Well y'all...our Season Finale was more than we could have imagined!! Our goal was to create something mystical, magical and very different from any of our previous shows. We also wanted to celebrate the first year of Barn House AND celebrate with all of the wonderful people who we have met and who have supported us in this crazy journey. To say the least, it quite a party!!

We stayed up most of the night cooking in preparation. Then there was getting up extra early for "hair/make-up/costumes" and putting the final touches on everything. Of course, there is NEVER enough time...even if you go to bed at 2am and wake up at 4am.

SOOO, you know there were a few things that still needed to get done and we were rushing around like lunatics in the morning. I had forgotten that we ran out of paper for Miss Honey-Money (our credit card machine) at the previous show. So the night before the show, Natalie volunteered to stop and get some for us. BUT, who would have thought she wouldn't want to have paper loaded in her RIGHT BEFORE THE EVENT???? Yes, Drama!! So 15 minutes before we opened I was on the phone with customer service trying to get her to cooperate. Because this is not her first "stunt," I have another name for her that I can't really share at this time.

Earlier that morning, Barry (aka,
King of Tarte) was rushing to the store get all the other stuff we forgot...
Cindy was STILL trying to glue on her black-feathered-fierce eyelashes...Joe was running in circles with eye-liner in one hand while trying on different outfits with the other...our FIVE friends from New Mexico were upstairs fighting over the last little bit of remaining hot water. I, having only a couple of hours of sleep, thought it was a good idea to start preparing the mimosas. The only problem was the champagne was still at the house...so I (sleep-deprived) thought it was easier to load 6 magnums of champagne in the passenger side of the pick-up and drive to The Barn, but "accidentally" slammed on the brakes causing one of the bottles to roll off the seat onto the floor (where I had some of the other bottles) -- Yes, a champagne EXPLOSION was upon me!!!! Just in case you were wondering why my Gothic make-up was a little smeared, this is why...

Speaking of mimosas...we didn't realize some people wouldn't read the big old sign next to the dispenser. We will admit, orange juice + champagne does look like just plain old orange juice in a beautiful glass apothecary-style dispenser--especially if you didn't read the sign (or have never heard of a mimosa). One young woman guzzled down about two or three cups before realizing she felt a little funny. "OMG, does this have alcohol in it???? I have never drank...it's against my religion!!!" OOOPS!!! Leave it to The Boys of Barn House and
Queen of Tarte to corrupt the innocent with our shenanigans. Fortunately, she eventually found a lot of humor in the situation and signed a waiver not to sue us.

From the bottoms of our hearts, we thank all of you who have come out to Barn House to support us!! Your participation had made these past several months absolutely amazing!! Merci Beaucoup!!!

So now we need to apologize for being a bit M.I.A the past few weeks. After the show ended and our close friends headed back to New Mexico, we have had a bit of "Post-Season Depression." We haven't replied to your comments, and barely have been replying to calls and e-mails. Before the show, one of our goats (Nettie) got really sick. She ended up not making it and died a few days after the show which was really hard on us both. Needless to say, the last show of 2008 has been a little bitter-sweet. We thought we would be happy to have a break from the hectic pace. Now, we miss it all. I think I even miss all those creepy dolls and doll heads that lurked in the corners...

We are really going to miss snatching up strangers and hugging them just for being here! And seeing and hugging all of our friends every month. Yes, we have been a little off-track. But slowly, the inspiration has been coming back. Joe and Cindy headed out last weekend with a trailer full of treasures for "The Magic of Mistletoe" show that
The Waltzing Witches (
Terri, Kat and Robyn) put together. Their wonderful show full of amazing artists/vendors and an incredible turnout of customers!

Joe and Cindy were embraced by Terri, Kat and Robyn and had an absolute blast!!!

I couldn't make it to the show unfortunately, but from everything they told me, the show was great! And not to be one to miss a party, I am REALLY upset I couldn't go.

