I guess I haven’t been to the basement in a while, but Joe has been “sneaking” goods into the house and hoarding them down there. From what I can see, there are baskets, linens, pillows, mirrors, frames, beds, pales, dressers, chairs, garden hats and a million unidentified objects in countless totes. No wonder I am starving to death (but somehow not losing any weight)!!!

Stuff is even on the porch! I guess I got home a little too early before these items were transported out of sight. Caught in the act!!

The barn, basement AND yard are filling up for our opening event!!! We even have a few very special featured guests that will be bringing over some amazing items for the sale (to be announced). Good thing we have more property than we know what to do with. But we guess that is what a Flea Market (or two) are good for! Now we just need a mule to haul some of this stuff around for us.

With the beautiful weather this weekend, we were able to work on the back yard a bit. The pergola we built last summer finally got a coat of much needed white paint (3rd most horrible project year-to-date – right after #1 removing the barn ceiling liner and #2 fixing the chicken coops). BUT, this area is “Wisteria Lane” in the making (five purple wisterias and counting) and home of the official Barn House After-Party!! Won’t you join us for a good old fashioned country show-down???

Just try not to stumble onto any of our favorite purple flowers. :o)
Peace, Love and Antiques!
J & J
Oh, My GooDneSS!!! How I WiSh I could attend this SaLe. I absolutely lovvvvvvvvve your FaRm. I truly enjoy visiting your blog, very InSpiRaTioNaL!
Have a Wonderful Wednesday...
HaPPy PLanTiNg, Pamela
Hi guys,
This is Kim from Flutterby in Yakima...Denise and i met you at Linda's flea market last year and you had GREAT stuff! Can't wait till your grand opening. We'll see you then.
Will you come build a pergola for me - you know - in your spare time! Take care, Martha
you are so funny jermonne! your gardens are looking fabulous... and i see lots of treasures that i need! can't wait!
Looking better and better! So funny about the "hidden items". Love it.
Ha, ha, ha! Keep it coming :-)
The electrician should be coming up there this week, so the barn get get beautiful lighting before the opening!
C u guys soon
I can never sneak anything in...Bill is always with me! Oh the treasures to behold on May 24th!! We'll be there!!
Hugs and hugs, Aleta
I cant wait for your opening ! I will be there, for sure! Thanks for showing us the progress of all your hard work . Im sure it will all be worth it!
Have a great weekend,
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