Folks have probably been wondering what we have been up...as we have been a bit MIA from blogland. A couple of months ago, we decided to step off of the crazy-train and vowed to spend more time taking care of home and spending more time with our loved ones. And that's exactly what we have been doing.

Shortly after the cry-baby grandkids pulled it together, we all ventured out of Grandma's adobe house and into the beautiful town of Tecolote, New Mexico...
There were six of us on this walk. At times, we silently reflected on what had just transpired...the healing that mended our hearts and soothed our souls. Being in this little town where Grandma has spent most of her life was incredibly special. Brenda and Roseanne trusted us enough to share this little piece of heaven that they keep very much protected. It will forever be a sacred experience...and we will protect it too. You can't find friends like these often in life...Thanks B & R!!!
After a relaxing and healing trip to New Mexico, the holiday season was kicking into high-gear. Thanksgiving was here at our place with the Tarte Family, then there was the Christmas Show with the Monticello Family, and Christmas Tamale-Making with Sparrow and Little Cottage, and even more Christmas fun was had down in The Land of Tarte. Joe and I swam deeply in our favorite holiday indulgences - Pate, Pumpernickel Bread, Cornichons and Champagne (and now I have to lose 25 pounds of holiday madness--yes 25--poor me!)...
And our fun didn't end there! After coming back from Tarte Land, we had some visitors from the Big City of Los Angeles. This is little Mia Sol, getting her first taste of Country Living. Isn't she just too cute!?!? Seems like her Uncle Joe is teaching her a bit of the Two Step...
And this is Mia Sol's older sister, Laila Golden. EVERYbody works on the farm when they come visit -- no exceptions! ;o) Miss Laila had some chores to do each morning. "Child, go on out there and fetch me them eggs! And don't forget to feed Harpo, Squeek and Celie while you are out there!!"
We had SOOO much fun with our friends and their fearless little girls. One of our Paternal instincts started kicking in (a little late in life, I reckon). "Now, just how would we get some healthy hard working children around here," we asked ourselves. Hmmm, that may be kinda tricky...LOL
WOW...look at these little Supermodels working the BH fashion-pasture runway!!!
Yes, less working/blogging, and more rest and quality time with our loved ones. That's been the theme here at Barn House for the past few months. And it has been AWESOME!!!
During this little break, we have been recharging our batteries for the next chapter for Barn House -- Barn House Marketplace -- our new Online Store!!The bones for the site are in place and it is looking fantastic!! We have LOTS of work to do still, and it will surely be a mad dash to the finish line. But in true Barn House style, it will all come together in the end. Did I mention anything about the very talented invited guests we have for the opening...or anything about the HUGE give-aways we are working on?? Well, I better save a little bit to share for next time, which will be soon! The Boys Are Back In Town!
Barn House Marketplace
Shop Barn House Online
Grand Opening - January 28th!!!
J & J
The Boys of Barn House
LOVE your blog...and oh my!!!! Mia Sol and Laila Golden are absolutely gorgeous! I love their names too!
Oh I am excited. I started following your blog just as you guys went MIA and I am so glad you are back. I love all the photos and your positive outlook. I cant wait to read more!
Hi J&J!
Your writing is simply wonderful. I think I heard Grandma whisper too! Brought tears to my eyes. She is absolutely beautiful. Incredible pictures.
Hope to see you at Cindy's. Sure miss you two.
So excited... I'll be counting down the days!
Ludmil and I could not be more pleased to see the well deserved story Robin wrote about BarnHouse in Somerset. It was such a delight to have been included. I am sure it's one of many publications in which you will be featured in the days to come. Happy, health, successful New Year to you both. Love Linda and Ludmil
I am so glad that you boys are back. I can hardly wait to see your new store or grab up a copy of Somerset.
I actually met Jerome in Oregon City at the Street sale...sort of. I grabbed his arm as he was walking by and said "I read your blog!!" Smooth, I know...that's how I roll. I was kind of like meeting a rock star..only he is a Junk Star.
Good luck in this new year!!
Leslie @ Orphaned Decor
Love your blog and soon we can shop ONLINE - can't wait.
Can't wait to see your online shop! It's on my calendar... BTW...you hire the cutest models for your blog..(wink, wink) Hoest, those girls are beautiful...nice to hear from you and hope the 'in-betweens' aren't so far apart from now on...:-)
Tami E.
