But let me tell you how our trip started -- Already running a few minutes late on the first day of our trip, we get in the truck to find out it won't start. Now I have mentioned we were dangerously packed to the brim, right?? I just about had an anxiety attack right there in the driveway! The thought of having to UNpack the truck before we even left started the wheels in my head to spin out of control. Fortunately, Joe and Cindy know the look of panic in my eyes and took control of the situation. Turned out the battery was dead and needed a jump. So off we went to the auto store for a new battery, rope and heavy-duty tie-downs to make sure our stuff didn't fly off the roof on the highway.
A couple of hours later, we finally get on the road. We laughed hysterically about the looks & comments we got in town with all that stuff. Everything is wonderful...until it starts SNOWING. What the heck! We are on our way to Seattle to do a show in an UNheated building and it is SNOWING. This time it was Joe who panicked. He had already declared that he was "crippled" to the battery installer and couldn't get out of the truck (really b/c he was already frozen and could barely move before we officially left town). "What kind of "stuff" is this?? Who lives like this!" he yelled. (He doesn't deal too well with the Spring snow/cold of the NW)
It's not snowing when we arrive in Seattle, but it's still in the 30s. To say the least, none of us was looking forward to unpacking and setting up. I am sure we were all regretting bringing so much stuff. So we pull up to the building we were in and Joe and Cindy leave me in the truck to go "find our space." Uh huh! 20 minutes later, I come to realization that they are not only "finding our space," but have already started shopping from the other vendors too! I won't bore you with all the details (and expletives) of unloading and setting up in the freezing rain, but I bet you can imagine. What I will say is that there are some very special people in this business. The camaraderie between the dealers makes some of the more challenging situations enjoyable. Who wouldn't want to hang out (even in the cold) with with the fabulous Lulu (Luluz), Deb & Bob (Retreat), Debi (Ormolulu), and JOHN/BOB just to name a few. We will be forever in debt to Bob (Retreat) for helping me and Joe get those farm tables down from the roof of the Suburban!! What on earth were we thinking???!!
If you are wondering why this post is not filled with pictures from the show, it's because I caught a serious case of the vapors resulting in severe brain-freeze, Joe was crippled by the shakes and Cindy's shivers were debilitating. By the time I remembered to take pictures, I only took these two of Cindy's space before the rush.

OK...off to celebrate Easter. We still have lots more to share about Joe's face plastered in Old Stuff, Robin in Somerset Life, Susan in Romantic Country, The Land of Tarte event next Saturday in Oregon City, The BH Season opening and our 10 new ducklings (see a video of them on Robin's BirdTweets blog)!
J & J
Barn People
Such a fun post. Saw you in Sand Pointe and loved everything in your space. Have a great Easter!
So so funny! My goodness, the picture of the car with all the stuff on top is priceless! Great post, made me laugh and laugh.
Loved this post. So funny. Thanks for filling us in on your Seattle show. Loved the little duck video on Robin's blog. Was sad when it ended as I could watch those cuties all day long. Hope you are having a lovely Easter!
Hugs to you both!
Always so much fun to read of your (mis)adventures!!!! Keep them coming!! I hope you both have a wonderful Easter day!! Big hug!!
I like farm tables, do you have any pics of it right side up???? Tell us what is selling well at the shows....When are you coming to Alameda, CA? Let me know when I will try to be there... I have a few people I would like to meet in person. Did you buy a lot of stuff to bring home with you?? Happy Easter, Sandi
Jermonne, you have got the gift of storytelling!!! Even though I knew how your day went, I loved reading this account of it!
SO glad you three came to Sand Point, and that we had the pleasure of meeting you in person. You 'Barn People' are quite a kick in the pants!
Bob says no problem, he was happy to help (he's always 'that guy' who helps) and we are both looking forward to seeing the 'BarnHouse Hillbilly Wagon' at Farm Chicks in June!
You barn house people are having too much fun. I loved the photo of the truck and trailer, what an adventure, the stories to be told oh my. In my book you are the barn house boys. I can hardly wait until your open house. I am in Montana right now hope to be home for the Queen of Tarte Sale on Saturday. I loved your baby ducks. Florence
Great post! Too bad no pics. Oh well there's always next time. Hope you boys have thawed out from the cold weather! Maybe you should come down to sunny California for a buying trip at the big show this weekend!! Take care. The Vintage Husband
I just hate selling in the cold....our new garden center has no heat either and it can get nasty cold in there :)
You are hilirious! I love your posts, always look forward to them. :) I will be lookin' for you "Barn People" at upcoming shows.
What a great post!
I just popped on over from Talkin' Trash w/ Deb's blog, and we Would LOVE to have you Boys Over in Texas!!!!
xoxo trailer trash
lol!!! you are so funny!! what a crazy adventure!! :-) I hope you had a fantastic Easter and I hope you have a wonderful week!! huge hugs!!!! Britt :-)
I loved seeing you in Sand Pointe... even if I was alittle star struck by the "Barn people". :)
I would have taken MORE pictures had I known I would have a MENTION in your blog! Cant WAIT to see you boys again.. complete with a picture of the 3 of us!
Reading your blog always makes me smile!
Lisa and I had a fab time meeting all of you at Sand Point, and trying not to drool all over your gorgeous booth. See you at Farm Chicks!
Beth of the Salvage Studio
It was a kick having you guys and the queen at Sand Point. I did get around to take photos early in the day but I did not have time to really talk to many people.
Usually, I get to talk after 3:00 pm, when we stop selling tickets. However, this time a new customer came in and bought nearly all of my Indian artifacts. He would spend a few hundred dollars and leave. A few minutes later he would come again ... and again ... and again. He did not leave until well after 6 pm. He just kept buying from dealers who were still breaking down their booths. He was even buying objects out of cars and trucks and trailers.
I do have photos and will post them on my Blog:
What Debi did with chartreuse and white you did with black and white.
Yet your booth had a spacey’ ness which was very inviting.
I watched buyers enter your booth scratching their heads, but when they left they were grinning from ear to ear. I was left wondering myself: “What on earth are they talking about?” So, I entered your booth, with both ears looking like Mighty Mouse. And, what was everyone talking about? YOU! And the Queen. People were thrilled that the three of you were at Sand Point. As a matter of fact, so was I.
Hope to see you again, soon.
She sounds like Karen from Will & Grace. You Barn People are indeed the best! I laughed a good deal through this brilliantly written post, dear Jermonne.
It did my heart good to see that you do know your English grammar very well. SO many people don't get it that "none was" is the correct usage, and you did it right! "No one was".
Loved every word!
Christine (AKA~ Zwee!)
you are such an entertaining story teller. I loved hearing about your adventures!
Had to stop by after seeing Robin's post at Bird Tweets! This is a delightful spot to visit and I will be back! (Your ducklings are four-star and the sheep she posted were pretty cool, too! Oh -- to live closer than Michigan!)
OMG, I am the crazy lady who called you the "Barn People" only because my brain was frozen on that cold Sunday monring. I love your stuff and wish I had more $$$ that day becuase I only bought some buttons and scrabble tiles. Your booth was amazinly displayed and very well edited. I promise from now on to address you as the lovely and talented, visionary designer Barn People and to bring lots of cash. Much Love, Julie
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