The preparation for our 2nd Season Opening was certainly the most difficult of any show we have EVER done. To say the stress was intense would be an understatement. But even in the most challenging times, an undercurrent of love was at the core of the experience. "Enjoy the journey! Yes, we MUST enjoy the journey!" Without a doubt, the journey was worth the end result. "Love, Friendship & Family" was the theme of the day and it was so dense in the air, you could cut it with a knife. There is something amazing about this community we have stumbled upon in the Pacific NW. So far away from our own families, we have been embraced in ways we could have never imagined by so many wonderful people here. It is absolutely AMAZING! We feel very honored and privileged to call so many of you friends and family. Thank you for taking us in...
As most of you know, this show couldn't have happened with the talent and hard work of many, many folks, aka The BH Family. We had almost TWENTY people working hard before and during the show to pull this all off!! The Boys of BH must first thank our dealers & friends for all of their hard work and dedication: Natalie (Sparrow), Slyvi (Little Cottage), Cindy (Tarte), Debbie & Laurie (Worthy Goods), Julie (The Withies) and new to the BH familia is Leah (Art by Leah -- weren't her paintings beautiful??).
And then there were all of the additional Friends/BH Angels that ran around like crazies with the rest of us - Diana & Donna (Annie, Fannie & Abigail), Rebekah (Little Byrd), Robin (Bird Tweets), Kathy (Katherine's Folie) and her lovely sister Carrie (aka, "Bertha"--lol), Florence (Essences of the Past) and our 4 Road Warrior Parking Gents (Patrick's Parking Crew). Oh...and I MUST thank Sylvi's husband Wade for coming through on all the extra lighting for us (we owe you big!). The only person not able to make it was The King of Tarte...we missed you B!!!

The Boys of Barn House and The Barn House Family
P.S. - Once I dry my eyes, I can't wait to share some stuff that really shouldn't be shared (The BH DRAMA!). "What goes on in this-here house, needs to stay in this house!" BUT, since I cancelled my subscription/prescription to US Weekly, I look forward to our BH Friday Moonshine Happy Hour and spilling the beans about Natalie's meltdown, Sylvi's tirade about "The Boys" stealing her light bulbs over-and-over, Joe's "Big Talk" with Debbie & Laurie, our big "trick" on Kathy & Carrie (including Carrie's horrible job the day of the event) , Cindy (they don't call her The Queen of Tarte for nothing) painting signs at 2 am a few hours before the event in her new line of NW Junkers Lingerie...and you won't want to miss what I am pretty sure I heard our Auntie Joy say as she was walking out the doors--did anyone else hear it or am I crazy??) WE LOVE OUR LIVES! HEE HAAAAAAAAW!!
I love your blog!! Wish I could have attended the barn House sale but I live in Mass!! I did manage to go to Brimfield this week. Come check my blog out for pics, I would love to switch links with you if you wanted to!!
Thanks, Keri
I would have loved to have been there, hopefully in July I can be a shopper. :) Your friendships really shine through in your photos, and you can tell you LOVE what you are doing. :) See you at the Farm Chicks show!
Your day turned out perfect, the barn was beautiful and the ditto for the weather. See you at Farm Chicks.
oops wrong blog...
You said it all so well Jermonne!!! I love you! Laurie
Barn House Boys you have set the bar to be high and you delivered and I thank you.
Oh my goodness! I had such a fun time at the Barn show! I just love that you are so near where I live! (Only half an hour away although I would have traveled even further to get there :-) The weather was perfect and everything was so lovely! Thank you soo much for putting on such a darling show and being so talented and sweet! I hope you have a fabulous night!! hugs!! Britt :-)
Loved reliving the sale through this post. Can't wait to hear the behind the scenes "dirt."
Well, it looks like another one of your amazing events. Everything looks unbelievably fabulous in your photos, and those on other blogs. If I was closer, I would be there in a heartbeat. Alas, I am in another country, far away from you, and very, very disappointed about that when it comes to Barn House events!
Looks like a great event! Wish I could have been there, but alas, I'm too far away in Indiana. Maybe some day I can visit the Barn House. Best Wishes!
Reading your blog always makes me smile - and I needed a smile today !
You guys are the best. I think it goes both ways... People taking you in up here, you taking people in, making them feel special and part of something really wonderful. Cry baby J - lol!
This Canadian would have come down but had to attend a wedding. I suppose I could have skipped it and told them I was shopping for a special wedding gift for them. Nah, I don't think I could have gotten away with that. Plus that would also mean giving up something great I had bought down there.
I'll aim for July. The pictures are killing me in the nicest possible way though. I hope I'll make it.