Oh...and your photos...great!
I loved the story and how you were able to honor your needs. There is something to be said about listening to our inner self. I will be anxious to see your new adventure. I have gotten the Summerset magazine and loved the beautiful work that Robin did, what a blessing to have her come in to all our lives. Hugs to you both. Florence
forgot to tell you congrats on the article...I'll stop and look for it tomorrow...that mag is always so beautiful......
Jermonne, I don't even know what to say... this may be my favorite blog post ever! You captured the spirit of everything so well!
Wishing both of you a fabulous 2010! You're off to a great start... Laurie
So glad y'all are back, I've missed you! It was funny I was working on my things this weekend get ready for the show next weekend, and the whole time I kept thinking of all the pics I've seen of your space at your shows and was wishing you would magically appear to help me with mine. Oh if that ever happened, well I'd be beyond the clouds. Linda showed me the article and it was fabulous. Congrats and blessings for a wonderful New Year to you both!
I just picked up this magazine today. I have not even opened it. What a surprise. Can't wait to get my tea and blanket and look thru it.
You guys!!! You always move me with your posts... Grandma looks so sweet! And Mia and Laila are simply adorable...!!! Hope to see you soon!
Welcome Back Joe & Jermonne, and what a wonderful post! Your words and photos take us all on a part of your journey... your sweet Grandma's spirit and the beautiful faces of your nieces renews us. Thank you so much for generously sharing your 'retreat', your lives, and your talent with so many.
Congrats on the Somerset article and the new Marketplace. We are excited to see all that unfolds for you in the coming year... continued blessings to you both!
'DeBob' @ Retreat
I'm crying a river over here;- The old Grandma is way to cute ;o)
Look at the kettle on the stove! Who has that nowadays? Wish I could have met her too!
The moments captured of your little friends are GREAT & I can only imagine that they must have had haydays at The Farm!
Thanks for sharing ;o)
PS Put aside a copy of SL for me, please.
Working on my treasures for the 28th!!!!
Congratulations on the magazine, the girls are absolutely adorable and can't wait for the online launch!
Looks like 2010 is ringing in wonderfully right for you guys....love the photos and adventures you shared with this post! Can't wait to see the BH Marketplace!!!
Your words invite us into your world and we are honored. How nice a visit you had and those that visited you had.
I am looking forward to the online store. Living in Vancouver, B.C. I have not made it to a single event you have held because for some reason they are always on the same weekends when I have other commitments.
I was going to start telling people this year I was busy EVERY weekend just in case you held an event. Now I can have a life and maybe pick up some of your fabulous finds.
Oh...welcome back and happy new year! What a delightful post, full of love, magic and good ole fun. The photos are fantastic...the people beautiful and the food looks terrific. Nothing like family and friends to fill you up.
The magazine article was lovely and it was like a breath of fresh air to see the BH beauty on the printed page (although being there in person IS the best).
Congrats and waiting, waiting, waiting for the webstore launch.
You have been missed tremendously. Thank goodness for the good old fashioned telephone! While I had heard how lovely your past few months have been, the photos really capture how wonderful it has been. It was nice of you to not have told me how GORGEOUS those little girls were - you knew I would have found an excuse to come hang out with them, didn't you...?
Looking forward to the launch of the store, and to seeing you sometime soon.
Much love,
Beautiful pictures and wonderful post. Being in the presence of someone 100 years old must be enchanting. The kids are adorable too. Glad you got renewed and are ready for 2010,
Well after this fantastic blog post I can't stop crying long enough to write something witty, profound, or even comment on all the fabulousness of it all.
Happy New Year guys! May 2010 be spectacular for you both.
I love your blog, it's so inspiring! The photos are all beautiful, as well as the writing, I actually teared up when I read about the blessing, what an honor that must have been. Congrats on getting into Somerset Life, I can't wait to see the article. ~Theresa
I loved seeing your pictures from your time away :) Sweet. Wonderful. Inspiring. Wishing you loads of success with the new online shop!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful, wonderful post..People are the important thing as you have shown. A few antiques dosen't hurt either! Magic in the new year!
So nice to see pics of you guys recharging your batteries with loved ones. Best wishes for your online venture!
Welcome back Boys! Glad to hear all is well and moving forward.I can't wait for the grand opening, I'm very excited to see what you have for us............
