Geez, we can't believe it's already been a couple of weeks since our opening. Joe has been running himself ragged shopping like a mad man. That $$$ from the first event didn't take long to start burning a hole in his pocket. I think he was out early the day after the event to get his "fix." I, on the other hand, have been sitting on the porch (recovering) with a .22 pistol hunting the bunnies that are ravaging our gardens! Not really...that would have been MUCH more productive than what I have actually been doing on the porch (in recovery). BUT, I can say that it is exhausting to watch Joe run in and out of the house with truck loads of stuff to price...hence, more recovery time was needed and no new blog could be added (sorry).

Joe has been branching out of our neck of the woods with Natalie (Sparrow) and Sylvi (
Little Cottage). Sylvi has some great pictures on her brand new blog of a few items she will be bringing...I know there will be more to come! On one of the excursions with Natalie (Sparrow aka The Master Finder of Primitives), Joe stumbled upon this table full of Ironstone and other treasures. Some of the Ironstone (the largest bowls and platters I have ever seen) are not pictured as they are trying to find a place in the Barn House "Home Collection." Yes, he really has an illness.

And even though it sometimes feels like winter is still upon us, he has been finding lots of old concrete and other garden treasures too!!

Thanks for all of the wonderful comments about our opening event!! We had such a great time that we plan on doing it all over on June 28th...with our featured guests: Sylvi (Little Cottage
), Cindy Dockins (
Queen of Tarte), Natalie (Sparrow--and one day she will get that blog up-and-running...yes you, Natalie), and Susan & Chrissy (Couture Junquie). And the baby chicks will be there to greet you too!!
Oh, and we are VERY excited to announce we will be vendors at the very first
Flourishes Flea Market at Mt. Pleasant on June 21st!! Aleta and Bill's place is truly magical...the beautiful view of the Columbia River, the Historic 1800s school house (now converted into a home) and old wood gymnasium and barn (we have serious barn envy)!! We can't wait...thanks Aleta and Bill for the invite!! :o)
J & J
Can some one tell me how to add a link?? I tried to link our friends sites into the post and apparently it didn't work (not the first time). Help??!!
First you type, say BARNHOUSE, then go back and highlight the word/name, hit the link icon (up there with all the other little ding-bats;- for this & that) and the drop menu will open up! Fill in the URL. Ta-ta!!!
Joe is amazing in his way! We went shopping today and he filled up the trunk. Me... well, that was so embarrassing! I can't show pictures till I have gathered more this weekend -MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!
I'm loving all the concrete!
I have a How to hyperlink tutorial on my blog in the right side bar about 1/2 the way down.
You can send me an email if you have any questions.
Goodies Galore! Glad to see that you are back in the saddle :-)
Looks like lots of good stuff! Glad to hear you both are recovering...just in time to do it all again!
Looks like some new fabulous finds!
Still wishing I were closer - although my husband might not :)
Welcome back guys!! I have been having such a great time ohhing and ahhhing at all of your pictures from the event. Since I can't be there right now, I'm living vicariously through your pictures!! Great job and thank you so much for sharing. xoxo Catherine
I had a surprise visit from Natalie, who brought Joe along. What a neat surprise. I saw them later driving in her van, yep, they were hunting, and I was following (you know, this is a one-stop-light-community) this van that had a great big long bench attached to the roof LOL. I kinda chuckled, then it dawned on me, "That's Natalie and Joe!!" Guess they found a few treasures and I can't wait to get to see the next sale!! Karen
Glad the tutorial was of help. Now you'll become a fiend hyperlinker like the rest of us!
Cute stuff! I am in washington also! Do you have a shop online?
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