Cry-Baby J and Joe-the-Streak . . . you and your sistas made it POP!!! Moments like this are made through gritty work and lots of passion. You chase the dull away from ordinary life--great job!!!!!!
See ya at Farm Chicks,
Stop, you're making ME cry! Oh my gosh, Jermonne! I am so happy for you all. I'm only so sorry I had to miss it. UGH! Ok Sweetie, I can't miss the next one!
Hugs hugs hugs, and Congratulations!
"even the people in the hills who just came down to eat our cake and leave."
I'm laughing so hard at that and will for a long time.
SO sorry I got lost and had to turn back.
Christine ~ Zwee!!!!!!
Drats!! So sorry I had to miss it! Everything looked just amazing and beautiful! Congrats on another great show!
Hi guys,
Thanks again for a wonderful event!
The teamwork were great, but without your vision it would have been impossible to pull off!
Gee, how many times did you have to borrow THE SAME lightbulb??? Like a thousand;- & the shades went hanging like a dead flag on the base! Yes, really :o)))
So amazing! I want to come to the next one soooo bad. Are you going to Farm Chicks?
I love you "Barn People" and your blog (yes I am the one who called you Barn people). I hope to make it to your next event.
Much love,
it sounds and feels more like a wedding than a sale! frilly dresses, layered cakes, family friends and tears. i love that you are a cry baby jermonne. it makes me feel better knowing you are paving the way for my own tearful moments. i weep over baby ducks, and sheep her love their poppa and joe looking at you with adoring eyes...yes i saw him doing that! Sometimes it is hard to believe i stumbled into your barn last summer and now here i am being tagged as an angel :)
love to you both. you put on a great wedding!!
Well said! That was so beautifully written...really!!
so glad you did well, but as I have learned too- it's not the 'stuff' but the people around it!
your "stuff" looks great though ;)
What a great little spot! Love your blog.
oh my goodness, goodness gracious ... how i would have loved to be at your season opening ~ it all looks absolutely wonderful. all your hard work and tears will most certainly pay off ~ many congratulations to all of you!
thanks for sharing ~ love your blog,
well, the pictures are great and sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I lived closer. July is just around the corner, you better get going. Let me know when you are coming to CA to the shows. Sandi
SUCHwonderful eye candy. Wish I were there too! Well, maybe not, as my bank account would be in jeapordy!
Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault
Hi J&J!
Thank you so much for being such great hostesses to my sister and I. We had a spectacular time. Boy it got crazy there but that is what makes it sooo much fun! Yeah, funny...the trick. You freaked my sister out & there was no way in Hades she was sleeping in the same bed with me! Thank God she said her Hail Mary's & it was all good. Ha.
Until next time.
Take care. XXOOOOO
Looks like you did a FAB job as always - just dreamy! sorry I missed it!
love your blogsite. if you have time check out my three :) gioni
Oh, Jermonne, you create such suspense and then you leave us hanging....???!! Not fair!!! It truly was a wonderful event, and it felt more like a family reunion than a sale!!! See you both in a few weeks!!
All I can say is .."OMG"!!!
There are really no words ..except .. "I LOVE ALL YOUR BEAUTIFUL STFF" ... I will be back when I have a couple hours for a long vist.
Great Big Hugz ... Betty
It was the perfect day and the perfect way to spend my morning. Of course I loved all the pretty "things" but I loved the atmosphere just as much......
Oh, you guys have my dream life! I am so jealous I am trying to spread the jealousy around by featuring you on my blog xxx
ok um... can I move into your shop? I'll just sleep in the back, no one will notice... This is spectacular! where have you guys been hiding! I'm coming in to do shopping for Galeotti's Restaurant!
Great to meet you yesterday, hope you enjoyed your lunch!
Bethany Joy Galeotti
Irby's 801 E. Main
Everything looks fabulous...I know (kinda) how much work it is. I can't wait to see and read more. Just wish I could have been there.
Thanks so much for sharing with those of us, that can only dream...
Painful - the word that best describes how I feel when I read what I missed!!! Congratulations to you, it sounds like it was a smashing success. I want to see more artwork from Leah...I LOVE what I see in your pics!!! When is her website going to be up??? Looking forward to seeing you at Farm Chicks! Jill
I just get inspired by all the work that you all put into your shows! The addition of the artwork; you found a great artist that just fits the theme of your sales! I hope I can finally get there, when things get a little more settled. Happy Summer!! Karen
I have an award for you over at my blog... Your blog has inspired me so much!
Hi this is Faith just wanting to tell you I love the pics, and so excited about coming to see the barn with my family this summer... My mom is Sandy from The Tattered House.
Faith : )
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