Beautiful post like always and those lil Girls... oh how I miss those days.They grow up before you know it.
I am not new to your blog, just changed my blog name.
Hope to see you at Tarte this month.......Chow 4 now
Thank you for the heads up! Congrats, and a big 'bout time! Did a whole post about it today. See you soon,xx Susan
so good to hear what yo have been up too lately!! Glad to see you have been making the most of some great times....
xoxo, Tiffany
You guys are AWESOME ! So glad that I discovered you...and I just can't wait to see what's to come with your new venture ! Thanks for the inspirations !
I don't know what Grandma whispered, but for some reason it made me teary eyed too just thinkin' about it. :) You boys are full of such love and surround yourself with beautiful people, those baby girls are gorgeous!! I wish you the best of luck with your new online store, I know it will be a huge success!
Too much! You guys are the greatest! I could spend all day looking at your pictures. I wanna come and visit.
WOW, Jermonne, what a beautiful post! Beautiful people, beautiful sentiments and beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing. I needed this today. You're an angel.
Love you both,
OH yes, and the next time I go to the city, I will get myself a copy of this much loved magazine! Congratulations!! Way to go with the online store too! I'll be visiting.
OH... and especially Jermonne and Joe, good on you for taking a break to recharge and be refreshed and nourished by the love and beautiful surroundings. I'm sure your hearts were enlarged even more while you were clearing your minds!
Rock ON!
Great Pictures, the children are so beautiful! And you certainly dohave a supermodel in your midst!
I'm counting down the days for your on line store!
Glad you are both having a great year so far.
A wonderful post! You had me in tears miles away!! Do you have room for one more friend? Your visitsi sounded heavenly. Yahoo... I can't wait for the online store to open. I don't always leave a comment but love to pop in from time to time. Have a golden day! xo
What a really great post! We all should slow down and listen to our souls more often. Love grandma and the beautiful little ones! I's sure you learned tons from them...old and young. Looking forward to the new online MarketPlace. Best wishes.
Looks like you are definitely savoring the moment(s), looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
Dear Joe and Jermonne,
You are both a sacred wind blowing through the heart of Clark County and now International Dudes as well. You look great in print. New Mexico holds many of my relatives and precious family also.
Happy New Year and whispered BLESSINGS, Erin
I purchased that magazine as soon as I saw you guys just inside. How exciting. Can't wait to see your online store. Love all of the photos.
I think I have Barn envy!!! The symptoms are:
1. searching your blog daily
2. Dressing up like Joe and Jerome.
3. Wondering if my neighborhood is zoned for chickens and goats...
4. thinking about buying a couple of haybales for decorating the backyard
5. planning to call my next garage sale A Barn Show!!!
What a wonderful trip you took to see family and friends. A much deserved rest, indeed. Blessings to you as you start your new on-line business. Can't wait to see the results of your hard work....
You boys Rock! Two (2) dif Mg's I saw just a peek of the new Flea Market Style Mg.......oh my I can't wait to get it in my hot lil hands.
What a beautiful post! I love the picture of Joe and Grandma. So happy for you both...can't wait until the big launch!
WAY to GO, boys!!!! We're all so proud. Robin's article was so beautifully done and so true to what you create for all of us fans...pure magic.
You're just the most special guys...I just can't express enough how wonderful it has been to get to know you.
Can't wait to see what you've got on the on-line store....
Love this post . . . you are both truly blessed . . . enjoy every minute of it!! . . . liz
I am sooo excited for your new venture. If only the Barn House was closer to Michigan (or vice versa). Good Luck
I enjoy your blog. The story about the cows finding love got me hooked. Lovely photos as well. Best of luck with your new biz adventure! Thanks for sharing your stories with us. Inge
I cried.
Always take care of you.
Hugs from Poland,
Congratulations! The article is beautiful and amazing...you have such talent and it shows all over the pages. You so deserve to be featured.
those were great photos!
I heard a great saying the other day I think you'll like: "a day in the country is worth a week in the city"
farm life is so dang good.
Welcome back in the ring guys! I've missed you. Such a sweet post. Can't wait for your online store.
Sorry I've been so long in visiting...better late that never, right? Lots going on I see. So glad y'all took the time for yourselves. Recharging is always a good idea. The girls are precious...especially that last photo.
Good luck with the new venture or should I say ADventure!
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