable task of managing yet another transformation of The Barn in only a few days. I overheard him talking to Miss Ceelie (one of our goats)..."Miss Ceelie, I'z feeling miiighty low, mighty low...."(if you haven't read the book/seen the movie The Color Purple--please reference--and by the way all of our goats and sheep are named after characters in the novel).

BUT, worry don't mean a thing here at Barn House. The scene changes and in comes
Joyce (aka Calamity Jane) with a monster truck full of stuff day after day...including the most amazing unique treasures AND 20 foot bamboo stalks in tow. Joyce was our featured dealer this show...and her first time at Barn House. This woman is a key player at one of the most prestigious antique establishments in the NW. She also doesn't play around! A true professional at heart, she came to impress and we were VERY impressed!! Thanks Suga-Honey-Sweetie-Pie!!

Clear, Fresh and Inspired, in comes Joey. The Vision has arrived...The Creativity is flowing...This WILL be yet ANOTHER incredible Barn House event gosh-darnit...even if it kills us!!! Shoot, even I had (to pull my head out of my a$$) to have a great idea or two (or was it just one??)! ;o)

THEN came some of the most faithful and devoted Barn House Angels...Natalie & Lynne (Sparrow) and
Slyvi (Little Cottage).

Do you appreciate and love the people that
always pull through for you the way these folks have ALWAYS pulled through for us??? This is exactly why we keep "The Barn House Family" close and small. These are friends we know well, love, appreciate and who really understand what Barn House is all about.

Et, voila...when you surround yourself with beautiful and wonderful people, great things are bound to happen in your lives.
We are living our dreams. Not only did a lot of the same people come out that came out last weekend (or our previous events), but there were MANY new faces. AND, we had customers actually bake stuff just for OUR sale!!!! Last weekend it was Kathy with the delicious cupcakes. This weekend it was Donna who sent us an e-mail saying she had such a great time last weekend that she was coming back WITH cookies, just for us!!! One minute there was nada...the next minute we turned around and there was a plethera of delicious goodies. I can't even say where it all came from, but it magically appeared (sorry if we left any contributors off the list).

People came out from EVERYwhere! One of the women from
Flutterby in Yakima was here...
Bradford drove from Seattle and picked up his mom (who lives in our neck of the woods) on the way...

AND Victoria and Ray were here all the way from California where they heard about us.

WOW! Like we said, worry don't mean A THING here at Barn House!!!! We ended up having one of our best shows ever!

