Drastic times call for drastic measures! Over a month ago, we knew the clock was ticking on our opening and we had to cut out some of our guilty pleasures (aka, time wasters). We actually turned off ALL 200+ channels (many in HD) of our satellite TV so that we could focus more on BH. Now, the biggest, most beautiful, gorgeous and nurturing TV in the world sits with a very blank stare on her facing asking "Where did our love go?" I also went as far as canceling my subscription to US Weekly (and how I looked forward to checking the mailbox every Friday for that absolute garbage). You would think getting rid of these two things alone over a month ago would have allowed us to be on schedule. Not exactly... We ended up falling in love with our little duckies and did a lot of duck watching...I got "bullied" (by Lynne G.--Yes, I am calling you out!) into joining Facebook and got caught up in a web of family and friends I haven't heard from in decades...AND we decided we reeaallly needed an iPOD (since we don't have TV). Now, we have been spending time downloading music (it's really for the shows, right!?)
After realizing the clock was ticking and the show was REALLY just around the corner, we ran into another issue. We had been away from The Barn (watching TV) for a long time and really had not just sat and listened to what "she" wanted for her big transformation and debut into the 2009 BH Season (she doesn't like wearing the same thing twice, you know). So there we sat...thinking our thoughts...waiting for a sign...sipping on a little moonshine maybe at times...arguing about whose fault it was as to why we weren't hearing anything yet...having staring contests...etc. Well, apparently "she" decided at the 3 week mark before the season opening that all would be revealed. So, here we are...SCRAMBLING!
The Barn wanted a bigger entry/welcoming area equipped with a Big & Elaborate Structure, new fence and a ton of gravel for flooring. The Barn also wanted a new back drop...and additional lighting. She also wanted Big & Elaborate Structure inside...a new check out area and a new check out counter. AND she wanted us to finish a bunch of other stuff that slipped through the cracks last year. She ALSO asked for wood floors for the interior, but that's where we had to draw the line. SHE'S GREEDY ONCE SHE STARTS TALKING!!!!
The goods are piled up everywhere!!
Joe and I hit a JACKPOT this weekend...one of those JACKPOTS that requires 2-3 trips to pick it all up...one of those JACKPOTS you wouldn't tell ANYone the address because the stuff is sooooo good! We were giddy all day!!!
Oh, and I can't forget to mention our Featured Dealers!!! They will be bringing their treasures for the next week filling the joint to the brim...
Sylvi - Little Cottage
Natalie - Sparrow
Debbie & Laurie - Worthy Goods
Cindy - The Queen of Tarte
Julie - The Withies
and new to The BH Family, Leah - Art by Leah
I will be talking about them more this week...but it's after midnight and I have to be somewhat presentable at The Torture Chamber tomorrow.
OH...and THANKS to all of the folks that have left such warm and encouraging comments. I am REAAAALLY behind on getting back to everyone...I hope you understand. We have a very greedy barn...
J & J
The Boys of BH / Barn People / Barn Enablers