In the midst of our post-season depression, we had lost a bit of direction. Our "voice" was gone. We hadn't been visiting blogland because I was dreading having to post anything new. THEN, our close friends and mentors Linda and Ludmil of
Willow Nest introduce Willow Nest Farm...their new Home, Store and Bed & Breakfast in Burton, TX. AND, they step onto the scene with an amazing new hybrid of a blog/website!!! If you haven't seen it, be sure to check it out.
Ma & Pa Willow are doing BIG things out there in Texas!! Something they said about us on their site snapped us out of our funk. Yes, inspiration is upon us! HEE HAW!!!
What's next for Barn House?? Well, we have the 2009 calendar set. In the interim, Joe is working on "Studio BH" or "The BH Studio" or "Basement BH" -- haven't quite figured out the name, BUT it will be our Winter/Spring basement staging for our on-line store that will include special BH treasures and creations. AND we may even have some special events at our house for our best customers!! More to come...
Joe & Jermonne
I'm glad to see you all survived, sorry to hear about the loss of your goat. Thanks so much for including me in your "Finale" with the bread and cakes. Hope that lady didn't become unusually accustomed to mimosas (You weren't talking about me, right LOL) The time is flying so fast, next year is almost here. We're grabbing Natalie this weekend, so don't take her away from us! Karen
So sad about your goat. I love goats! I love all kinds of animals!!~
Your pictures look amazing{as usual}!
So glad to hear that you both survied your busy busy year!! You both deserve a huge pat on the back for what you have created for so many to enjoy!! I am sorry to hear about the lose of your goat friend. Lose is never easy!! Hang in there and enjoy some much needed time to reflect on the past season and gain momentum and excitment for what is ahead!! Hugs to you!! Debbie
Oh gosh, the show was so fab! I brought my hubby and son, and my son was loving the rooster. :) Thanks as always, and hey, most of us had no clue about all the the behind the scenes stuff. [And so sorry about the goat. :( ]
Hi Joe & Jermonne , If the online store is a teeny bit like the Barn House sales it will be fabulous! I've got the 2009 events on the calendar. Take care , Sue
I do hope you boys think about a show on a Sunday...especially in the fall when soccer mom's can't make it on Saturday.Can't wait for the new season...but it is hard to read the dates on the menu.
Oh, I had to go back and read the last part about special events, surely I read where the BH guys were going to make a trip to Texas! Nope, that was just my eyes playing tricks on me. Yes, seeing the King and Queen of magic would get you out of your slump. You should have seen it in person, just magical, as all things Linda does is. Take care & can't wait to read about your events!
BH Underground is what I'm nominating - very chic and sounds like something illicit, ooo lala!
I've gone a bit underground, but speaking of shows, I have an excuse - getting ready for a big LA show Dec. 12-14 in the fashion district California Marts Penthouse - Unique Los Angeles - google it!
Thanks for the kick in the pants boys - expect to see some blogging forth coming.
Welcome back to blogland!
So sorry to hear of the loss of sweet Nettie :-(
Looking forward to more Barn House Tales...
Hey! Welcome back! I bet you both needed a big old rest after the last six months!!
Tell Joe I haven't forgotten about the recipe for the punmkin bread - I will send it over shortly.
Hoping to see you soon!
This has been a memorable season for all who have had the privilege of attending your shows...!! I am always in awe at all you do, and will miss it terribly... I guess I'll have to wait for that Desperate Housewives retreat!!! I, too, am feeling the post-season depression, after such a crazy summer!! So sorry about the loss of your beloved Nettie... Love,
I had the best time! Everything was so beautiful, the treats were yummy, and the mimosa was divine.I felt very pampered and began to wonder how I had fallen into such an enchanted land. For all your loss of sleep and hard work, I think there were many people who felt as I did. I am so sorry about your goat. Animals are true soulmates and to lose one is heartbreaking. Thanks for the delightful experience!
J & J, it's been way too long since I've been able to attend one of your events--working on vintage shows "up north". Always look at your blog; always enjoy it immensely! You're too hard on yourselves, but I understand the letdown you feel when things begin to slow. We all need that seratonin hit, eh?! I've been a bit blue too . . . hang in there! xoxo D.
I'm baaack - finally!
I've missed you guys, I think we all just need to have a BIG BIG party!! Winter is certainly not so "sunny" as summer!(wise words from a wise old woman) I was sorry to hear about Nettie, pain from a loss is very sharp. Give you a hug from me, and lets plan some fun! Who needs the sun anyway?
Wow - amazing post! I wish I could have been there in person! Great displays - can't wait to read the rest of your blog :-)
Hey guys! The show was great, you pulled out all the stops! The mimosa story was pretty funny. How's that poor woman doing by the way? I kinda like Brooke's suggestion: BH Underground...
Miss you, love you!
A bg Texas size good morning to you my dears!!! Glad to have you "snap out of it" remember that scene with Cher and Nicholas Cage? Your Pappa is also very proud of you, as Theresa said the only thing missing on the agenda is a trip to Texas, but I know you will make every effort, especially f we have a Willow Nest Farm event that included a Barn House collection! Now there is something to ponder. Much love ....
Thanks J&J for wishing us well on our Vintage Gathering. It turned out really nice, and there was a great turnout! Karen
Joe and Jermonne,
Congratulations on an amazing year! It was such a pleasure to come to your sales and experience all that is Barn House. You two are GREAT!!! Pam
Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving. Julie
I am so sorry about your goat. Whenever I am there I always make it a point to visit them.
Speaking of...I am a jonesin' for Barnhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A happy belated Thanksgiving Joe and Jermonne.
Take care.
Now look who is behind on posts! I miss you guys and hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I have an egg...all thanks to you! You can see a little photo of our first egg if you are so inclined on my blog. Perhaps not so exciting to you, but thrilling for us.
I am not sure my husband will let me go to another event:) The girls now want a goat.
Wow!...just Wow!
What a magical atmosphere and fantastic event you've put together.
Why, oh why do I have to live on the other side of the country?
I'm making a note of your 2009 event date and maybe I can work out a west coast "vacation". LOL
Thanks for sharing your great photos.
Kimberly :)
A little nudge...new post please! :-)
Christmas decor at the Barn House...?
I'd love to be added to your mailing list for future events!
Looking forward to coming down your way for at least one of your events in 09! You both are so talented, I have really enjoyed cruising your photos. Happy Holidays to you both!
Congrats on a wonderful season.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet goat....losing animals is tough...I know this and it is one of the things you learn living on a farm!!
Looks like a great event! just found your blog thru garden antiqes vintage and love it, thanks for the inspiration!
That so sad about your goat. I had a pet goat when I was little and he meant the world to me. Nice blog!
Hi this is Faith just telling you love the pics so exited about coming this summer with my family... my mom is Sandy from The Tatttered House.
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