Thank you all for everything...the kind comments you make on OUR blog, the posts you make on YOUR blogs about us, AND driving out to visit and support us. We can't express enough our sincere gratitude. We promise to be better about replying to all of your e-mails, phone calls and comments...we have a few weeks before the next show. HEE HAW!!!
Thanks Y'ALL!!!
J & J
What fantastic pictures! And I could SERIOUSLY shop 'til I dropped...and I'd drop right into that dreamy bed you have set up so beautifully outdoors!
Ok, I guess from my last comment I may be sounding like a broken record, but...it's just magical!! You guys have such a way of turning a barn into such an awesome place, great job and hope you sold it all!!
I just ADORE the picture of Jermonne & I! Made me a little bit misty-eyed & touched to my heart ('cause I seriously can tell that a diet is needed on my part).....Oh well! We pulled it together, this time too! So much energi & fun!
Now, get some rest boys!
I did not for a moment have a doubt that it would be everybit as lovely and magical, as the week before!!!! You are gifted with many things, one of which is your ability to gather around you ,love, loyality, and commitment, all so important when you are working in a creative arena.We both feel so blessed to know you and be a part of the Barn House family. Love and admiration, Linda and Ludmil
I'm so happy for you that your show was a huge sucess. We all knew it would be. The "worry" is what makes you both so sucessful at what you do :-)
I'm looking forward to coming to one of your shows. SOON!
Thank you for the wonderful pictures.
Have a great recovery week
Four words spring to mind:
Love your style...gotta make a trip up to see you! :-)
The Lettered Cottage
I'm so thrilled to hear what success you guys are having. I'll be attending again the next time I'm up from Reno for sure!!!
Oh, how I wish I could have been there!! I am sooooo impressed at all you do!!! Simply wonderful!!
Hi Jermonne! I'm Elise, stopped by the great show and loved everything about your place. (the one who found you guys through Pam's Housemartin blog :) It was great to meander out into the country and check you guys out and then come home and get my friends all excited to come to the next show. To find out that you name all the critters after TCP characters just proves that you are kindred souls! Must meet the goats next time. Thanks for such a unique and lovely experience.
Elise, Seattle
So sad to have missed another BH Event!! Hopefully next time. Fun to see Joe, as he was walking thru the street with all the best treasures to be had at the OC Antique Faire! He should have probably been home resting...perhaps leaving a few crumbs for the rest of us! I will definitely have to get up earlier to beat him to the best buys!
Love you guys,
I am so impressed by your design and the photos all look lovely....when can I move in? I've never wanted to live in a Barn more, but I've often been told I was born in one!
Seriously though, the shows all look quite impressive - these photos will be used toward a coffee table book one of these days right?
Miss you and we haven't even met in person.
We loved everything about the morning...the barn, the delicious antiques, the display, the treats, and especially meeting you. We'll be back. It was like a few moments in a magical world, a welcome respite from reality! I hope you take time once in a while to appreciate the beauty you have surrounded yourself with, and created. You are so talented!!!
Hi J&J!! I'm Debbie and we met in the morning.....my second time at your place!!
The two of you have created something so special!! Please NEVER STOP doing what you are doing!! I can't think of anyplace that I would rather come to!!
Thanks for sharing your talents, kind hearts, and special place on earth!! I look at your blog everyday just to bring a smile to my face!! It just makes me HAPPY!!
Miss you two......big kisses....see you soon!!!!!
Hi Joe - Sue here , we met at Oregon City and I said I would send you my blog link so we can keep in touch. Joe and I would love to be a part of the flea Market next year , thank you for inviting us. I hope the dates all fall into place for us. Here's the blog addie - http://bellashabby.blogspot.com/ I posted some photos from when we were at Barn House on Saturday.
I hope we see you in Coburg. We shopped there once 3 years ago and filled the truck. :) Good shopping! Sue and Joe
I love looking at all the changes, all the different merchandise, all the different display techniques.
The hanging numbered buckets...love 'em!
Too much vintage hilarity here for one crazy mom! I want to go to Barn House and I want to go NOW!
I just came over from Uncle Beefy - I LOVE your shop!!!!!
Good work fellas!
I wish I could have come. I think you should throw together another sale for tomorrow......my sis is coming from Utah and I know she would love it.
Hey, I found my shutters at Monticello......my friend Emily.....who you bought some things from at the Oregon City sale......she told me about them. They are perfect. You can see them on my personal blog. http://scrap-to-my-lu.blogspot.com
i'll be back in Seattle (for good!) in October and you can bet your sweet bippy i'll be stoppin the barn house for an event! put me on you email list now j&j! i cannot WAIT to throw on my wellies (because we know it will be raining) and stomp through your lovely goodies.
RE: your comment on my blog...if you come to Central Oregon let me know!
I'll see (meet) you both at your show in Sept...can't wait!
And here I thought I left a comment days ago - what is wrong with me?! I am so happy that your sales are going well - I knew the first time I heard about them through Queen of Tarte's blog that it was going to be something special. Looking forward to seeing you soon! Oh , and I saw that comment you left on Brooke's blog about not staying with me - I'm gonna get you for that!
You two are workaholics!!! But everything looks wonderful as usual.
Def missing the best two good lookin male models in WA!!
Hoping to come back and visit sooner than later!!
The site looks amazing!!
Take good care!!
Oh my good golly....I am wishing that I was there....be still my heart. Soon, baby, soon! Looking forward to fall...feels like fall this weekend! Thanks for stopping by to say howdy....and right back at 'cha.
Smiles ~ Ramona
Oh my, you guys are on a roll! So sad that I've had to miss your last couple of events. I wish I could tell you when my first would be...only it's had to be put on hold. I'll be posting all about it on my blog soon. THanks so much for your interest-for now it looks like I am going to have to live vicariously through you two! :-) Keep up the good work-looks amazing!
I could just shop and shop all day,,,wow,,if I only lived near by,,stunning just stunning the photos are so wonderful, Lisa
O.K. why am I just now finding out about this???? I have to come for the next show. I have a little boutique that needs a bit of what your selling there!!!! Please.......let me in. PLEAZZZZZZ!!!!
Oh what a grand show it must have been (again)! Sorry I missed this one... hope to see you all at one in the near future! :)
(Still hoping and looking for a certain peach cobbler recipe... anyone? anyone? *grins*)
Hey BH Boys time for another post, it is pitiful when I have to comment twice on the same one...Like I have nothing else I should be doing?
Just wanted to let you know that I was going to ask why you are using Picasa for your slide show and how you decided that was what you should choose instead of the countless other options!
Somehow happened as I was looking at yours, I figured it out! Thanks for the help!
See ya Sunday!
Don't come looking for the slide show yet I just now figured out which host to use..Now how do I decide which pictures???
Oh the yearning! I cannot miss another one! I miss you guys and can't wait to see your sweet faces! Did you take these pics? They are wonderful...Mable is jealous!
I nominated you guys for an award!
Okay guys--I've nominated you for an award cause your blog is fab! Please visit my blog to check it out!
I must have that typewriter! Cocokelley and I will be there 10/18 :)
sounds like a complete success! i hated to miss this one but will be there on the 20th no question!
Wow, you guys are so cute! I love your chickens, goats and sheep. I love your barn house. I love your aesthetic. I love the wonderful pictures of your events, and would love, love, love to see a fall themed event. I'm sure ya'll would do it up great. Keep on keepin on guys! The only thing I hate is living so far away.
Pssst....(she whispered while knocking on your computer door). Isn't it about time for a new post? I keep peeking in to see the same thing. Get with the program you two!! I want to know who's in for the September Barn House event. It's only days away you know!! ha!
Hugs and more hugs, Aleta
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